Room 438 by Purpura Lipstick
Summary: Danielle and Kevin thought they had the perfect life ahead of them, until one moment changed it all.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Kevin
Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes Word count: 25301 Read: 47083 Published: 09/27/06 Updated: 10/15/06
Chapter 2 by Purpura Lipstick
Danielle woke to the sun streaming into her room, a smile creeping onto her face when she recalled the events of last night. Slowly she stretched her arms and turned onto her side, running her hand along the crease Kevin left on his pillow. Smells of breakfast being prepared wafted into the bedroom and aroused Danielle. She climbed out of bed and grabbed her nightgown letting it slide down over her head.

She watched Kevin prepare breakfast from her doorway for a few minutes, relishing the moment. Finally, she decided to make herself known.

"So are you treating me to the World Famous Richardson breakfast?" She queried.

"Good morning beautiful." Kevin replied. "I am just making a simple breakfast this morning. As I recall we had plans to go look at wedding invitations this morning."

The haze of the moment dropped and Danielle slumped onto a chair in the dining room. "That's right, wedding invitations." It wasn't that she did not want to look; it was the first step they were taking in their planning. Danielle was surprised she was allowed to look at the invitations. Both Kevin's mom and her mom were teaming up and deciding how the wedding should be planned.

Kevin placed a plate of eggs and potatoes in front of Danielle. "Here, eat this, it will make you feel better…I guarantee."

"What would make me feel a lot better is if our mothers stayed home today." She said while picking up her fork and spearing a potato.

Kevin shook his head. "I promise that you will have the wedding of your dreams." He quickly consumed his food and then took his plate in the kitchen. Danielle finished her food soon after, following Kevin's lead with the plate. They both finished getting dressed and were out the door in a matter of an hour, off to meet their mothers at the paper store for invitation shopping.


The couple emerged from their car and made their way into the paper store. They had no idea there was a car that followed them for several blocks, pulling back if they got suspicious and passing them at some points. The person behind the wheel practiced following people just so she could be well trained to follow the couple when they went on outings.

Every Saturday that he was visiting, she made it her mission to follow them. How did she know when he was in town? She watched the girl when she was alone, of course. Someone had to keep an eye on the girlfriend of a pop star such as Kevin Richardson. Someone had to make sure that she wasn't cheating on him. So far, the girl was clean, she only hung out with one other person besides her fiancé and it was her best girlfriend.
She pondered going inside to see them closer, but she could not risk them seeing her in too many locations they were. They would start to get suspicious. However, how she would love to see their invitations. She could wait though, she was sure that she would get to see them soon enough.

She pulled out of her parking spot towards the back of the parking lot and turned on to the street, planning on the next time she could safely follow them inside somewhere.


"Mom, not the pink floral one!" Danielle shouted at her mom in complaint.

"Why not darling, you used to love pink and flowers are perfect for a wedding?" Her mom asked her.

"In case you haven't noticed mother, I am not a little girl anymore." Danielle pushed air out between her lips blowing a piece of hair out of her eyes.

Kevin looked at his mother, who thankfully had kept out of most of the invitation discussion. She was pursing her lips, trying to continue keeping out of the conversation. He turned back to Danielle and put his arm around her. "Honey, what invitations do you like?"

Danielle looked at the salesgirl for help. "I think that you will like these invitations back here." She smiled at Danielle as she turned the pages. The invitations she showed her were made up of vellum paper that overlaid pictures of flowers or elegant patterns. The color of the type on the paper ranged from gold to black to any other color that might be needed for a wedding invitation. Tying the two sheets of paper together were sheer material bows, colors available to match the font if desired.

Danielle smiled broadly at Kevin while the salesgirl explained the different invitations on these pages. "Oh Kevin, I like these." She said decisively.

"Well maybe you can get pink flowers as the background?" Her mother questioned.

"Mom! There will be no pink in this wedding."
Kevin started to chuckle, which started Danielle giggling. "I'm sorry mom; I just don't like pink anymore."

Danielle's mom nodded and sat looking at the choices that Danielle made for her wedding invitations. When they finished they all decided to go and grab some lunch, then separated ways allowing the couple more time together before Kevin had to be off again.
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