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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy =)

P.S. Thank you SO much Airok for your help, it is so greatly appreciated.
Chapter One-Hundred-Fifty-Six

Meanwhile in New York, Brooke and AJ walked around the mall while pushing Laila in her stroller all afternoon. They went into all of Brooke’s stores and she bought herself some new clothes and jewelry, and some make up. They went into some of AJ’s stores and he bought a new pair of sunglasses, a couple of pairs of hats, and some new t-shirts. After that they took Laila into baby stores and between both AJ and Brooke they bought her a whole new wardrobe and a couple of toys that she herself had insisted upon having. After spending hours at the mall both Brooke and AJ’s feet were getting sore and Laila was becoming very agitated with having to sit in her stroller for so long.

“Why don’t we go and get us some Panda Express and Laila some Mc Donald’s and we can go to the park and eat. Then Laila can be set loose and we’ll let her run wild around the park for awhile,” AJ suggested as he slid his arm around Brooke’s waist while they stand in the store called Torrid and he pulled her close to him. She smiled up at him and he rested his forehead against hers and made it so their lips were just inches apart.

“That sounds good,” She answered and he brushed his lips lightly over hers. When he pulled away he began pushing Laila’s stroller again and Brooke walked a long side him. As they were walking through the mall they were approaching a Cold Stone up ahead. Laila caught sight of it almost instantly.

“Wants ouse cream…pease J?” She asked, turning in her stroller to look up at him innocently and AJ smiled at her lovingly.

“We’ll have ice cream after lunch precious I promise.” Laila turned back around and leaned back in her chair and AJ grinned at Brooke.

“She is such a good kid…isn’t she good?”

“She’s an angel…but you know it won’t last, right?”

“Oh don’t I know it…I’ve got Kota as a niece and she’s gotten quite a temper in the last few months.”

“Yeah I don’t think it helps much that she has a best friend who is ten times more temperamental then she is.” Brooke laughed. “Ellie has quite an influence on her.”

“True that…but at the same time she is the best thing to ever happen to her.”

“Yeah, don’t I know it. She was miserable until she came a long – a father and a best friend in one day…she was one happy kid,” Brooke replied. When the two of them found an exit to the mall they left and headed for Panda Express to get their late lunch. They had been too absorbed in their shopping to stop for lunch when it was actually time for it. When they arrived at Panda Express they went inside and AJ slid his arm around her waist and kissed her forehead softly.

“Why don’t you take Laila and go sit down while I wait in line for some food. I know what you like.”

“Oh you do, do you?” Brooke asked, and she looked up at him with a challenging gaze.

“Of course I do. I may be new at being your boyfriend but I’m not new at loving you, you know.” Brooke blushed and he chuckled and bent down and gave her a quick kiss before walking off to go wait in line. Brooke pushed Laila’s stroller over to a table and she pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Out? Pease Brookie?” Laila pleaded and she squirmed about in her stroller. Brooke immediately felt bad for the two-year-old who had been so good all day for them but was now growing very anxious. She doesn’t blame her.

“Well…we aren’t staying here, but I can carry you I guess,” Brooke replied and she leaned over and unbuckled Laila from her stroller before pulling her out of it and she set her down so she was standing in front of her. “Stay right here baby or you will have to get back in your stroller.”

“J?” Laila asked while turning her head and pointing to the man she loves very much.

“He’ll be back,” Brooke promised and she gently took hold of the little girl’s hand because she could just see her turning and darting for AJ. She looks like she could run a mile right now. Brooke smiled at her and gently raked her fingers through her blonde curls.

“I know you must be pretty stiff right now sweetie. But I promise as soon as Alex gets our food we will go to the park and you can run around crazy all you want.” She sat there watching Laila dance in her spot for a few moments until suddenly she heard the door to the fast food place open. Automatically looking up at it at the sound of the bell she saw Thadius’ best friend Aiden walk in. Brooke’s body stiffened at the sight of him and she stood up, scooped Laila up into her arms and she walked over to AJ, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head against his shoulder. A second later the door opened again and Thadius’ brother Mark walked in too and Aiden went over and talked quietly to him. Brooke noticed him motioning toward her, which tells her they are talking about her.

“Brooke what’s the matter?” AJ asked concerned, as he can sense something isn’t right without even having to look at her. Before Brooke could answer his question though, Mark and Aiden came up behind them to wait in line and Brooke tightened her grip on AJ.

“Well hello there Brooke, I didn’t think we’d run into you here!” Aiden spoke in a false cheerful tone, causing AJ to turn and look at him. Immediately sensing trouble he tightened his arms around Brooke in return.

“Who are you?”

“And you must be the new boyfriend we’ve heard all about!” Mark spoke up and he reached his hand out to AJ hoping to shake his hand but AJ did not return the gesture.

“Heard all about from who?”

“Oh but surely Brooke would’ve told you all about her ex boyfriend Thadius…my brother?”

“He was not her boyfriend. He was an asshole who treated her horribly,” AJ replied rather bluntly, not caring who he is talking to.

“Yes, that is the sob story that she is spreading around…don’t believe a word of it. You want to hear the real story? What really happened was she led him on…she asked for it and then later claimed it was rape. Id be careful if I were you…she’ll probably do it to you next. Thad is in jail now thanks to her…” AJ moved toward Mark raising his hand to punch him but Brooke pulled him back.

“Alex no…please…” She pleaded as tears rolled down her face.

“But Brooke he –“

“He’s not worth it. It’s not our fault he can’t accept that his brother is a rapist,” Brooke replied, coming out from behind AJ and standing in front of him and she looked Mark hard in the face. She is not going to let him scare her because she knows that is what he is trying to do – and she will not give him that satisfaction.

“My brother did nothing but love you. He would never do anything to hurt you,” Mark insisted. Brooke laughed but it was not at all a friendly laugh.

“He sure has a funny way of showing it.”

“You have no proof that he raped you. It was years ago…if he raped you why would you wait until now to say something?”

“Exactly,” Aiden agreed. The only person who should be in jail right now is your stupid brother because he attacked him.”

“She was traumatized! And in denial – because your stupid ass brother made her that way,” AJ growled.

“Whatever. She’s a stupid little slut who asked for it.” Not being able to take it anymore, AJ gently moved Brooke out of the way and he dove toward Mark.

“ALEX NO, STOP!” Brooke pleaded, but AJ ignored her this time. He shoved Mark up against the wall and his fist connected with his jaw. Aiden immediately went to Mark’s rescue and the next thing Brooke knew they were all three engaged in the fight. Punches were thrown, AJ could be heard yelling threats, the three of them were rolling around on the floor and knocking chairs over, other customers were screaming, and the people who run Panda Express were rushing over to break it up. All the while Brooke stood out of the way holding Laila close to her and yelling for AJ to stop. It took four Panda Express owners to pull the three men apart.

“BREAK IT UP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” one man yelled as he restrained AJ and a second later two policemen who were across the street rushed in.

“What is the problem here?” one of the officer’s spoke.

“These three men here caused a riot in the middle of my restaurant,” the man holding AJ explained, revealing the fact that he is the manager.

“Alright – the three of you step outside please…” the other officer spoke. The manager released AJ and he grabbed Brooke’s hand before following the police officer and Mark and Aiden outside – He gently took Laila who was bawling into his arms and he hugged her close and rubbed his hand over her back.

“Shhh…its okay baby…it’s alright I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he spoke soothingly in her ear. When they got outside the police officer turned and looked at them just as another woman came rushing out.

“Officer before you arrest this man here I just want to point out that these two other men were harassing them – I witnessed their whole conversation before the fight broke out.”

“Alright…Jim…why don’t you go and get a statement from her, I’ll talk to these three…” One officer instructed, and the officer called Jim nodded and motioned for the woman who had come to AJ’s rescue to follow him and he led her off to the side. The officer who stayed behind rounded on AJ, Aiden, and Mark then and just by looking at his nametag AJ can tell his name is Cameron. AJ kissed Laila’s forehead softly as he had finally gotten her to calm down some. She has her arms wrapped tight around AJ and her head rested against his shoulder and Brooke is standing there gently combing her fingers through her blonde curls.


Meanwhile in Kentucky, when Q, Aaron, Howie, and Ryan arrived at the lake Aaron got a huge surprise. Already swimming and having a great time in the lake were four girls – the very girls he had been looking for all day long. Stacy, Ally, Jessica, and Brianne. Brianne, Ally, and Jessica were all swimming in bikini’s but Stacy had chosen a one-piece bathing suit and ignored the looks and comments that she had gotten from her friends. They know she doesn’t normally wear those kinds of swimsuits and that she would prefer a bikini and they wasted no time in interrogating her. She just simply said she didn’t feel like wearing one but Ally noticed that she seems to once again know something that they don’t. Aaron stood frozen in his spot as he had eyes for only Stacy, who in his opinion is the most beautiful girl there. Howie and Q looked at Aaron grinning.

“Well…there you go air…what are you waiting for? Go talk to her,” Howie encouraged.

“I…um…” Aaron replied, his mouth going dry. “What do I…say?”

“Well, you can always start with hello – that usually helps,” Q replied.

“Um…no. I changed my mind…I don’t want to swim anymore,” Aaron insisted and he turned and headed for the Littrell House but Howie grabbed him gently by the arm and pulled him back.

“Not so fast little man.” Aaron scowled.

“I wish you wouldn’t talk to me like I am five.”

“Then quit acting like it and go OVER there and make a conversation! I mean come on Air, you talk to girls every day called fans. What is so different about this?”

“Yeah and Aaron we spent all day looking for her you can’t just give up now,” Q added.

“The difference is…she’s not just any fan…I really like her.”

“I get that buddy but if you don’t go and get this over with you are going to be thinking about it every day and wondering what could have been and that’s no way to live. Trust me.”

“Yeah and you’ve been given a second chance with her…so embrace it.” Aaron sighed and nodded.

“Kay…” he replied and with great effort he managed to make his legs walk out to the lake where the girls were at – all four of them completely oblivious to his presence

“Ryan and I are going on the other side of the lake to swim so we can give him some privacy. Why don’t you stay here with Airboy? He needs you more than I do.”

“I can’t leave you two alone…what if…”

“We’ll be fine I promise. It’s Aaron you should worry about – he’s not old enough to defend himself – from Sean or those girls.” Q laughed and Howie just smirked.

“Nice D, real nice.”

“Hey, someone has to get him back – he and Nick tease AJ and me plenty.” Q rolled his eyes grinning.

“Alright – but I want to be able to see you…” he caved. Howie nodded.

“We won’t go far I promise,” he reassured and he took Ryan’s hand and began to lead him around the lake. Q turned his attention on Aaron who had just approached the lake and had gotten the girls’ attention. Jessica and Brianne both became frozen and quiet. Ally who had gotten the pleasure of talking to him for an entire two hours the other night wasn’t too surprised this time; but seeing as how she’s been an Aaron Carter fan for as long as she can remember, she can’t hide the excitement. Stacy on the other hand groaned and looked around her for an escape route. Aaron knelt down at the side of the lake.

“Hey Aaron,” Ally greeted with a grin, though she flashed a nervous look toward her best friend who was supposed to be getting Aaron off of her mind for the day.

“Hey Al…you aren’t going to faint on me again are you?”

“No I’m good this time – I promise,” Ally reassured, though her face turned a bright shade of pink.

“Good,” Aaron replied while chuckling a little bit.

“These are my two friends Brianne and Jessica – the one’s I was telling you about the other night,” she introduced. Aaron smiled at them kindly.

“Hi Brianne, Hi Jessica. You two got your autographs right?” both girls nodded quietly.

“Are they both usually this quiet?”

“Oh no…don’t worry. Once they get over the shock you will never get them to shut up.”

“HEY!” Brianne piped up, suddenly snapping out of her trance and looking at Ally indignantly. It seemed to have snapped Jessica right on out of it too because she was now narrowing her eyes at her also. Ally smiled at them innocently.

“Well it’s true…but I love you both anyway!” she insisted and Brianne splashed her with water and Jessica did the same causing Ally to have to defend herself and the next thing Stacy and Aaron knew the three girls were in the middle of a full on water fight. Stacy rolled her eyes and Aaron watched in amusement. But when she looked at him he immediately snapped out of it and looked at her in return.

“Are you following me?”

“No-no of course not,” Aaron answered quickly – too quickly for his own good. Stacy raised her eyebrow.

“Really? So you just happened to run into me at Wal-Mart, run into me at the park and now here too?”

“What’s the matter? Don’t you believe in fate?”

“Nooo…but I believe in bad luck.”

“Well I believe in fate. I think if life keeps bringing us together like this it’s trying to tell us something.”

“Yeah, that you are a stalker – and that it wants me to suffer.”

“I’m not stalking you. This lake is five minutes away from The Littrell’s house and I wanted to come swimming in it – I had no idea you would be here.”

“Yeah, okay. Whatever,” Stacy replied not believing him for a second.

“I was kind of hoping I’d see you again though,” he admitted softly.

“So you were stalking me then?”

“No – I wasn’t. I just hoped that I would see you around town again…because I wanted to talk to you.” Stacy raised her eyebrow.

“About?” Aaron sighed. He knows no matter what he says to her she is going to be mad at him anyway, so he might as well go for it and get it over with.


“There is no us.”

“Well there used to be.” Stacy suddenly looked taken aback – like someone had just knocked all the wind out of her. He remembers? Aaron watched as a tear rolled down her cheek and he fought back the urge to reach out wipe it away.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Yes you do. You are angry with me and that is why you treat me the way that you do. I have pictures of us together Stace…we were best friends. I know you have a good reason to be angry with me…but you can’t be mad at me forever…can you?”

“Can’t be mad at you forever? Can’t be mad at you forever?”


“NINE years I waited for you Aaron, NINE years!” Stacy exclaimed while breaking down into sobs. “I spent NINE years waiting for your call, keeping track of you, going to concerts and hoping to get close to you, but not once did ANY of that ever happen!”

“I know that now and I’m—“


“I’m sorry…” Aaron insisted as tears fell from his own eyes.

“I cried over you day and night ever since I watched your car drive out of that drive way at five years old – you can’t even begin to understand how much it hurt me. So yes Aaron, I think I have the right to be mad at you forever – or at least nine years so that you can know how it feels!” Stacy informed and with that she grabbed hold of his ankle as he stood there and yanked on it causing him to fall into the lake yelling. She climbed out of the water before he even surfaced and when he did she looked at him with so much anger as tears fell from her eyes fast.

“I hate you Aaron Carter! I hate you so much! I was just starting to get over you! Why did you have to come back into my life and screw it up all over again?” she cried and she turned and ran in the direction of her house leaving her friends behind to stare after her in shock. Aaron turned and looked at her friends and the three of them looked back at him with a mixture of sympathy and anger that he had upset their best friend. Ally was the first to do anything. She crawled out of the lake and hurried after Stacy causing the other two to immediately do the same thing leaving Aaron there alone to his misery. Aaron just stood there rooted to his spot with tear streaks staining his cheeks and staring in the direction that Stacy and the girls ran in. Q came out from standing in the woods and he walked over to the lake and reached his hand out to him.

“Aaron…buddy…come on let’s get you home okay?” Aaron took Q’s hand and allowed him to help him out of the lake and when he did Q handed him a towel. He started to lead the upset thirteen-year-old toward the woods but Aaron turned and went the other way. When Q noticed this he turned and looked back at him.

“Aaron? Where are you going?”

“I just want to see where she lives,” Aaron insisted, and he hurried off in that direction.

“Wait – Air – that’s heading into the stalking category…”

“I don’t care!” Aaron shouted and he disappeared in the woods. Q groaned and hurried after him.