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"Good job Alex," Stephania told me as I was able to levitate according to her my real my father could do that.

I had been able to master the art of hypnotizing. I was to head back to my hotel in the morning. Of course with new people working for me all of my kind.

Its funny how that sounds to me. I would have never thought I was more than a mere mortal. Now I know what I am... an immortal and king.

King? That I think is what freaks me out the most. I am suppose to be royal and yet I have no idea how to run my own life how could I run a whole world of vampires?

"Thats why we are here... to help you." Stephania said bringing me back from my thoughts.

"You really need to stop that!" I said turning to face her. "You sure I can't get someone else to be my new PA?" I just couldn't picture having Stephania reading my every thought.

"No can do," she told me smiling at me. "Trust me you need me because I can read everyone's mind. If Tristan infiltrates or if one of his followers into the band or crew I will be able to know and take care of it."

"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes. I still was a little angry after she had fired my other PA. She had been very nice and loyal so of course I wasn't to happy about that. "What's next?"

"Well you're not going to like this..." she began as she took the glass of blood from the tray Sam had just bought us.

"It's not like I've liked any of this in the first place..." I said staring at her my mouth watering as I saw her take a drink.

I knew I wanted a glass too and so I took the other glass. I have to say that with my new view on food, Stephania had been right nothing compared to the taste of blood.

How stupid must I sound, only a few days earlier I would've fainted or puked just at the sight of this divine liquid. "Just spill it already." I finally told her.

"Well... its about Rochelle." She said a smirk on her face. I think she was amused with my sudden death glare.

"Don't say what I think you are." I said with my teeth clenched.

"I'm not," she said smiling. "Even though it would be cool to watch you try to turn her into one of us." She laughed a little but stopped when she felt my hand around her throat. The new me had zero tolerance for mockery.

"Relax," she gasped as I loosened my grip. "Wow, you have no fucking idea how much of a turn on you are like that." she said as she rubbed her neck.

"To bad I don't date older woman or the fact you are not my type." I said still glaring at her.

"I wouldn't date you either you idiot but I wouldn't mind one night with you. You have acquired quite a reputation as a human imagine now that you are one of us?" she told me.

"Just spit it out already...What about Rochelle?"

"Oh yeah you have to end it with her. It is best for her to not be part of your life at this moment. Tristan can try to use her to get to you, but if you end it with her you can save her from this. Besides now that you won't be feeding on regular food you will need a human to go with you wherever you go, so you could feed. The best way to do that without causing suspicion is by passing your food as your love interest."

She was right I couldn't put my Monkey through this. I cared to much for her to drag her into this. I just don't know if I can give her up. She was the one girl that I had actually connected with in every part of my human life... in every level. I honestly loved her and that's why I had asked her to marry me. She is real but then again she is in love with Alex McLean and he no longer exists.

I knew I had to tell her soon. Yet I knew I would be breaking her heart and she would hate me forever. My dead heart would also hurt after I did end our relationship, but I knew I had no choice. The only other option was to tell her the truth. But if I chose that route I risked her hating me more and then of course it would mean she would be a target for Tristan. "Fine," I said swallowing hard.

"But?" she asked as she read my mind.

"But I want to fly to Cali and tell her in person." I said.

"That's impossible with your schedule."

"Well as my new PA make it happen." I said firmly as I took the glass in my hands and threw it toward the fire place. I cringed as I heard the glass shatter.


"Drink it!" Derrick told me as his wrist pressed onto my lips. I turned my face away only to have it shoved back to his wrist. "Drink it." he told making me stare at him.

I began to drink the blood without hesitation. By now had realized that whenever Derrick or any of the other vampires stared into my eyes they somehow had power over my will. "There much better," he told me after he pulled his wrist away.

I began to spit the blood that still remained in my mouth. I still didn't understand why they were making me drink their blood. All I really cared about at this moment was for the safety of my family.

I felt pain at I felt his nail cut a deep wound on my right side of my chest. I tried to move but I was tied up and all I could do was scream as I felt his fangs on the wound yet it was also very pleasurable.

I have always tried to be strong but this was too much for me. I could hear my sobs as he fed on me. "Please," I said between sobs.

He didn't take long though, after a few eternal seconds he was licking my wound and like magic it vanished only leaving a very light pink scar.

"Now we are connected." he told me smiling at me. "We are not stupid to just take your word. We know that you and Alex had a special bond when he was human. You would have probably told him everything about us as soon as you made it to the hotel he is staying at. We can't take that risk, Lord Tristan will rise and to make sure he does we have to make sure Alex dies!"

I was no longer sobbing but I could still feel the hot tears coming down my face. I felt horrible knowing that I was going to be the one to blame for one of my best friends death. I really did wish I could do something about it, but I couldn't because my family would suffer the consequences.

"I will be able to feel every emotion and thought you have even if I won't be near you. You will also be able to listen to me and you will follow my every instruction. If not... well you know what will happen."

"I got it!" I yelled at him. "But before I do this I want to see them. I want to make sure my wife and son are ok." I said as I felt my lips quiver.

"We can arrange that. But I should let you know that your wife hates you. See we had to make her believe you had left her for someone else. We even had someone deliver her the divorce papers. Which she signed after seeing the pictures and your letter."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Why?" I asked not understanding why they had to that.

"Because most likely your mission will be suicidal. See Alex will kill you if he finds out you are working for us... or we will if you screw up or if your mission is successful you will be turned into one of us."