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Author's Chapter Notes:
yay a new chap. Hope you like and I really am loving the reviews keep them coming... so can be motivated. This one is a longer chapter enjoy and the next chapter will be very interesting trust me... hehe.
I had to laugh as Nick fell on the bed. I had speed so of course I moved. “Nick please,” I said trying to stop laughing. Bad idea he grabbed the lamp and chunked it at me, but I actually caught it.

“Since when?” he asked me as he stood up and glared at me. I put my hands up in surrender as I sighed.

“I don’t want to hurt you Nick I want your help.” I told him I put my fangs away and smiled at him. “I am still the same in here,” I said pointing to my head.”

“I have to kill you.” Nick said and suddenly I understood what Stephania said about light. He began to shine and I began to feel a burning sensation on my skin.

“Nick don’t Alicia is on our side.” I said as I began to back away to try and get out of the room. Then like that the bright light stopped and he stared at me.

“What do you mean Alicia is on your side?” he asked.

“I can explain if you will allow me.” I said a hand on the door knob.

“Fine,” Nick said.

“So first of all I have to tell you… I am Vampire. I am next in thrown my father was recently killed. I just found out about my true identity so don’t feel bad… I was human. Unlike you I had no choice Vampire blood runs through me. I got summoned by my mother to take my place…” I watched him clench his teeth he was having trouble believing me.

“I am telling you the truth Nick, I just learnt about my past and how I was lied to. Denise is not my mother and she doesn’t even know it.” I said subtly as I finally dared to sit again. “Lucky you… you have a choice.” I said with a bit of jealousy.

Nick sneered and looked at me, “I have a choice because I am only half nephilim,” he said as he took a seat and I felt a little more at ease.

“So it’s true that Alicia came to you on your eighteenth birthday?” I asked him I was just as curious as Kevin had been about me.

“Yes when I saw her I was mesmerized by her beauty. She came to me in a dream…” Nick said smiling a little. “She told me she was my last birthday gift… that night I didn’t wake up in my bed I was flying with her. She told me about my ancestors and why I was special. I had been gifted since birth with the angelic genes. I learned not all my family had this gift. I am the only one among my brothers and sisters. She showed me so many things that day and she showed me how to seduce humans… I sort of used that as an advantage at some point.” He smiled a little as he told me.

“How come you chose to live as human then?” I asked him. I was curious to know why.

He sighed heavily and stared at me. “I you could choose to be human or vampire what would you pick?” he asked.

Human of course I would choose human because I wouldn’t be in the situation I am now in. I sighed, “Human.”

He chuckled a little and then he spoke again, “Well that’s nothing compared to me… If I would have chosen to be a fallen angel I would have lost any hopes of going to heaven. DO you know what fallen angels are known for?” He asked me.

I nodded, as I remembered Alicia telling me why. “You let your emotions for humans get to you…” I said.

“Yes that, but we rebelled from GOD AJ it means that if I ever die… I don’t get a chance to go to heaven.”

“But you can’t die,” I told him.

He shook his head, “Yes we can… your kind is no threat to us but, werewolves and demons can kill us. We can also choose to die,” he said. “Unlike you… you won’t age anymore but we recycle our bodies AJ… so I will technically die too when I continue to age in this body, but my soul will find a new body preferably a baby or we can choose to vanish… cease to exist.”

“Fucking incredible…” I said as I listened to him. “How does it feel to be a fallen angel?” I asked him.

“I can’t explain it but I do know I don’t want it.” He said sternly. He chuckled again and I stared at him curiously. “You know you just said part of the lyrics to one of our unreleased songs. Fallen Angel… how does it feel to be a fallen angel… of love…” he sang and I smiled he was right.

“Why did you want to kill me, why does your kind want to kill vampires?” I had so many questions and I intended on learning as much as possible before I begged him to help me… yes I AJ McLean was going to beg Nick to change his mind and be a fallen angel.

“You kill humans… most of you anyway. Humans are the reason we are here we protect them.” He said. “Why do you care to know about me anyway? Why did you have to show me what you are?” he finally asked me.

“You really couldn’t smell me?” I asked him. His nostrils flared and he made a face. “Now I can.” He said, “Spill it AJ.”

“Fine, I really did mean what I said though. I still consider you my brother and I want us to continue to be what we are… the Backstreet Family.” I said as I began to pick on my fingers… bad habits die hard. What can I say? “Nick I went to break up with Rochelle because she was in danger… I don’t know how well you are aware of the war between my kind.” I said subtly.

“I am very aware Alicia told me the story about the “good vampires” and “bad vampires” and I just now know she finally accepted the alliance.” He said rolling his eyes.

“Tristan is after my crown that belongs to me by blood. You know what the means then to man kind as to every other being.” I said slowly.

“Yes…” he said as he stared at me I knew he was thinking hard on what I was saying.

“You might not remember about Kevin showing up and saying he wanted to rejoin the group?” I asked maybe he could remember he wasn’t human.

“No… you have just revived my supernatural side today. I really was completely human till today…” he said. “My powers were mute of no use at all… till now.”

“Well he came on a mission to kill me and he was being used by Tristan… he threatened him with his family but Stephania was able to figure it all out and we saved Kevin and his family. But it was not the case with…” I swallowed hard as I saw a mental picture of Rochelle being bitten. “Rochelle.”

I saw the look on Nick change he was surprised. “What happened to her?” he asked.

“They have her and will use her to get to me. I tried to save her but I am still very new to my powers.” I said as I felt my bloodied tears come down my face. “I love her and I was going to break up with her to keep her away from all this but they beat me to her.”

“I have to save her but I can’t do it on my own. In exactly a week my coronation ceremony will be performed according to Stephania, Tristan will show up with a ruse about a trade… he lets Rochelle go as long as I go with him.”

“So you want my help?” he said.

“That’s my hope that you will help me… Alicia warned me that you might not accept but I know you Nick and I only hope that our friendship our “human” friendship is still the same. I am not asking you as a Vampire but as Alex the guy you grew up with and partied with for many years. That you help me… Stephania has a plan and you would be our secret weapon.”

He looked torn as he heard me… “I haven’t used my powers for over eight years AJ. I might be too weak to use them.”

“You will be saving a human” I told him knowing that might be the only way he might help.

“Alicia is full of shit… she only cares about…” he stopped and smiled instead. “Just forget it… I’m in.” he said smiling at me as he handed me a napkin. “You might want to wipe those before Brian or Howie pop in.”

I didn’t care though instead I hugged him and he chuckled. “Awe smooshy AJ is out.” He said hugging me back. “I will do what I can, so when do we start to train? By the way I will need to see Alicia. I need her advice to make sure I can kill that son of bitch.”

“Thank you and we will sneak at night after the show to practice. You will get to see Alicia soon enough.” I told him. “Thanks man I really owe you one.” I told him.

“Hey this doesn’t mean I will stop pranking you…” he said as he punched me in the arm usually that would’ve of hurt like hell but this time it felt like nothing. “Hey AJ, Howie nor Brian can know about me.”

“I know they can’t know about me either… this will be our secret.” I told him as I wiped my face.

“Pinky swear?” He asked as he stuck out his pinky at me.

“I you fucking serious?” I asked him annoyed.

“Yes pinky swear AJ.” Nick said a smirk on his face.

“Fine,” I said linking my pinky to his. My cold skin shivered at his warm super come pinky touched mine. “Happy?” I asked him.

“Yes.” He chuckled and then he farted…. I made a face and covered my nose. “You’re sick Nick… awe hell I’m out of here.” I knew he would help and I felt even more relieved my friend was going to help. I smiled as could still hear his laughs as I exited the door to his hotel room. I knew we still had a lot of talking to do and I still had questions about him. But right now what mattered is he was going to help me get Rochelle back.