It's The Great Pumpkin, Nick Carter! by nicksgal
Summary: Brian takes Baylee trick or treating and asks Nick to tag along. On the way to AJ's hot Halloween party, Nick gets seduced by a rabbit, a Halloween prank goes awry and... Well, I'm just talking now, aren't I? Haha. IT'S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, NICK CARTER!

A note from 2021: Hello! This is unlikely to ever be updated, but please feel free to read and enjoy what is there!
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 1246 Read: 1990 Published: 11/02/06 Updated: 11/02/06

1. Cover Graphic by nicksgal

2. It's The Great Pumpkin, Nick Carter! by nicksgal

Cover Graphic by nicksgal
Author's Notes:
As per Mod request... Go agead, take a look at the story's special hand drawn graphic
Okay, so I hand drew a graphic specifically for this story, but it is intensely large, so I decided to put it as a chapter within the story, please enjoy it. ^_^

It's The Great Pumpkin, Nick Carter! by nicksgal
Author's Notes:
I wanted to write a Halloween story. There you go. I?ll update PBox either today (if I finish the chapter) or by Thursday morning for sure!

Yes, I know my Halloween story is unfinished and a day late. Please enjoy it anyway! I'll post the next chapter soon.
It was a dark and stormy night... The wind billowed through the trees…

“You suck at narrating, Nick!” a male voice echoed across the type-written page.

A blonde turned from the computer screen of his laptop. Aside from the poor prose on his computer, he sat in a well lit room with a large vaulted ceiling. “Well, you know what AJ, at least I’m being productive!”

The brunette that had called him earlier let out a low laugh, “Productive… Right…” He shook his head as he flicked the lights on and off a few times. “Look, if you want to help, you could…” He focused his eyes slowly, Nick was gone! “Nick…”

“What?” a voice asked from behind him.

AJ put his hand to his chest, “Nick you about gave me a heart attack!”

Nick gave him a childish grin, “Isn’t that what Halloween is for?”

“And you decided to stand behind me, because…”

“Your house is scary with the lights off,” Nick shivered.

AJ put his hand to his head, “I was standing right here!” he cried in an exasperated tone.

“Yeah, like four feet away!!!” Nick responded in a higher pitched exasperated tone and motioned toward the couch where he had been sitting only moments before.

AJ shook his head and walked back toward the kitchen, “You and Brian are coming back for the party, right?”

“Why wouldn’t we?” Nick asked, sitting back down on the couch.

“I don’t know… I mean, Brian did only come out to see us, right? So I’d hate to think he wouldn’t come to my party.”

“He’s coming,” Nick gave AJ and affirmative nod.

AJ shrugged, “Alright, I’d just hate for you guys to miss it.”

Nick turned back to the screen.

It was a dark and stormy night…

Outside AJ’s house, Nick’s cliché words were present in the sky. It was not stormy, merely gloomy. Despite this, he and the Littrells walked down the darkened streets. Brian carried Baylee, who was dressed as a small dog, Leighanne held Tyke on a slim leash, and Nick was left to haul the bags of candy. He did not mind, of course, he got to spend his favorite holiday with his best friend and his best friend’s family, of which one member was an impressionable young child that he could impart his Halloween wisdom on.

“Nick…” Baylee started, “What’s your favorite Halloween show?”

“It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” his answer was unhesitant.

Baylee gave him a confused look.

“Never seen it?” Nick asked, smiling, “It’s classic! They go trick or treating and all Charlie Brown gets is rocks. And Linus talks about the Great Pumpkin that appears in the Pumpkin patch every year to give gifts to all the good children.”

“Really?!?” Baylee asked in surprise.

“No,” Brian answered.

“In the special…” Nick whined.

“Only in the television show,” Brian reaffirmed.

Nick grasped the bags tightly as he continued walking, “Well, it’s a really good special, okay? I love Charlie Brown.”

“You mean Peanuts, right?” Brian questioned.

“Oh yeah…” Nick paused, “The comic strip is called Peanuts… Snoopy’s my favorite!”

Brian let out a low laugh, “Not nearly as cool as Donald Duck.” With that, he did his best imitation; the party laughed.

A bright smile crossed Nick’s face, but an instant later he was sprawled on the ground.

“Nick?” Brian asked.

Nick tried to open his eyes, but he could only see black. He moved an arm and felt a fuzzy ball-like object.

“Let go! Thank you!” a female voice cried.

Nick brushed the black coloring away from his eyes, in actuality, they were large furry rabbit ears. A woman lay on top of him in the middle of the sidewalk! He began to blush horribly, though this was not the first time he had been in such a position with a woman. He removed his hand from the object he had been grasping, her cotton puff tail, and allowed her to stand up. She climbed off him slowly and searched her surroundings. Nick pulled himself up as well, with a little help from Brian. He put his hand on the rabbit’s shoulder, “Are you… alright?”

She brushed her brown hair back from her eyes, “Yup!” She then looked down toward the ground, “I’m sorry I didn’t see you there…” She rose her hands toward him, a small pumpkin rested within them. “Please take this as an apology.” She dropped the miniature pumpkin into Nick’s hands. “Well… Gotta go!” She continued to run in the direction she had been headed.

“O-o-o-o-ooooo, o-o-o-o-ooooo…” Brian joked as he patted Nick’s shoulder, “You okay?”

Nick stared after the girl; she was dressed in a black cocktail dress with large black ears and black gloves. Great ass… And nice chest… he thought to himself. He looked down at the pumpkin, then turned to Brian, “Yeah… I’m good.” He stared at the pumpkin once more, “What do you think it’s for?”

Brian shrugged, “Dunno…” He continued walking, leaving Nick behind to puzzle over the pumpkin.

Nick turned it upside down and saw an inscription scrawled in sharpie, “‘This is the Great Pumpkin…’” Nick’s lips pursed as his nose crinkled, “‘Should you come into possession of the Great Pumpkin before midnight, you are doomed!!!.... unless you pass it along before midnight.’” Nick laughed it off, “That joke’s killer!” he looked back at the pumpkin, “Big bold letters…. ‘THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!!!!’” Nick cringed and his grip on the pumpkin loosened.

“Don’t drop the Great Pumpkin!!!” a voice warned.

Nick jumped ten feet in the air and turned to see a blonde girl in a devil costume. “Who are you?...” his voice shook.

“Did you see a black rabbit?” she questioned, making the proper motions to describe the height and width of the rabbit.

Nick pointed in the direction he had been coming from.

“Thank you,” the devil bowed, “She’s late for a very important date!”

Nick wiped his hand across his head, “Isn’t that the white rabbit?”

“BYE!!!!!!” the devil called and ran after the rabbit.

Nick went to grab the bags of candy and found them to be missing. Brian was no longer in sight either, all he had was the pumpkin. He sat on the ground. What was going on? Strange creatures… No more candy… No more Brian…

“Boo!” a female voice called.

Nick looked up quickly, the black rabbit from before stood before him. “Ah…” he stammered, “The devil was looking for you…”

She nodded, “That’s right… I’m hiding.”

“In the open?”

She grabbed Nick’s hand, “Come on!!!”

Nick’s expression grew in bewilderment, “Where are we going?”

“Far away from the party!” she exclaimed.

“Party?” Nick questioned.

She nodded, “The party the pumpkin is from.”


“So they won’t know you have it.”

“But I’m not invited anyway…”

She shook her head slowly, then looked straight into his eyes, “Rule number one! You can only pass the pumpkin to someone else that is invited to the party!”

He gave her a strange look as they continued to run down the murky street.
This story archived at