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Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/05 05:31 am Title: 12

lol funny, keep up the good work, update.

Author's Response: Thanks :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/05 03:02 am Title: 12

Shall I finish off my review (damned thing cut it short! ARGH!) *YEAH HAHAHAHA!!!!! (

Author's Response: LOL ;) you rock!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/05 02:39 am Title: 12

EEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *excited grin & dance* SWEET ASS!!!!!!! YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!! YEAH HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! (

Author's Response: Sweet Ass? LMAO

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/05 03:31 am Title: 11

there's a depth in this story, Mare. i like it so much. :D it's so sweet knowing that Nick felt all safe and trusting towards Kevin. I never had a big brother, and if I were Nick, I'll feel so much lucky to have someone like Kevin watching over me, even though he bullies me sometimes. Because Kevin is so caring, sweet and loving.

Author's Response: Aww thanks Scarlett. I feel the same way. I've always wanted an older brother so I write Kevin the way i'd like my imaginary big brother to be lol

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/05 06:14 pm Title: 11

that was a really sweet chapter and i enjoyed it so much i love my boys they are awesome and your writing is the best!

Author's Response: Thanks Anita you rock! :D

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/05 05:36 am Title: 11

Aww. Poor Nick - I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he DID delete his 'rents numbers from his phones in reality. And he has to talk to Aaron, 'cause ain't he managing Aaron's music career now, since their Mom robbed him blind? I loved how Nick kept secretly thinking things Kevin couldn't hear, but if he did, he'd be concerned/proud and touched. Also, my fave part was: ?Hey old man?make sure you don?t break any bones out there! I?m not allowed to come into the water to save you.? Kevin turned around and gave Nick THE look and Nick couldn?t help but giggle. LMAO!!!! You ALWAYS know how to make me laugh gal! Thank-you! UPDATE A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pEaCe! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: LOL aww thanks Lenni. Yes Kevin gives Nick the look and awful lot it seems in real life!

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/05 04:56 am Title: 11

aww that was kind of sad but a good chapter, UPDATE more.

Author's Response: Aww sorry yes it's going to start getting a little sadder now but also funny I promise lol

Reviewer: Just Marina Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/05 11:46 pm Title: 10

*Applauds* I loved this chapter as much as I am loving this story :)

Author's Response: Aww thanks Maria you rock! :D here have a chicken lol

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/05 05:28 am Title: 10

You know I love you and you know I love this story, I liked how you mixed the happy with the sad, especially with that question at the end " Happy or Sad?" I really can't wait to find out what's going on with Nick, I want some juicy convo's between those two guys. I really didn't want this chapter to end so please update soon.

Author's Response: aww thanks Sam! You are awesome! How's that play going?

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/05 03:50 pm Title: 10

i love you! i love this story! i love Nick! i love kevin! did i say i love you already? OMG, happy tears right now! that was awesome! i really wished you had more to this chapter, i was SO upset when it ended! i wasn't expecting kevin asking 'happy or sad'? man, that must really be an unexpected question for Nick! awesome mare, i applaude you for this! please update again soon mkay? *huggles*

Author's Response: aww thanks Mers :) Huggles to you too and i'l talk to you later!

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/05 03:45 pm Title: 10

yeah that was both funny and serious at the same time great job on doing that mare. this was once again a great chapter and I really enjoyed reading about my boys. Nicky, Kevvy I love you both!

Author's Response: aww lol thanks Anita! I love the little shout outs to NIck and Kevin they are getting them because they are both crowded around my PC reading them with me. lol Happy Easter!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/05 04:41 am Title: 10

LMAO! LOVED the "Which One" game thingy - lol. I'm with Kevin on the polar bears & snow! Hehe. Also, I like how Nick asked what was so important that Kev go fishing today - I think it's sweet Kevin goes fishing on his Dad's birthday. I just wonder if he does that or something along the lines of that in reality on that day. That'd be neat. Really hope Nick talks to Kev soon though - I'm DYING to know just what is bothering him. Probably lots of things - parents divorce, being arrested twice, Aaron on drugs, etc. It's gotta be bad, if he won't even talk to Brian anymore just 'cause the guy's married to Leighanne. Yeesh. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Lenni~ P.S. HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Aww the way you listed those things makes me feel so bad for him. :( poor NIck. He'll be opening up soon :)

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/05 01:49 am Title: 10

this story is making a lot of senseful conversation but i'm still wondering how and when Kevin is going to pop up the subject of concern with Nick... hmmm...

Author's Response: Hey Scarlett, my version of NIck has a hard time oipeneing up but slowly but surely the conversations will start getting more intense. Thanks for reviewing :D

Reviewer: BSBfan4ever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/05 11:32 pm Title: 10

good chapter, update soon.

Author's Response: thanks :D I will

Reviewer: Anastacia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/05 10:19 pm Title: 10

I've been reading, just not reviewing. And, this had a mixed medium of emotions, but I tend to go for happier points. So, I only bare my ass when I'm ready to fart? Dude, that is the M.O. of my entire family! Of course, Momma's gotten a little less fart-icious since I left for college. But, I've got Easter to change that!

Author's Response: LOL well i'd love to be at your family's table when they have eaten franks and beans! Or maybe not heeheehee Thanks for the review, i'm sure your mom would love to know you shared that info with me! lol ;) Have a happy Easter!