Jessie's Girl by Kyrie
Summary: They have a saying that everything that was meant to be will be. This works in fairy tales but can real life be the same?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 60 Completed: Yes Word count: 59860 Read: 126824 Published: 09/25/13 Updated: 02/15/14
An Interesting Invitation by Kyrie
Author's Notes:
Sorry for taking so long to update!
“So you’re sure you can’t come down and visit?”
“I appreciate the invitation Bri but we can’t”

Brian thought about his next comment carefully. “Can’t or won’t?”

Nick sighed. “Won’t. I’m sorry but after Thanksgiving, I don’t think I wanna subject Em to any more family dinners.”

“I talked to Leighanne and she promised that she would keep her opinions to herself.”

Yeah right, Nick thought to himself. Leighanne would probably promise Brian anything for another round with Emma.

“I appreciate you doing that too but I just don’t want to do that to her. I want us to enjoy Christmas since we’re gonna be gone for New Year’s.”

Brian groaned. “I know, I hate it. Sometimes I wish we could avoid any shows until after the holidays.”

“Well unfortunately for us, this life doesn’t work that way. I hate that I’m not gonna be able to spend our first New Year’s together.”

Brian smiled at the emotion in his friend’s voice. “You really like her don’t you?”

“Yeah I do. She’s important to me and she’s really been there for me through the last couple of months. I’m not sure I would have bounced back as well as I did if it wasn’t for her.”

“It sounds to me that it’s more than a simple “I like you” situation. Have you told her yet?”

“Told her what?”

“That you love her.”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

“Because we can all see something that apparently, you are too knuckleheaded to see.”

“Look Bri, I know I really care about her but aside from that, I don’t know. I’m not going to say anything unless I’m positive. I’ve made that mistake before and I’m not gonna repeat it.”

“I get that and I feel for you. Just keep in mind that at some point, you need to admit it to yourself and to her. Don’t let that moment pass you by because it might not come around again.”

Nick was about to respond when he heard Emma coming through the front door. He quickly said goodbye to Brian and was waiting for her when she came into the kitchen. Sweeping her into a hug, he kissed her gently and she giggled. He loved the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed and he began to wonder if there was something to what Brian and Howie had told him.

“What’s the serious look for?” Emma asked as Nick put her down. “Everything ok?”

“I was just talking to Brian.”

“Is he ok?” she asked with concern.

“Yeah he’s fine. He called to invite us to his house for Christmas.”

“Are we going?”

“Huh?” Nick asked with surprise. “Why would we go?”

“Why wouldn’t we?”

“Do you not remember what happened last time we all got together?”

“I do but it’s not the same. I know what to expect now and as much as it breaks my heart, I have come to the realization that I’m not going to be BFFs with Leighanne.”

Nick chuckled at the idea. “I bet it really hurts.”

“Right here.” Emma said, putting her hand over her heart. “It bothers me every day.”

“Wiseass.” Nick replied.

“Thanks for noticing.” she said and elbowed him in the stomach. “But in all seriousness, you and I are good and I’m sure of that. No matter what they say, it’s not gonna change anything.”

“But why would you want to subject yourself to that?”

“Because of you. These guys are your brothers Nick. You love each other and I know how important it is to have them in your life. Shutting them out because of what may or may not be said to me isn’t fair to you or to them. I’m a big girl Nick and I can handle it. You don’t break up family over a relationship.”

Nick was touched that she would make that kind of sacrifice for him and it made him realize how truly lucky he was to have her. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply.

“You’re amazing.”

Emma laughed. “No I’m not.”

“Yes you are and as much as I value you going another round with Leighanne for my sake, we’re gonna stay home this year. We can spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with Howie and Addie. It’ll be a smaller family holiday.”

“Ok but you’re not gonna continue keeping the other guys at arm’s length are you?”

“No. After the holidays are over, we’ll plan something to do with everybody. Maybe we can take a huge family vacation.”

“God help whoever gets stuck with us!” Emma said with laugh. “That would be one hell of a time!”
This story archived at