Groupie by You

The short story of a slightly neurotic girl and her encounter with Nick Carter.  

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 7762 Read: 25390 Published: 01/12/11 Updated: 01/31/11
Chapter 8 by You

Chapter 8

             We were kissing for what seemed like hours and seconds, all at the same time.  Then the phone rang again and Nick pulled away. "Aaaaaaaagh!" He sounded frustrated. "I think I have to get that." He got up and ran to the bedroom to answer it. I sat up but my legs felt a bit like Jello so I decided it would be best to just stay on the floor for a minute. I could hear Nick muttering on the phone in the other room. "Did that just really happen?" There were so many thoughts running through my mind that I couldn't really process them all. "What does this mean? What should I do? This was all so much easier when it was just one night. But what now? Does this mean he really does like me? Do I like him? Of course I like him, but do I REALLY like him? What are we? How can this work?" My head was spinning and I couldn't tell if it was because of all the questions or because of what just happened, but Nick was coming back out of the bedroom. I quickly stood up. "Well" he said buckling his belt "my manager just ripped me a new one, apparently I need to get back." "Oh," I responded "ok." I didn't want him to leave, "how can he leave now? When there are so many unknowns." He was putting on his shoes and so I walked over and opened the door. He moved over once his shoes were on and stood in front of me for a few seconds. Then he smiled, put his hand on the back of my neck, and kissed me again really quickly. "See ya later Groupie" he said, and then walked out the door.

            I shut the door and then leaned up against it. I shook my head in disbelief. "By far, the most interesting weekend of my LIFE!" I thought. 


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