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Author's Chapter Notes:
here is chapter 3 won't be posting anymore till i get some reviews i relly need to know what you guys think.

Chapter 3

            Howie could only look at Elizabeth and feel his heart break even more. She knew, all this times, all these years, she knew he was going to be a father and she kept it from him. He had never felt so betrayed in his entire life; especially, from someone he once considered his best friend. Then he saw them, his so called brother and band mate and the two he considered his best friends too. They were all in on the secret and they kept him in the dark.

“You kept this from me all these years?” He said hoarsely fighting the tears of pain wanting to come out.

“Howie I…”

“No, you have hurt me more than I could ever imagine” He said “And you guys” He continued, “How could I have been stupid enough to consider you my friends” He said as he began to storm off.       

       Elizabeth stood there her mouth opened in sadness slightly as she watched him run away. She knew it was for her fault that he now hated her and she felt the tears well up in her eyes.  Taking a deep breath she looked to Alex, Ashley, and Marco and kneeled down to Jocelyn’s level.  

“Sweetie I need you to stay here with your Aunt and Uncles ok?” she said as he daughter nodded.

“The same goes for you boys stay here and be good” With that she ran off after Howie.         

     Looking around she tried to figure which way he had taken. Giving herself time to think, she decided to try going to the right and following that path. Her flip flops made it hard for her to run so in a quick bolt of insanity she stopped momentarily to take them on a go for a bare foot run. Any chance she got she asked the passerby’s if they saw the man she was looking for; but, she had no luck. She was about to give up hope when she spotted him at a nearby tiki bar. Putting her sandals back on her feet she slowly walked up to him.

  “Howie” She said softly.

“What do you want? Haven’t you broken my heart enough to satisfy you?” He said as he took a big gulp of his drink.

“I didn’t mean to break your heart, I swear. I was so scared of what it would do to your career to your dreams. I was going to tell you, the night I came back from the doctor, but……” She stopped herself and looked away.

“But, what?” Howie said as he slightly started to slur his words. 

“Nothing, you wouldn’t care anyways. If you want to meet your kids…if you have the time to stay for two weeks and get to know them their birthday is coming up” She said softly and handed him a paper she had grabbed to scribble her address on.         

     Without another word she turned and headed back towards the beach. She let the tears fall, tears she thought were gone. It was the most painful day of her life and she didn’t know if it would ever go away. It wasn’t until she noticed Alex walking up to her that she hugged him tight and sobbed. Alex held on to her for support as they walked back to the house where Ashley, Marco and the kids were waiting for her. Alex stopped just before the door and helped her dry her eyes.  

“It’s going to be ok, he’ll come around soon” He said as he gave her one last hug.  

“It’s not going to be ok, he hates me” She said softly as she took one last deep breath and faced the door.      

        Opening the door Elizabeth walked in only to be talked by her kids. Giving a small sigh hugged them tightly and walked towards the couch to sit down. Marco had taken the liberty of setting a glass of water on the coffee table for Elizabeth.

“Thanks” she whispered.      

        Taking a small sip she placed the glass on the table and placed a hand over her eyes. She smiled when she looked at her children. She could feel the tears start to blur her vision as she looked at their faces. They even reminded her of him, and it broke her heart even more that she would have to tell them that their father is in town.

 “Mommy, are you ok?” She heard Howie Jr ask her.

“I’m fine baby, why don’t you guys watch TV while I talk to your Aunt and Uncles ok?” She said as she got off the couch and joined the adults on the terrace.      

       Reaching the terrace she walked to the empty chair next to Marco and sat down. She stayed silently watching the waves crashing on the shore as the sun began to set. She could feel the other three just staring at her, wondering what she was thinking about. It was a few more minutes of silence and she finally found the courage to speak.  

“I gave him the address to the house and told him the kid’s birthday would be in two weeks” she said softly.

“Eli, Hun, I know you still love him, but you really should tell him about…..”

“No! I will not, all he needs to know is about his kids and know that they love him. We are most certainly never going to be together again I know that for sure, he hates me” she said interrupting Marco and looking at him.

“What what are you talking about?” AJ asked.

“It’s nothing Sweetie. It will be said when the time comes” Ashley said as she gently rubbed AJ’s shoulder.      

        Elizabeth stayed silent as the other three began talking about the upcoming events, dropping the subject of what transpired seven years ago. Taking a deep breath Elizabeth began to relax and join in the conversation of planning the triplet’s birthday. They never noticed the figure walking along the side of the house looking at Elizabeth.  

“Hey guys” Howie said as he placed his hands in his pockets and walked towards the group.

“Hey” They said.       

      Howie noticed Elizabeth had stayed quiet and stared off into the horizon. He slowly walked up to them and looked down at the sand. He could feel the tension in the air and silently vowed to make the best of the situation.   

“Can I speak to Ells alone guys” Howie said hoarsely calling Elizabeth by the nickname he gave her.   

        She noticed everyone looking at her and she snapped out of her day dream. She noticed Howie looking at her and the others waiting for an answer.  

“Yeah guys go on ahead I’ll be fine” She whispered.      

        She smiled at Ashley, Marco, And AJ as they walked into the house. There they were alone, and both holding back emotions that they have kept hidden for a long time. They stayed in that uncomfortable silence, Elizabeth watching the horizon and Howie watching Elizabeth. It took a few moments before Howie decided to sit on the chair next to hers and clear his throat.

 “I guess we should talk” he said

“I suppose we should” she said continuing to avoid looking at him.