Grape Expectations by Rose

Everything seemed like it couldn't be better.

At least, until Nick hears it on one fateful day. That's when his life takes a drastic turn...

Written for the 2012 April Fools Challenge
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Horror
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 1716 Read: 2692 Published: 04/06/12 Updated: 04/06/12

Chapter Two by Rose

Now I sit in a padded cell. They say I’m crazy. I ain’t crazy. It’s not my fault. I know it wasn’t. I was manipulated I tell you! Those grapes, those damn grapes. I know what they said. I know. Why won’t anyone believe me? I’m a singer, an artist, a performer. I’m not a killer. I don’t even remember it really. It was all a blur. I remember hearing the grapes, and seeing Kevin’s head lying on the floor. I had fallen to the ground, sobbing. I kept crying as AJ screamed at me. At Brian, who couldn’t take what we had done.

I don’t remember what he said.

Brian shot himself, screaming at the grapes as he did. He screamed out prayers to God as he did it. I don’t know why. Isn’t suicide a sin too? I can’t remember. I just remember him shooting himself, bits of his brain hitting the ceiling. Blood was everywhere, on me, like a sick paint spill. His body crumpled like a rag doll beside where I was. I was caught between the two dead cousins. I was screaming. I couldn’t stop. Even after my voice was gone. When the police came, I tried to tell them. I tried. All they did was laugh and go “what grapes?”as they pointed at the counter.

There weren’t even any grapes there.

I’m telling the truth. I know they are out there, waiting, maybe destroying some other poor soul’s life.

I’m not crazy.

I’m not crazy.

I’m just me.

It wasn’t my fault.

It was those grapes!

Those fucking grapes!
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