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Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/30/07 10:28 pm Title: Chapter 30: There's No Such Thing As Progress Without A Little Regression

Great chapter... AC was down before when you first posted and things were weird, but now it's up and hooray. I'm all doped up on cold medicine right now, so I don't know that you're going to get a stellar review from me. In fact, you probably won't. I will leave another later.

First of all, Alyssa's dream... At first, it seems like creepy foreshadowing, but it's not. Nick tells Emma to get lost after she shares her feelings and it was good. He's uninterested and he made it clear.

Next, the restaurant... It looks amazing (in my head) and that's so cool. lol, it would be funny if Paris showed up for the opening. Alyssa could give her more bruises. haha.

Ummm... I'm glad that Alyssa's getting back in touch with some friends. Although her friendship with Trina might be hard cause she could remind Ali of being preggers with Noah.

Hopefully Ali will open up to Nick again soon. I mean, I can't expect them to just be magically cured and I think that soon enough, they'll both open up and have a deeper relationship and friendship than ever before. :D Yay.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/30/07 09:20 pm Title: Chapter 30: There's No Such Thing As Progress Without A Little Regression

wow such a great chapter and nick did make the right choice in picking to leave to go home to ail. cant wait for more. loved it

Reviewer: xKiKix Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/29/07 08:21 am Title: Chapter 29: Being Intimate Doesn't Necessarily Mean Being Intimate

awww... they're finally happy together... yay! cant wait to read more...

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/29/07 06:36 am Title: Chapter 29: Being Intimate Doesn't Necessarily Mean Being Intimate

loved it great job, really well done so good. loved the shower. hehe

Reviewer: Carter Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/29/07 05:39 am Title: Chapter 29: Being Intimate Doesn't Necessarily Mean Being Intimate

i acutally had time to read a chapter on time didnt take me three days ;) Anyway, another wonderful chapter Teri cant wait for more!

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/29/07 04:21 am Title: Chapter 29: Being Intimate Doesn't Necessarily Mean Being Intimate

LOL, Nick is so cute being a fast shooter. :D Okay, okay, I know the boy's deprived. He needs to have sex. I feel their frustration the more and more I read. But hooray for Alyssa showing up and surprising him. I also love that Nick and Ali opened up to each other a little in this chapter. Sure, it's not ALL the way, but they're talking about a lot of stuff that they never have before. Like with the "20 questions" session... I wonder how long Nick's wanted to know that stuff, but never asked. I can't wait until they open up even more.

And I love the chapter title, I must say... Cause even though they still haven't had sex for a while, they're getting back to the intimacy that they shared as friends. (Slowly, but they're still getting there...)

Keep it coming, Teri! I'm loving it more and more each chapter. :D

Reviewer: Carter Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/27/07 08:21 am Title: Chapter 28: Angst Isn't a Four-Letter Word

I am so glad they are working through their problems and getting through this hard made me cry a couple of chapters ago I wouldnt know what to do if i ever lost Lucas or Alana....i'd probably feel the same way Ali did.

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/26/07 04:30 pm Title: Chapter 1: Cupid's Arrow

Dude, did you do this on purpose?

Brent laughed at banter they had going, “You already sound like an old married couple. Soon you’re going to stop screwing.”
David snickered and added, “Like every other married couple out there, then the fighting starts.”

Alyssa rolled to her side and snuggled up to him laying her head on his chest. “I hope we never have to go through that, it was bad enough with a miscarriage, I don’t know if I can survive another.”
“Me either, but no matter what we’ll make it through.” He replied holding her close running his fingertips across her bare arm making her shudder.

Scary foreshadowing!! *shudder*

Reviewer: Jamanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/26/07 01:01 am Title: Chapter 28: Angst Isn't a Four-Letter Word

Okay, wow, so this chapter was great. I can see both, Alyssa and Nick, opening up and a lot to say the least. I think that therapy may do them well. Just knowing that they went to the first session, I think it's sparked something in them to make them closer.

Alyssa has started school and Nick had to leave for a few days. I think she made a wise decision in flying out to see Nick. I really hate to see them seperated at this time. He'll probably be escatic to see her. Hm, I hope that she'll go with him to do promotional and the tour as well.

I can't wait to read more, Teri. It's wonderful. They are finally beginning to fall back into place. :D

Reviewer: Airok Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/25/07 09:14 pm Title: Chapter 28: Angst Isn't a Four-Letter Word

Awesome. It's so great to se Ali and Nick getting better again. I really do miss how they used to be as well. Too bad they have to be apart due to work and classes. Ali's surprise visit should do them good though. Can't wait to read what's gonna happen next :D.

Reviewer: csmbabe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/25/07 07:03 pm Title: Chapter 28: Angst Isn't a Four-Letter Word

Great chapter I'm glad Nick and Alyssa are getting back to things like they was before. Can't wait for another update soon.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/25/07 04:32 pm Title: Chapter 1: Cupid's Arrow

wow i had to read 4 chapters..but it was great! They are going to be ok.

Reviewer: Airok Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/25/07 02:38 pm Title: Chapter 27: 4 In The Morning

Aww ... great chapter. I'm so glad that Ali is finally letting go of her emotions and that they now had a chance to talk and work through everything together. I'm sure they are gonna make it, they've been through too much together to let anything destroy them.
Hopefully counceling will help them to get all their feelings and fears and whatever else their is out so they can get back to how they used to be.
Love this story more and more!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/25/07 10:03 am Title: Chapter 28: Angst Isn't a Four-Letter Word

loved it such a great job. hope the surprise goes well. cant wait for more.

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/25/07 09:04 am Title: Chapter 28: Angst Isn't a Four-Letter Word

Hehe... They loooooooove each other... They want to kiiiiiiiiiss each other... And I love reading about them as they're getting back to them. Ah, Nick and Ali... Most adorablistic couple ever. They deserve an award. Even when they're down and out, they manage to make it through and pick things back up again. They're back to where they were at the beginning on AIL... lol, Nick was recording with the guys, Ali was in school, and there was LOTS of sexual tension. They need that back. They need to fall back in love again and cutely and such. *giggles* And this time, it's gonna be better than ever before!

Okay, that's as coherent as you're getting right now. But I'll write a really long one tomorrow with details and all kinds of stuff! (Then I can work on my SparkNotes!)

Great chapter, hun!