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Then, the fire alarm went off. A strobe light lit up the garage and all hell broke loose. Brian and Kevin came sliding down the pole, half dressed. Nick and I broke apart, scrambling to get under the covers. I guess in all the rush, the others didn’t see us.

“Where the FUCK is Nick?” Kevin screamed.

From the top of the fire truck Nick screamed back “Just grab my stuff, jerkoff, and let’s go! I’ll explain later! And by the way! I’m engaged!!”

Kevin looked up as he pulled on his boots and jacket. “Do I even WANT to know?” he asked.

“No time to get into it know. Just throw my stuff up here and get going! I’ll be ready before we get there” Nick said.

“Okie dokie” Kevin said in his southern drawl as he tossed Nick his gear. He then crawled in the driver’s seat of the truck. Brian jumped in after saying “congrats man!! Hi Kara!!”. I had just peeked over the side and waved back at Brian.

As we sped along the streets, Nick got himself dressed, as did I. By the time we reached to location of the fire, he was ready to go. He jumped down and then helped me down.

“Call a cab to take you back to the firehouse babe. Don’t want you around here. I need you safe. I’ll meet you at home in a couple hours.” With that, he kissed me again, and with a quick “I love you!” he was off in a flash with the others. Yelling that I loved him too, I pulled out my cell and called the cab company. After the cab came and got me, I jumped in my car to head home. In my mind, I formulated a plan....Nick was gonna get one hell of a surprise when he got home. I didn’t get the chance to tell him the secret I had for him. Boy, was he gonna be surprised.
Chapter End Notes:
Let's see if you all can figure out her surprise for Nick is.....