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Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/13 01:09 pm Title: Chapter 40

I really dislike Carson! I loved the answers all the girls gave to which one is their favorite BSB. The one thing I have to say after almost being all caught up, when you talk about the girls in the band, I still get confused. I thought maybe it was just the Amy,/Ameilia thing but for most of this chapter I thought Cassie was cheating on Nick! It took me until you said Chrissy was calling Nick for me to realize that she was the one with Nick. Maybe it's because all of your names are so similar or maybe I feel like I don't really know them that well. I'm not sure if it's a me thing being that I am more interested in the guys then the girls or maybe we just never really got to know them enough to really get a sense of who they are. I think you've done a great job at establishing who Emily is and probably Amelia as well but the other three just feel misc and unimportant to me. I don't mean that in a rude way, just from my perspective, that's how I view it. I only get confused when they are not with their male counterparts or when they are all together as five.

That being said, I'm curious to see what's going to happen with this new blackmailing angle you got going on here!

Author's Response: Well I'm still writing the subplot with the blackmailing angle, we will see how it goes! I agree with you on the other female characters. I've already established that these were based off of actual people, and "Amelia" is the only one I actually still keep in touch with occasionally. I think I told you their real-life names once. THAT would have been confusing. Actually, when we were all in school together and writing fanfic together, we used the real names and ended up writing things like Emily (Howie's), etc. LOL. I think I made the names similar so I could remember who was who myself. If I had it to do over again, I'd make a lot of things different in this story, starting with either renaming them or at least renaming the main character! Otherwise, I might actually make it more like a three-girl group. I actually hate having too many characters to follow, myself!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/15/13 03:54 pm Title: Chapter 39

I like Emily and Howie together. I don't even want one of them to die in a horrible accident of some kind! I just hope that Emily isn't stringing him along because she's overly jealous and Kevin and Kris. I loved when Howie said what Emily was thinking lol

Author's Response:

Well, I'm glad you don't want to kill either of them off!  I like them together, too.  As far as the rest of your comments, well....we'll jsut have to wait and see.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/14/13 11:44 am Title: Chapter 38

Good job, Emily, stay with Howie or better yet, find a non boyband member to fall in love with and let Kevin marry Kris!

I hate glitter! random, I know but I just pictured all the red glitter everywhere because of that ribbon. He'll be clenaing that stuff up for days! LOL

Author's Response:

I really don't remember when I wrote this chapter exactly, since I basically stopped writing on it for over a year, but I do remember that it was some point after I got together with some friends for Christmas, and one of them had glittery wrapping paper.  I was finding it on my little guy for days after.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/13/13 11:32 am Title: Chapter 37

Cute chapter, not sure how I feel about them going out on a date. I'm afriad poor Howie is going to have his heart broken. It's great he remembered all the info about Emily, I wonder if she would be able to answer those questions about him though? Interesting things to ponder lol

Author's Response: Those ARE interesting things to ponder....

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/13 12:15 pm Title: Chapter 36

I can completely see Howie's Mom making all that food! I am not one to ever associate a song with a story. But all that kept running through my mind when reading this chapter is "How Did I Fall In Love With You." Almost like he wrote that for Emily after the fact. It was the song I heard in the background as poor dejected Howie walks out the door, although maybe not so dejected anymore since Emily admitted to enjoying that kiss. I wonder if Howie was that guy that all the girls in high school went to as the only guy who would understand. He seems like he would be the token male friend. I often picture him fitting in with my little click of high school friends really well.

Author's Response:

For the record, the thought of being psychically linked to you scares me a little bit.  I mean, I've read your's a little scary. LOL.  But yeah, I don't think that's the first time we've done that- reading each other's stuff at the same time, I mean. Anyway, I LOVE that you could hear a Backstreet Boys song in your head while this scene was playing out.  Back in the day when I was a young teenager writing fanfic in journals I stuffed under my bed, there was almost always a signature Backstreet Boys song in my head that seemed to go with the scene :)  I honestly had almost forgotten about "How Did I Fall in Love With You."  Black and Blue is one of those albums that is a little hazy in my mind.  I was about 16 at the time it came out, and had a "real-life" boyfriend, so the BSB was a little bit on the backburner.  But you're right!  It totally fits!  As far as your observation about Howie probably being that token male friend for the girls in high school.... you mean kind of like Danny? ;)

Reviewer: KimberlyCan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/13 06:20 am Title: Chapter 44

How about Maxwell for a name, hahahaha! 

oh Brian and nick don't u know not to eat a pregnant woman's snack food! Weirdest thing but when I had snuck a "friend" over before I totally used the "oh I'm shy about eating for front of people excuse" well my parents didn't buy it since I had ate in front of them for about 17 years!

cant wait to read more! 

Author's Response:

LOL.  It's not going to be Maxwell, but I have an old friend who wrote a little fanfic back in high school that claims she had a baby with Howie in a fic and named him John Holden, then another named James.  I think she's right, if I recall correctly!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/11/13 03:14 pm Title: Chapter 35

Actually none of the other nicknames confused me at all because they sound like the proper name. Melissa/Mel Christina/Chrissy. It's just the Amelia/Amy thing throws me off, probably because I've never met an Amelia. Weird how I've never encountered someone with that name, ever! lol

I don't think the Kristin thing was a plot hole either. I actually found it really refreshing that she wouldn't have a problem with it. It said a lot about her personality and character and most importantly, you went against what the predictable reaction would be, jealous, angry etc...

Author's Response:

Just an observation that they all have shortened versions of their names.   I wanted to write Kristin as a likeable character, because in real life, I think she's pretty awesome.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/11/13 02:10 pm Title: Chapter 35

I'm very impressed with how well Kristin handeled the news about the baby. I also like how you didn't make her evil. You know, let's turn the girlfriend into a sterotypical villian. Again, thank you for NOT doing that lol This is just an observation and probably because I suck at remembering names but I tend to get confused because you go back and forth between Ameilia and Amy and it's taken me well, probably this far to realize that's the same person lol

Author's Response:

Good points- About both Kristin and Amy/Amelia.  Way back in the first couple of chapters, I explained the Amy/Amelia thing, but with so many characters, I can see how it would be confusing.  I know a couple of Amelias who go by Amy (neither of which the character is based on), so I'm using interchangably like Melissa/Mel, Christina/Chrissy, Cassandra/Cassie.  It just hit me actually, that all the girls have nicknames.  Geez Louise, that would get confusing, wouldn't it?  In the real life set of people this was originally based after so many years ago , there were two Christinas and two Emilys, and actually two Melissas, but the other Melissa thought we were all nuts! haha.  Anyway, Kristin and Kevin weren't together when the Kev/Amy thing happened, so I just kind of wrote it off as Kristin found out about the baby, but decided she wanted to get back together with Kevin anyway.  *shrugs*  Oh, the plotholes in this happy little indulgent fic I've

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/10/13 02:12 pm Title: Chapter 34

Ah, so Howie looks like Danny. I'm sure that didn't make things any easier. And I did also notice, that Kevin remembered the signifigance of the date and had to remind Emily's best friend. Good for him!! Of course I loved this the best:

As I neared the immediate backstage area, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I ran across Nick hiding behind a curtain. At least, I was pretty sure it was Nick. He was wearing ripped jeans and a plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, mirrored aviator sunglasses, and this ridiculous wig. It was long, brown, and curly, and a red bandana was was wrapped around the top of his head. I would reminisce about this moment years later when they filmed the “I Just Want You to Know” video. “Nick! What are you doing?”

He grinned and brought his index finger up to his lips. “Shhh.... I’m trying to be indesipicable.”

I stifled a laugh. “I’m sure ‘indespicable’ would be a pretty nice thing to be, but I think the word you’re looking for is inconspicuous.”

LMAO I love that Nick and his wife seem to the the comic relief in this one. And I can sadly see him really say that too! I pictured the JWYTK video before you mentioned it!

Author's Response:

Haha!  I feel kind of bad writing Nick the way I do in this story, but in real life, he's done most of his growing up in the past 5-10 years, so I think 19 year old Nick may have actually been like this!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/09/13 01:38 pm Title: Chapter 33

Aww once again, I'm loving Howie in this one. How great that he remembered Danny's death date. It's really great if you can find someone in your life like that. Seems like he would be the perfect guy for Emily to end up with but as in real life, so many times people don't really see what's right in front of their faces because they are focusing on someone else. It's also funny how if the situation was in reverse and it was Howie that kissed Emily just because he wanted to make a female jealous, everyone would be "Oh he's such a jerk!" LOL

Author's Response:

Haha! And there's the little touch of "Mary Sue" in her.  I so wish I had a friend like Howie in this story.  Honestly, I'm close with one of my girlfriends, but the Danny and Howie characters are loosely based on a couple of people I was once really close to and lost in one way or another.  So, writing them is bittersweet.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/08/13 12:18 pm Title: Chapter 32

I don't remember who I said my favorite chracter in this was, but after this chapter I'm now leaning towards Howie. He seems like such a great friend. I bet he's pretty close to that in real life actually. Of course as I was reading this in my head I was thinking, I really admire Howie for being just a friend to Emily. It's so rare to find male friends and then he springs that line on her lol I also loved the "I think they had a moment." line. lol Very cute. once again, your descriptions in this chapter were great. I love the subtely of them.

Author's Response:

I've actually been reading one chapter ahead of you so that I can be familiar with what you're commenting on, and I'd already forgotten about the "I think I they had a moment" line. lol.  And yeah, in a version of this story that I'd come up with today as opposed to way back when the original storyline happened, I'd probably leave Howie as just a great guy friend. 

There's a fine line between too much description and not enough, and I try to walk that line as much as I can!

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/07/13 04:06 pm Title: Chapter 31

This chapter had a lot going on. First, I smiled when you had to mention that AJ was drinking Mountain Dew because he was only 20. I wish that really was the case back then. The innocent times! From the last chapter, I actually didn't think it was unrealistic at all to have AJ punch Kevin, just he's such a little girlie man the visual image I see when that happens is kind of funny. I'm pretty sure if AJ ever got into a fight with a chihuahua, the chihuahua would win hands down! LOL

I loved the way you wrote your interactions with the guys in this one, particularly Howie handling a drunk Kevin and also the small detail about Kevin singing when he's drunk. I can completely picture that! When Emily called Joey and he rushed her off the phone, I knew he was with another girl! Emily needs someone to help her pick men who won't cheat on her! Poor girl!!

Author's Response:

You know, I can actually see the AJ from back then punching him before I can see today's AJ doing so.  I think the scene with Emily, Howie, and drunk Kevin is one of my favorites from this story.  And technically Kevin didn't cheat on her.  Just Joey.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/06/13 12:30 pm Title: Chapter 30

LOL at the thought of AJ actually hitting Kevin. Good lord that is something I would love to see, well not really, but you know what I mean? I love how it was a totally clueless Nick who actually figured it out as innocently as he did.

Author's Response:

Yeah...I'd say that part is a little unrealistic.  Oh well.  And yes, I liked that it was Nick, too.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/05/13 05:13 pm Title: Chapter 29

Well, I took your advice and just kind of skimmed this chapter. Don't hate me for it lol Got the gist of what it was all about though.

Author's Response:

Haha! I don't hate you.  It's cringe-worthy.

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/05/13 03:29 am Title: Chapter 28

Aww, well that's why I said (for now) when it came to Emily. I do like her very much but you are right, she can be kind of shallow but then again we can also argue that we all are like that from time to time, right? It's only if she keeps that up that it'll get old and annoying for me. That to me is the definition of a Mary Sue. I know you mentioned you hadn't ever heard of that term until AC. It's basically a character who can do no wrong in anyone's eyes no matter what the circumstance. Like if you had Howie say, after finding out his sister was dying, "But how are YOU Emily? I know you've had it rough lately, forget about me and my dying sister, this is all about YOU and YOUR needs!" lmao thanks for not doing that by the way! Sadly, too many stories tend to sway that way. That's when it gets a bit unbelievable and the characters become more than unlikable!

Glad to hear you are expanding on an idea, I'll stick with it until August definitely but I'll proabably do the completed survey when I hit chapter 42 since that's where you are now I believe? I might stay after that point, like I said it depends on how involved I feel with the characters when that time comes. :O) When school does start up again, I don't really read as much but by then I'd probably be current and just waiting on updates from you anyway.

Good job recounting the VMA awards. Poor Howie. I remember him telling that story about his sister. Loved the brotherly moment between Howie and Kevin. Hopefully there will be more of that happening as well (that we will get to see before they get into a cab and drive away!) lol :OP


Author's Response:

Well, I'm going to go ahead and tell you're probably going to hate the next chapter. No bromance.  Not even a little bit.  Heck, skip it.  It adds very little to the story, actually.  Emily tells someone about it later on anyway.  I'm mostly kidding, but a little interesting info about the next chapter is that I actually wrote it, almost verbatim, years ago.  Well, most of it anyway.  The ending, I added on in an attempt to see if I could actually write it, which makes it a little less (or a little more, maybe, depending on who you're asking and what kind of mood they're in) embarrassing. 

Something I have done in this story is my research.  There are a few things, BSB history-wise, that I've gotten wrong, but a lot of it is actually how it happened, so I wanted to recount the 98 VMAs the best I could.  Like I've said before, this is a little piece of nostalgia for me, and we already know that Emily ends up with Kevin in 2011, so I'm planning to touch on some more major events in the BSB timeline. 

As far as your continuing to like Emily as a female lead, I already know where she's going and how she's going to get there, so I guess it's going to be a matter of opinion.  Don't judge her based on the next couple of chapters, though!