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Chapter Twenty Nine - June 27

Sam arrived the next day around noon. I had spent the morning convincing Nick that he should probably wear something besides his pajama bottoms.

“Why?” Nick asked.

“Because,” I said. “You didn’t wear pajama bottoms when I auditioned for my job.”

Nick grinned. “Oh, so you’re saying that if I was dressed like a slob you wouldn’t have taken the job?”

I blushed. “That’s not my point.”

Nick laughed. “Well to make you happy, I will go put on my big boy clothes.”

I smiled. “Thank you.”

I waited until the last minute to change Brooklyn. She had developed a case of the sniffles that I prayed wouldn’t develop into a full blown cold. I wiped the little snot bubbles from her nose as I picked out a sundress to put her in. Leighanne had also found some packs of limited edition denim diapers and sent me a couple.

In the world of babies, having denim disposable diapers was the fashion statement.

“You ready to meet mommy’s friend?” I asked her.

She blew me a giant raspberry before shoving her fingers in her mouth. She was so cute; I just wanted to eat her up. I scooped her off the changing table and headed into our bedroom. Nick was standing in the closet stark naked.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m trying to decide what to wear.”

“And you’re naked why?”

Now believe me, Nick doesn’t need a reason to be naked around me, but the fact that Sam was due at the house in less than twenty minutes was making me a little antsy.

“I figured if I’m going to get all snazzy I better change my drawers too. But now I can’t find where I put the new ones I bought.”

“Why don’t you just put on clean ones?”

“I’ve pulled an AJ. All my old ones are dirty so I just bought new ones.”

“Nick, I do laundry three times a week. Why don’t they make it in the basket?”

“I don’t know!” he said, throwing up his hands.

I felt weird holding Brooklyn while Nick was naked. I know she’s still a baby, but still...

“Let me put Brooklyn down in the nursery and I’ll come back and help.”

Nick was already on his knees looking under pair after pair of sneakers.


I headed back into the nursery. Brooklyn began to cry as I lowered her into the crib.

“I’m sorry sweetheart. Daddy’s naked and he’s lost his underwear.” It sounded even weirder when I said it out loud. “Mommy will be right back.”

I kissed her forehead and turned on the mobile. Then I headed back into the bedroom. I stepped into the closet and began to rummage through shelves and drawers.

“Wait, I think I remember where I put them!” Nick finally said. His bare arms shot around me from either side. I was pinned against his naked body. He yanked open a drawer that had various hats, chains, and sunglasses and yanked the package out from the very bottom.

“I knew I’d remember eventually,” he said proudly.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt the package of underwear press against my back. Nick grinned.

“So do we have time for a little nookie?” Nick asked hopefully. “I mean, we’ve already saved time. I’m already naked.” I rolled my eyes. The sound of the doorbell rang up from the main floor. My eyes widened.

“Oh crap, he’s here!”

I ducked out of Nick’s embrace and ran out of the bedroom before Nick could say another word. I scooped Brooklyn out of her crib and jogged down the stairs. After double checking that it was indeed Sam (even though the guys at the gate would have made sure first), I opened the door, smiling wide.

I hadn’t seen Sam in years. He had always been a good looking guy, but he seemed to improve with age. His wavy brown hair and baby blue eyes made him almost irresistible to look at. As he stood at my doorstep, he wore a pair of jeans paired with a light yellow t-shirt. He had topped it off with a black velvet jacket and a scarf. He had a photography bag slung over his shoulder. I would say that no one but a gay guy could dress that well, but that would be a lie. Leighanne did a great job keeping Brian coordinated. I was failing miserably with Nick.

“Sam!” I said happily. I hugged him with my free arm. He kissed my cheek then looked at Brooklyn.

“And this must be Brookey,” Sam said. “Hi cutie patootie.”

I daresay that Brooklyn had already begun to develop Nick’s love of the limelight. Her face lit up with a big gummy baby smile.

“Oh, she’s a doll,” Sam said. He looked at me. “You look good. Life with a Backstreet Boy seems to be doing you well.”

I blushed and laughed. “Shut up.”

I stepped back and welcomed him in. He stepped in and looked around.

“We’ve come a long way from Wakamata, Wisconsin, kid.”

I laughed. “No kidding.”

“So where’s the guy I have to impress?”

“Right here.”

Sam and I both looked over as Nick walked down the stairs. I smiled. He had his ‘hair did’ and he looked absolutely gorgeous. He had put on a dark pair of jeans, a dark grey t-shirt and a light blue dress shirt that he left open for that dressy-casual look. Around his neck I saw the chain that I had gotten him for Valentine’s Day.

I made the introductions and the guys shook hands. I didn’t waste any time breaking the ice or getting down to business.

“So, Sam, we had a huge milestone last night,” I said.

“Oh yeah?” Sam asked. “What was that?”

Nick looked at me. For one split moment I could tell that he was thinking about the pregnancy test. His brain seemed to chug along a little, but it finally caught up.

“I reached a 100,000 followers on my Twitter,” Nick said proudly.

“And he wrote a song about it.”

“That he needs videotaped,” I continued.

Sam smiled. “So does that mean I’ll have an audition tape when I go meet with the Backstreet boss?”

Nick snorted. “Howie’s so not the boss of me.”

“He’s the money man,” I reminded Nick with a grin. “He’s your boss.”

I turned to Sam. “So want to give this a shot?”

Sam laughed. “Honey, I was born boy band ready.”


Nick had set up a makeshift studio in the basement of the house. I propped Brooklyn up on my lap as Nick fiddled with his guitar. Sam was already recording.

“This is going to be an acoustic performance,” Nick explained. “I want to thank each and every person who clicked that Follow button. This is for you.”

You are the best fans
You followed with those hands
A strong 100,000 hitters
I love my Twitter

And we are two worlds apart
But you touched my heart
So I say
I love my Twitter

Tell my why
AJ never updates
Tell me why
Brian always chirps
Tell me why
I always want to hear you say
Nick Tweet-ed, oh yay!

Now I can see that we’re growing some more
From the time that I recorded this song, yeah
No matter the number, I want you to know
That deep down inside of me

You are the best fans
I am a lucky man
I am, I am, I am, I am…

By the time Nick finished the song, I was near tears from laughing so hard. Sam wasn’t far behind, but he was trying not to laugh sine he was so close to the video camera. Nick had poured his heart and soul into the song, complete with over the top facial expressions. As the last long note faded away, Nick flashed the camera an irresistible grin.

“I hope you guys liked my 100,000 follower surprise. Now, if we can get to two hundred thousand, they’ll be something even more fabulous. And look on nickcarter.net soon for more fun surprises. I’m out. Word.”

Nick flashed the “W” sign and Sam switched off the camera. I put Brooklyn’s little hands together and clapped.

“Yay, daddy!” I said. Brooklyn let out what I can only describe as an adorable giggly laugh.

Sam wiped his eyes. “That was awesome. Move over Chinese boys, Nick Carter has spoofed his own band.”

Nick and Sam did a weird high five handshake thing that I couldn’t even begin to copy.

“So, now that we’ve put you to work, why don’t you stay and have a late lunch with us? I want to know all about growing up with Liv.”

Sam looked over at me and winked. My eyes widened and I began shaking my head no.

“Oh, high school with Liv was definitely not boring. All the dirt I have will cover a lot more territory than lunch.”

“I’ve got all night,” Nick said.

I puffed out my cheeks and let out a big gust of air.

Oh boy.