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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
It was co-written with Lenni.
Enjoy =)
Chapter Eighteen:

When Nick finally had Ashley calmed down again he stood up and held out his hand for her. She took a hold of it and allowed him to help her up.

“Are you calm enough to go downstairs to the playground?” He asked her gently and she nodded. He reached out and wiped away stray tears from her cheeks, than he once again took her hand and brought her out of the bathroom. He is thankful that Dakota had already gone downstairs ahead of time and wasn’t there to hear the argument. He doesn’t like when she sees Ashley so upset. It really frightens her. He lead her downstairs to the lobby and out onto the playground where a bunch of kids are playing and Riley, Brian, and Kevin are all standing out there supervising. Elenore and Dakota are sitting in the sandbox playing in the sand and the three adults are standing next to it.

“Where have you two been?” Brian asked curiously.

“I had to wait on Ashley to finish her shower and stuff. Then she had a breakdown and I had to put her back together again.” Nick explained.

“Oh, I see.” Brian replied, looking slightly concerned but he decided not to question it. Suddenly Riley’s cell phone rang. She reached into her pocket and pulled it out and she looked at the caller ID to see that it’s Chase. She turned the phone on and put it to her ear.

“Hello?” she asked into the phone.

“Hey baby…what’s up?” Riley raised her eyebrow and suddenly worry began to build up inside her. He is NOT going to cancel out on our dinner again is he?

“Nothing really…just doing my job. You?”

“Nothing, nothing. Just getting ready for our dinner tonight.”

“Yeah?” Riley asked, relief washing over her.

“Yup. I was just wondering if…I was just wondering if - stop that!” Riley suddenly heard giggling in the background.

“Chase?” she asked curiously.

“Sorry baby. I was just wondering if you wanted tacos tonight.”

“Sure…but honey who is that giggling in the background?”

“My sister.”

“Olivia is there with you?”

“Yeah. She wanted to help me set things up…you know since she’s a girl and knows what will make you happy. I just want things to be real special for you tonight baby.”

“Where are the two of you at?” Riley asked suspiciously.

“The grocery store. We’re just picking out a few things.” Riley thought for a couple of minutes.

“Can I talk to Olivia? I want to say hi.”

“She ran off just now to go get a few things. I will tell her you said hi how about that?”


“But I’ve gotta go baby…I have lots to do before you come home tonight. I will see you then okay?”


“Love you baby.”

“Love you too…” Riley replied, and she hung up the phone and stuffed it into her pocket. She looked at a concerned Nick, Brian, and Kevin.

“Everything okay?” Brian was the first to ask.

“Yeah everything’s great. He just wanted to know if I wanted tacos tonight. He and his sister are at the grocery store picking up a few things. She’s helping him plan our romantic evening.” Riley explained, smiling brightly.

“His sister huh?” Brian asked amused, and Kevin lightly elbowed the younger man in the side telling him to control himself.

“Yeah. You met her before right? At the barbeque we had last fourth of July? Her name’s Olivia.”

“Yeah… I remember her…”

“Yeah, her and I have always gotten a long great. Tonight is really going to be special if she’s involved.” Riley replied, and it’s obvious that Riley is overly excited. He just hopes that excuse for husband of hers doesn’t do anything to ruin it for her or he will be forced to beat him till he’s black and blue all over. Suddenly a big van to the sporting goods store in the mall pulled up. Brian grinned as he was expecting it to come. Its right on time too. Everyone sort of glanced over curiously when they saw the big truck pull up, and Brian eagerly run over to it.

"What's my crazy cousin up to now?" Kevin wondered aloud. They all watched as they saw Brian sign a clip board, and suddenly he was waving them over.

"Guys! C'mere! I got the kids a surprise!" At the word surprise, suddenly all the kids outside went running over to see just what it was he'd got them - except for Elenore and Dakota. Dakota was waiting on her friend, who looked unsure about the surprise and had suddenly paused in her digging. Riley went over first, followed by Nick, and Ashley - Kevin had stayed with the girls, as he didn't want Elenore to freak out any, if he could help it.

"Brian, what is all of this?" Riley asked, as she managed to get to him through the crowd of anxious children.

"Who here needs a baseball glove?" Brian asked, and immediately all hands went up. He chuckled. "Well, you're all getting one!" The kids looked shocked for a moment, then let out excited cheers. The man delivering the merchandise smiled as he heard the kids response to the unexpected news. He climbed up into the back of the truck and began handing mitts down to Brian. "Alright - everyone form a line and when you come up I’ll give you a mitt and a ball," Brian called out. "C'mon! Hurry it up!" The children immediately got into line as quickly as they could - Nick stopping a few from fighting over their spot, as Ashley clung to his side. Brian - with the help of Riley - began to hand out a mitt and ball to each child there. Once they all had their new mitts and balls, he then announced they'd better line-up again if they wanted jerseys - to which they all once more let out excited shrieks. He chuckled, and continued handing the stuff out ,as the truck driver passed them to him. Once that was all done and over with, he announced he'd gotten them even more sports equipment, but they'd all have to share the rest. Riley was shocked.

“When? How?” Brian smiled mischievously.

"When we went shopping yesterday - what did you think I was doing in the store for so long? I mean, I love sports - but why would I check out every item for myself?" Riley shook her head. The man was absolutely unbelievable at times - especially at times like now. His and the Boys generosity never ceased to amaze her. They all seemed to enjoy making the kids in the Orphanage happy. With the help of the older kids, Riley, Brian, Nick, and even Ashley all managed to carry the new sports equipment to the playground where they had a shed for it all to be stored - though, the shed was pretty much empty. As everyone set the boxes down to explore the items in each one, Brian made his way over to the two still sitting in the sandbox - one excited, the other unsure.

"Hey girls," Brian grinned. "I got you something." With that, he handed them each a baseball glove in their size, as well as two brightly colored baseballs. He was glad he'd bought enough for everyone - especially when he saw the look on Elenore's face, upon realizing they were hers to keep. "And here are your jerseys." He smiled, handing each little girl a brand new baseball jersey. Kevin shook his head at his cousin.

"Only you would think of sports, Bri."

"Well, somebody has too," Brian winked, before running back over to Riley and the kids, after kissing the girls' heads affectionately. Elenore looked up shocked - she'd never been kissed before in her life! Dakota noticed the look on her friend's face and cocked her head to the side.

"What wrong Ellie?" Kevin glanced down, hearing Dakota's question and saw the look on Elenore's little face. He smiled as he crouched down next to them, having an idea.

"Quite a surprise Brian gave you, eh?" Elenore looked up at him, shock still clearly written on her face. She couldn't believe it! Her first affectionate kiss had come from Brian! The Brian Littrell! Her most favorite Backstreet Boy! Kevin chuckled.

"Brian is very affectionate Ellie. He loves to hug people and kiss their heads if he feels the need too. Sometimes he does so without even thinking about it, because he enjoys showing people he cares." Dakota looked a little confused.

"Its only Uncle Brian. He kiss me lots. What’s wrong?" Kevin looked at Dakota then, smiling warmly.

"Nothing, Honey. Ellie's just never gotten a kiss from anyone before, so she's a little surprised, is all." Dakota frowned and eyed her friend.

"Nobody ever give you kisses? Nots even yer Mommy or Daddy?" Elenore shook her head, looking down as her shock and happy moment wore off. She didn't understand why mommy and daddy never hugged or kissed her like all the other parents did to their kids. Why was she so different? Why was she always left out of the warm affection? Kevin reached over and very gently rubbed Elenore's back, sensing her change of moods. Dakota thought a moment, before flinging herself at her friend and hugging her very tightly - though careful not to hurt her.

"I'll hug you Ellie! And so will Uncle Kevin, Uncle Brian, Uncle A.J., Uncle Howie, and Riley, and Ashee, And Daddy!" She kissed Elenore's cheek affectionately. "I love you! And I'll take care of you! Yer my bestest friend ever!" Elenore started to cry at that, no one had ever taken the time to care about her before. She still couldn't believe that her most favorite music group actually seemed to care - and want to hug and kiss her. And her new friend - she was actually gonna be someone's bestest friend ever! How odd and confusing and exciting was that? No one had ever wanted her before - she wanted to believe them, but it was still so hard to believe that people actually cared. They still scared her some, as this was all new to her, but it felt good - until somebody mentioned her mommy and daddy - then she was homesick, and angry and upset all at once. They'd been mean to her, but she still couldn't help but love them. They were her mommy and daddy after all - and weren't kids like her supposed to love them? Dakota hugged Elenore a bit tighter, looking worried as she'd made her friend cry. Kevin rubbed Elenore's back still, as he maneuvered to sit completely in the sandbox with them.

"Shh....It's okay Ellie." He gently scooped the little one up and into his lap, bringing Dakota into his lap as well. "She's okay, Kota. She's just never had somebody to love her before. She's happy you love her, trust me on this, okay?" Dakota nodded, as she just clung tighter, wanting to hug all the hurt away.

“Don'ts cry Ellie. Uncle Kevy can protects you, and so can Uncle Brian and Daddy and everybody else! And I'ma nots let anybody hurteds you! If they hurteds you, I'ma hurteds them back." Kevin smiled as he hugged both girl close.

"That's sweet of you, Kota - but I think it's best if you inform your Daddy or Riley or Uncle Brian or me if somebody hurts you or Ellie, okay?"

"Kay," Dakota replied, plopping down on Kevin's leg to sit - she'd been standing still. Elenore hugged Dakota back just as tight, if not tighter, as she leaned into Kevin as well. She was still crying some, but not as bad as she'd been a few moments ago. All she wanted was to be safe and happy - and right now she felt safe, though she didn't know how long that would last. As for happy, she was happy, but wary of being completely happy. Kevin rocked them both, as he sang to them quietly.

"I will love you more than that. I won't say the words, then take them back....."


Meanwhile in New Jersey Kori was behind the counter at Blue Moon Diner taking people’s orders when suddenly the phone rang. Isabel hurried over to it and picked it up.

“Thank-you for calling Blue Moon Diner how can I help you?” she spoke dutifully into the phone. She was quiet for a moment, than she looked at Kori.

“Kori its some guy named Scott Jackson. He’s asking for you.” Kori suddenly paused at hearing that name. She looked over at Isabel with a raised eyebrow.

“Do you want me to tell him your busy and give him a better time to call back?” Kori looked around the Diner for Spencer. When she sat that he was nowhere to be seen and was probably upstairs in his room playing with his toys she looked at Isabel.

“Ask him if he is ready to be the father to his son yet.” Was all Isabel said and she kept her attention on putting her customer’s orders into her little computer screen. She noticed Isabel looking at her in complete shock for a moment in the corner of her eye. Kori never told her about Spencer’s father…or even anything about her past for that matter. Isabel delivered Kori’s message to him though and was silent again as he answered, than she looked at Kori.

“He says that what he has to say to you is very important. So can you please come to the phone?”

“I am busy. The only important thing in my life now is our son. My life is all about him and neither him or I can afford me getting involved in my childhood memories. That is why I ran away. To put it all behind me.” Isabel once again delivered her message and Kori continued to look at her waiting for what he had to say next. When he replied Isabel looked back at Kori.

“He says its about your sister and it’s a matter of life and death. You turned away from everything that meant so much to you once upon a time… but do you really have the heart to turn away from your little sister? Who loved you? And looked up to you?” Kori looked at Isabel, her face now pale. Hearing the words a matter of life and death and your sister in the same sentence nearly knocked the wind out of her. What is wrong with Ashley? She then went over to the phone and she took it from Isabel. Isabel went to take Kori’s place in her job but she listened carefully to her friend. She may not know what this is all about but she’s worried about her.

“Hey Scott… hold on a second while I take the phone upstairs okay?”

“Okay,” Scott replied, and she put the phone on the counter and looked at Isabel.

“Libby hang the phone up when I tell you to okay?”

“Kay,” Isabel replied and Kori went upstairs. She looked in on Spencer and saw that he was happily playing with his toys so she went across the hall to her own room. She went in there and picked up the cordless phone and she turned it on.

“Lib are you there?” she spoke into the phone.


“Hang up please,” Kori answered and she heard a click.


“Yeah I’m here.”

“What’s going on? What’s wrong with Ashley?”

“They’ve got her Kor…they’ve got Ashley and have had her for the past five years. They killed your parents and she ran away to escape being placed in any Orphanage or Foster home. Sean tricked Ashley into moving in with him. They’ve been doing all kinds of horrible things to her!”

“They what?? They killed my parents?” Kori asked in a panic and tears welled up in her eyes.

“Yeah…five years ago…” Scott answered quietly, feeling very sorry for Kori. He had always loved her…and deep down inside part of him does want to be a father but he’s terrified of the thought.


“They were in the wrong place at the wrong time Kor.. They didn’t want your parents at all. They were looking for the stuff you stole from him. Ashley hid upstairs and they never even knew she was there so she’s the only one who lived. When they realized this they made a plan to keep an eye on her. Sean tricked her into moving in with him and he’s been torturing her.”

“How do you know this? And why are you just telling me this now?”

“I just now found out about it. Turn on your laptop Kor… check out Sean’s website. You aren’t going to like what you see…” Kori got up from her bed, eyes full of tears and she went over to her computer desk and sat down at her lap top that was already turned on and ready to use. Just as she did a concerned Isabel walked in and she went over and looked over Kori’s shoulder. She had been listening on the phone downstairs. She heard the entire thing. Kori opened up her web browser and she typed in Sean’s website. When she did she saw on the main page a video and it also says a message: Kori if you’re out there reading this somewhere… pay attention very carefully. Yes we have your sister and we plan on killing her if you don’t come to me right away. If you’re not here by Saturday evening at 10:00 - no later than that then we will kill her. More tears escaped Kori’s eyes as she clicked on the video. When she did she saw her baby sister naked on a bed being brutally beaten and raped by Doctor Adams - better known to her as Trevor.

“Oh god…” Kori said, and she broke down into sobs. Isabel wrapped her arms around her and she turned away from the computer burying her face into Isabel’s shoulder.

“Libby turn it off please…” Isabel did as she was told and she hugged her tightly just letting her cry. When she had her somewhat calmed down a little while later she pulled back and looked into Kori’s eyes.

“What is going on Kor? I think it’s time I know the whole reason why you ran away from home. Who is this guy? What do you have that he wants?” She asked. “Honey I am scared for you…” and Kori began to explain to Isabel the entire story.