Testing by Chaos, Zak
Summary: A Veronica Mars snippet to test the site upgrade.
Categories: Fanfiction > TV Series > Veronica Mars Characters: Logan Echolls
Genres: Action
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 1129 Read: 4454 Published: 07/30/08 Updated: 08/20/13
Chapter 2 by Chaos

This is Chaos testing the co-author features. Seems that since the upgrade there are a few bugs that aren't working correctly. Such as the co-authors not being able to respond to reviews, and also the story showing up multiple times under the original author's ID.

And now I'm just babbling because I need to have at least 100 words in order to post a "chapter".

Next verse, same as the first:


This is Chaos testing the co-author features. Seems that since the upgrade there are a few bugs that aren't working correctly. Such as the co-authors not being able to respond to reviews, and also the story showing up multiple times under the original author's ID.

And now I'm just babbling because I need to have at least 100 words in order to post a "chapter".

I'm updating the chapter to test a new site upgrade on 8/26/2021...

End Notes:
Well...there's a test for ya...
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9166