Reviews For Pandora's Box
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Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 11:09 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen: Something Precious

Flying Nick and Brian! I love how it hurts Nick to think too hard. LOL... oh and I never mentioned this earlier but damn girl needs to have issues with Nick for calling her stupid... even if he loves her. :p

Author's Response: Aren't they the coolest?!?! ^_^ Well... He is in a lot of pain... And the concept is difficult... Well, she just doesn't. Is that bad? Thanks again for the review! ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 11:00 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen: The Demon Priest

oooh she DOES know... I'm interested in her side, what's going on. (is it bad when you form a fanfic idea off a fanfic? a fanfic of a fanfic... LOL)


Author's Response: Well.... She gets her own chunks of chapters along the way... Granted, her chapter chunks aren't as big as Minako's, but she does get them. ^_^ As to a fan fic of a fan fic, I have never heard of such a creature. But if anyone loved my work enough to write a fan fic about it, I would be most honored... As long as they paid the proper respects of course. ^_^ Thanks again. ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 10:56 pm Title: Chapter Fifteen: Protection

oooh my Brian, such a protective guy. :-D I wonder what Renee would think if she knew Justin was a demon too.... or does she know ... *ta da dum* ... :-D

Author's Response: I knew you'd enjoy it. ^_^ Hmmmm.... I think she does. ^_^ Thanks for the review! ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 09:49 pm Title: Chapter Fourteen: Shattered

Hrm THAT was more the reception I imagined! :-D I don't understand what made her think she was a traitor though... but like I've told you countless times, I'm confused easily when reading this genre.

Author's Response: Was it really so predictable? ^_~ Well... That gets answered later.... Had to make everyone guess first you know, which in part made them hate her, unfortunately. Thanks again for the review! ^_^ And, as far as I can tell, you seem to be hitting everything on the nose, so no worries! ^_^ And as to your other question, I haven't explained it yet, but it will come up soon (for me, unless you read fast and catch up with me). ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 09:02 pm Title: Chapter Thirteen: The Emerald Priestess

ew Justin :( ... I wonder what will happen... I formed a completely different reception from Renee in my mind...

Author's Response: I know... But, he had to be there you know? ^_^ As an author, I really adore his character. ^_^ Well... Renee is a tricky one... Thanks again for the review. ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 06:38 pm Title: Chapter Twelve: Disappear

whoohoo Brian! wow a chapter mentioning light. heehee. You must always give a story at least 100 pages before you decide if you can stop reading or not... a slow start but it is picking up pace.. I'm liking (*looks in fear towards long paragraphs*)

Author's Response: I knew you'd be happy. ^_^ *gasp* You're not supposed to know it's Brian!!!! It's clearly the nameless Brian look-a-like! I don't think you're 100 pages in... Probably only about forty... If I remember correctly... If I get bored... Maybe I'll count and let you know... Well, most expositions aren't sooo exciting... Gotta set up everything, you know? ^_^ I'm glad you like it. ^_^ Thanks again for the review, and they're not soooo scary. ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 05:35 pm Title: Chapter Eleven: To Emeradotouhou

oh what a deceiver... tsk tsk...

I think I know what cardnal demons might be found in the Emerald place.. maybe .. you could surpise me though.

Author's Response: Minako? Yeah... Nick must have gotten hit on the head to fall in love with her. ^_~ Haha. Well... If you read the character list, I would hope you already knew. ^_~ Thanks again Lore! ^_^

Reviewer: Hilda Warren Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 05:12 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Five: Vine Wielder

The intro to life and death was looong. Of course, it had a lot to do with the phylosophical point, but it really distracts from the action. It might make an impression that the whole chapter will go on that way. Mayeb you could split the intro into a few paragraphs?

What I really liked was the power you gave Kevin. He appeared to be really mighty...and even scary because of the endless power. And aww, his commitment to his friends IS heartbreaking. Can't believe he's a demon!

And oh, one bad guy less now!

Author's Response: I'm trying to make a story that's good to enjoy in all its bloody glory and also makes you think. I tend to drone on, and I've been trying to split up up, of course. That's something to go into when I edit the final cut. ^_^ I did have some help with that one. ^_^ This chapter gave me a lot of grief and writers blocks trying to decide what "attack powers" to give someone who's demonic powers were defensive. I wanty to present each demon as having their own strength that made each of them mighty in their own way, to prove why they desrved to be a cardinal demon. And, in a way, each one is also very frightening. I do hope you noticed though, that he had yet to drag out the attack power until this chapter, and then sealed it, in the manner of Howie in the previous chapter. Thanks. I'm also hoping their growing love for each other is becoming apparent. ^_^ I also hope all of them come off as more human than demonic, a word battle you've probably often noticed Minako struggle with (in comparison to Renee). Hmmmm... Are they truly the bad guys though? ^_^ Thanks for the lovely comment-filled review, Rose! ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 05:07 pm Title: Chapter Ten: Heart of Warmth

ahhhh he loves her :p ..
Did you realize you start MANY of your chapters with something about Darkness? you might want to adjust that in the future.. :p Not this chapter but others.

Author's Response: Yes.... I do realize that I do that. ^_^; Well... I hope you like it, because it continues... ^_~ Thanks for the review. ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 04:08 am Title: Chapter Nine: The Oracle of Safaiananpou

britney huh? *laughs*

Author's Response: Oh yes. You'll see quite a few references like this. ^_^ Thanks again.

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 04:01 am Title: Chapter Eight: A Demon and A Dog

Oh Nick and that damn box! What a jerk.. heh... I love it.

Author's Response: See? No one agrees with me, but he is so much cooler when he's being a jerk! It makes the story more interesting, because he changes naturally instead of always acting like St. Patrick shot him in the butt. ^_~

Author's Response: Oh! And thanks again! ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 03:47 am Title: Chapter Seven: The Demon King

LOL HOWIE!!!!!!!! ... interesting way to do that I admit.

Author's Response: Hey! At least Howie is in the story a lot... Relatively speaking... ^_^ Hey, I had to make him important somehow. ^_^ Thanks again.

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 03:41 am Title: Chapter Six: The Legendary Pandora

hrm I got confused again, I thought she accepted her fate and now she hasn't? *ponders* hrm who is this king?

Author's Response: Well... She had and she hadn't... Really, she just felt bad for Nick, essentially. Hmmmm.... ^_^ Thanks again, Lore. ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/06/06 03:32 am Title: Chapter Five: Sorceress

oooh hidden powers and now a dungeon... oooooh

Author's Response: Haha. Yup... That's what it is... There's a lot more dungeons, so get used to them. ^_~ Thanks for reviewing. ^_^

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/03/06 09:51 pm Title: Chapter One: Awaken

Hrm interesting! I can't wait to see how this is FAN fiction ;) I'm intrigued... let's see if I can continue to follow the story.. my brain can be a ninny sometimes.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, Lore! I know it can be difficult to follow sometimes, but I truthfully hope you can enjoy it. ^_^ Well.... How this is fan fiction is my little secret. Really, at this moment, I could probably call it original fiction and get away with it. ^_~ Happy reading.