Reviews For Curtain Call
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Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/01/12 12:36 pm Title: Chapter 88

Well that was just beautifully written and extremely well done. What a perfect way to capture someone's death and I am so glad you did this from his point of view. It made it so much more poignant than it would have been any other way. What a fantastic job. I didn't cry, but was completely blown away by you and your talent. 

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! I always knew Nick was going to die at the end of this story, and that's why I started it in Cary's POV, because, well, it's hard for someone who's dead to tell the story LOL. So I always figured I'd write his death from her POV. But then I read a book that showed me it's actually possible to kill someone in the present tense in their own first person POV, so I decided to do that... and then, of course, follow it up with the less-symbolic, more-straightforward death in Cary's POV anyway LOL. But I was really happy with how this chapter turned out, and I'm really glad that you liked it. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/01/12 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 87

Starting a music camp seems like a perfect idea to honor Nick's memory. 

Author's Response: Thanks! I thought it fit him well too.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/12 12:45 pm Title: Chapter 86

Reading your author's note at the beginning of this chapter made me laugh since I just said that in my last review. Once again, great minds! lol I'm so glad that Nick actually did get to do this final performance. I was scared that you weren't going to let him and then I would have sent Kevin after you! Great job again! 

Author's Response: LOL Yep! I did start to feel that way every time I opened this story to write from about Chapter 77 onward. To an extent, I kind of detached myself from the emotion of it, but it was still such a downer to write! And because of getting busy with school starting, it still took me like two months to write these last few chapters and finish the story, so I had it hanging over my head the whole time. I'm trying to pick up the pace on my current story so that doesn't happen again LOL. I'm glad you're glad that Nick was able to do the last show; I thought you'd be yelling at him for not immediately going to the hospital! But I guess at this point, it's like, he's dying anyway; delaying treatment a few hours probably isn't going to matter much. It meant more to him and everyone else to go on with the show. Thanks, Mare!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/12 12:36 pm Title: Chapter 85

Aww that part with Brian choking up during "Don't wanna Lose You Now" and then grabbing his hand? Very touching. It's amazing how many BSB songs could easily fall in that love and loss category. I was trying to picture myself in the audience for this kind of show and I honestly don't know if I could handle something like that. I'd be a complete mess! Would you be able to attend Nick's final concert? That would make a great question actually. Morbid, but good lol getting closer, not looking forward to this. Lol

Author's Response: I know, there are actually a lot of songs that would fit and be really, really sad. Like Never Gone? I can't remember if I mentioned them singing that one or not, but good god. DWYLN was bad enough, but that's my favorite BSB song and it fit, so of course I had to use it! That's a good question. I can't imagine going to a show like this because I would be a complete mess too, but at the same time, I can't imagine NOT going. Knowing it would be the last chance to see them perform, I think I would want to be there. I dunno though, the whole thing is morbid and weird LOL. It's probably a good thing you're reading all these chapters at once... just get it over with!! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/12 12:28 pm Title: Chapter 84

I really liked how you started this chapter out with Nick's birthday analogy and it seemed fitting for them to pick Live to make their final TV appearance. Also how Taking Off suddenly had that double meaning. So true! I'm glad the boys decided not to continue on after Nick is gone. Great job, Julie! 





Author's Response: Thanks! I liked the idea of them doing their final TV appearance on the same show they did their first one on (in the States, anyway). I felt kind of sick twisting ITO around this way LOL, but once I thought of it, I couldn't not use it, and there weren't many songs on that album that fit this situation anyway, so I used what I would make work LOL. I'm glad you liked it. And I can't imagine the Boys going on without Nick. Kevin's one thing LOL, but Nick Carter?? No way! It'd be like NSYNC without Justin Timberlake - oh wait, that would be better LOL. Thanks, Mare!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/12 12:03 pm Title: Chapter 83

It's funny because I was going to ask you if he was going to tell the fans or if they were going to keep that a secret. I got my answer lol I loved the Oprah interview and poor Kevin. It's nice seeing how it is for the boys too. 

Author's Response: LOL Good question anyway. I guess he learned his lesson about waiting so long to tell everyone the first time around. Like he thought at some point in one of these chapters, it would have been cruel to keep this from them - the guys and the fans. It's bad enough that they have to go through losing him at all, but at least this way they have some time to try to prepare themselves, so it won't be such a shock. Thanks, Mare!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/12 01:18 pm Title: Chapter 82

Nick's thoughts on Jesus while he was sitting in church was great. How they were the same age-ish and both knowing they were going to die. "At least he got resurrected" loved that line lol being jealous of Jesus. I also really enjoyed your paragraph describing the Carter's ending with no one taking off their shirt at the table or screaming at each other lmao Nick and his niece was pretty precious as well. 

Author's Response: LOL Thanks! It was odd to write the Carters actually being normal and family-like, but I didn't want any Carter drama to overshadow the real drama of the story. I'm glad you liked Nick's thoughts in this chapter. :)

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/12 01:04 pm Title: Chapter 81

I know my reaction was supposed to possibly want to cry but I burst out laughing and actually said "oh no, she didn't!" lmao because I knew you were going to give her either cancer or at least a cancer scare for some reason once you brought in the mother's back story. I was kind of hoping for a twist where she actually was the one that died and Nick got better lol too My Sister's Keeper though. Regardless, you are awesome, I love you and your angst! 

Author's Response: LMAO This is one of those decisions I went back and forth about so many times once I thought of the idea - and it was not part of my original plan. But it did seem plausible, given her mother's back story, and it was a way to put at least a semi-shiny bow on the ending, as you'll see. LOL The My Sister's Keeper twist would have been interesting, but I wasn't out to put a twist on this one. No magical muffin to miraculously cure Nick's cancer. It is what it is. I'm glad you love me and my angst LOL - thanks, Mare!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/12 11:34 am Title: Chapter 80

Leave it to Brian to be the morals police while his poor friend is dying lol I could definitely see golf as a way to have one on one time with him though. Poor Nick thinking about the kids he'll never have and once again, it was really almost chilling when he talked about Leslie probably having a few more kids. Sad

Author's Response: LOL Aww, I know. This was probably one of those conversations you hated because it was the Backstreet Boys talking about the female lead - sorry about that LOL. I know, it's really weird to think I wrote about Nick dying and Leslie going on to have more kids, and then a few months later, she was dead. :( Thanks for the review, Mare!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/12 11:22 am Title: Chapter 79

I like how you laid it all out for us in this chapter, so we'll know what to expect. Not looking forward to seeing it play out. :-( 

Author's Response: Thanks... don't blame you, though! :(

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/29/12 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 78

This chapter got to me. Olay maybe this part of the whole thing is hitting close to home. I loved the way he told the guys and once again their reactions. I was really able to picture it all so beautifully. The final tour was a great idea & of course the ending with Nick & Kevin hugging was perfect. Lol at Little man. Great job, Julie! I think I need an emotional break. I'll continue again tomorrow. 

Author's Response: I guess this is the chapter where I should be saying I'm sorry it got to you. It was so sad writing the guys' reactions. The Little Man thing is the one part of this that actually brought tears to my eyes, not even when I was actually writing it, but just when I thought of writing it. Gotta love Kevin. :( I'm glad their reactions felt real and that you could picture it clearly. The final tour thing may have been a little cheesy, but it fit with Nick in this story. I don't blame you for needing an emotional break LOL. The end of this story is depressing! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/29/12 11:54 am Title: Chapter 77

This chapter was chock full of emotion. This one took me back to Jean. I remember her having to make this same decision after finding out those odds of survival as well. Everyone trying to convince her to keep fighting because you never know but in The back of your mind, realizing all you're doing is just prolonging the suffering. So sad and heartbreaking. I do hope he tells the guys right away this time around. 

Author's Response: This was really sad to write and even just think about. I wasn't totally sure originally what Nick would decide about whether or not to do treatment. He had fought so hard up to this point that if it seemed more realistic for him to keep fighting, I would have had him do it, even though I knew the end results were going to be the same. But when I researched the treatments and the chances of survival even with them and laid it all out there like that, I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to put themselves through that for such a small chance. At the same time, though, like you said, being the one in Cary's shoes, you can't help but want them to at least try because you never know; there's always a chance. I remember feeling that way about Lisa, even though we kind of all knew it was too far along. But sometimes you just have to face reality and pray for other things than a miracle. Thanks for the review, Mare! I'm sorry it got to you, but I'm glad the emotion was there, if that makes sense.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/29/12 11:40 am Title: Chapter 76

First of all, thank you for the recap of the last chapter lol I figured it was something like the I love you too thing. And before I forget to mention it, I smiled at Thr yellow submarine thought lmao oh, Nick! Once again, his inner thoughts were so real and honest. Back pain, never a good sign :-/ I'm glad he told the doctor about it though. Ack! Cliffy lol

Author's Response: LOL No problem! Glad you liked the yellow submarine thing - a little comic relief before I dropped the Debbie Downer bomb. I didn't go too cliffy crazy with this story, but a few well-placed cliffhangers are always fun LOL. Thanks, Mare!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/28/12 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 75

Okay i'm being completely honest with you. I read your author's note and totally skipped this chapter completely. LOL

Author's Response: LOL That's okay. This was the Valentine's Day chapter and my last chance to write something sweet and romantic before I ruined my characters' lives. Summary version: Nick takes Cary out for dinner and dancing, they have sex, she tells him she loves him, and he conveniently forgets to reply. Whoops LOL. Now you're ready for the next chapter! >:)

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/28/12 09:39 pm Title: Chapter 74

I am so glad that Nick seems to be getting better and he got an all clear from the doctors. Of course I know this isn't going to last but it's nice reading a healthy Nick for a change lol I am beginning to see maybe why I really hate Cary as much as I do, she reminds me of my sister and how dumb she is when it comes to her relationship with her husband. It finally hit me, maybe because i just got off the phone with her and wanted to smack her ten ways to Sunday because of her overly naive thinking. Nick is nothing like him though, just Cary has those same annoying traits where she refuses to really see what's in front of her face. Not saying Nick is innocent but she's being dumb. And thanks for the added insight on your story from your author's response! lmao :OP AM I the only reader who has said that they hated Cary? lt's not your writing of her though it's her character. We obviously just clash the two of us (Cary and I)Like Maggie and the baby with those bushy brows on the Simpsons.  Oh and I don't hate my sister either, I just want to smack her a lot! and often!

Author's Response: LOL I can see that. I think in order for this story to work, she needed to be naive to an extent or at least easily manipulated by Nick and his charming ways. I don't think she's dumb, but I do think she's let her feelings for Nick get in the way of her better judgment and maybe even a little of her self-respect at times LOL. I think you are the only one who said they hated her LOL, but that's okay; I appreciate the honesty and can understand why you feel that way. And I know what you mean about your sister because I feel the same way about mine sometimes too, though for different reasons. LOL Thanks, Mare!