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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy =)
Chapter Two-Hundred-Seventeen

Meanwhile back at the house, everybody cleaned what they could with the little cleaning supplies that they had. After spending an hour dusting the front room, Ashley decided she needed a break. All of that dust was really starting to get to her, making her have a stuffy nose, and her eyes were watering because she was sneezing. It always did get to her; dusting was always the chore she hated the most when her mom gave it to her. She put her rag down on the entertainment center and she stood up and headed up the stairs. Nick who was near by dusting the china cabinet with all of her mom’s penguin collection, teddy bears, and china in it watched her go up there and into her parent’s bedroom. He put the glass teapot back inside the china cabinet and shut the doors, and then he put the rag down and went upstairs after her. When he got up there he poked his head in the room to see her lying in bed with the covers pulled up on her. He went all the way in there and Ashley held the covers up for him to climb in with her and he did just that and slid his arms around her before resting his forehead against hers.

“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly, as he wiped away a teardrop.

“Yeah, fine…it’s just the dust that was getting to me. It made my eyes water.”

“Are you sure that’s all?” Ashley nodded and she scooted into him and buried her face in his shoulder. He rubbed his hand over back and kissed her forehead softly.

“NICK, ASHLEY, WE NEED YOU DOWN HERE!” Brian’s voice suddenly shouted from downstairs. Ashley groaned into Nick’s chest and he chuckled.

“It’s okay honey, we’ll go down there but you don’t have to dust, how’s that?”

“Kay…” Ashley pouted and he got out of bed, gathered her up in his arms so he is cradling her and he carried her out of the room to find Brian just about to come up after them.

“This had better be a life or death situation, Littrell.”

“Oh it is.”


“We can’t find the mop.” Ashley laughed.

“That’s it? No broken arms? No bloody noses? Just a missing mop?”

“Oye vey Littrell…” Ashley rolled her eyes playfully and he stuck her tongue out at her.

“Try the laundry room. It’s the door just diagonal from the guestroom.” Brian nodded and then turned and went to the laundry room. Nick sat down on the top of the stairs then with Ashley still cradled in his arms and he bent down and kissed her forehead softly.

“Want to go lay upstairs in bed?”

“No, better not.” Nick chuckled. “Are you sure?”

“Mhm, I’m fine now. I just needed to get away from the dust for awhile…I think I’m going to paint.” Nick raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

“You mean like get out paints and some paper and paint pictures?”


“Wow…you haven’t done that in awhile…” Ashley shook her head and he placed her hand to his cheek and bent down and brushed his lips softly against hers. She lie there comfortably for awhile, just looking up at him and then she got up and started for her old room and he smirked and smacked her bottom playfully causing her to shriek before making a run for it to her room and he chuckled.

“Don’t make me come up there and separate the two of you,” Howie teased.

“I would love to see you try,” Nick replied while rolling his eyes some. When Ashley returned she had an arm full of paint bottles and some big paper. She went to the top of the stairs and Nick stood up and took some of the bottles from her and the two of them went downstairs.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Out front – I want to watch the kiddies play.”

“Okie dokie,” Nick replied, and he helped her carry everything out front as the door was opened and everything. They found Kevin out there watching the kids protectively as they played around the tree and Doctor Johnson and Brandon sat on the porch swing. Ashley placed her paper on the porch off to the side where she wasn’t in anyone’s way and he set her paints down. Brandon looked at her stuff curiously and with much interest.

“Do you paint Ashley?” he questioned, causing his brother to grin a little.

“It’s one of her favorite things to do. Back when she was going through a lot, and wouldn’t talk to us we used to set some paper and paints in front of her and she’d sit by herself for hours just painting. No one would go near her knowing she was happy and didn’t want to ruin it.”

“That and I was so mean and scary that everybody thought I would throw a bowl of paint at them if they so much as looked at me,” Ashley replied with a hint of amusement in her voice. Nick chuckled.

“Nah, you saved that for me.”

“She threw a bowl of paint at you?” Brandon asked while laughing a little.

“No, but we got into a huge paint fight one night after one of my concerts. We got paint all over each other. It’s one of Ashley’s favorite memories.” Ashley smiled some, feeling very proud of Nick for behaving around Brandon and she reached up, gently grabbed his arm and she pulled him down so he was sitting next to her. When she did she cupped his chin in her hand and pulled his lips down on hers for a soft but meaningful kiss.

“My most favorite memory would be the day we had our first kiss,” she told him softly and he smirked and slid his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder and watched her as she got ready to paint. Brandon looked at Doctor Johnson amused and he chuckled slightly.

“They get very lovey dovey…don’t mind them. You’ll learn to get used to it.” Nick sat there with her for a few moments, and then he heard Dakota calling for him.

“Daddyyyyy” Nick turned and looked over at her to see her sitting on a tree branch next to Josh. They were up on one of the very highest ones sitting by themselves and look as if they’ve been sharing secrets. He took a deep intake of breath, as he did not expect to see his daughter so high up. Sure Josh is sitting there with his arm wrapped around her, and he trusts Josh very much with his little girl, but still. It’s very high.

“Yeah baby?”

“Joshy an’ I wants some Popsicle’s.”

“We don—“

“-Yes we do,” Doctor Johnson interrupted before Nick could finish his sentence. Nick turned and looked at him curiously. “We bought some at the circle k on our way here. They’re in the freezer inside.” Nick turned and looked at his expectant daughter again and the love of her life – though she doesn’t quite know he is the love of her life yet. But he knows it’s going to happen.

“Okay, well then why don’t you and Josh come down lower then while daddy goes and gets you some?” Dakota made a face.

“Buts daddy Joshy an’ I likes it up here.”

“But daddy doesn’t…” Nick insisted.

“Then you don’ts have to come up here,” Dakota replied simply. Ashley giggled.

“I meant, that I don’t like you up there. Daddy is very worried about you falling baby.”

“I’ll be okays, Joshy gots me.”

“Oh, but of course,” Nick replied while rolling his eyes some. “Silly me.”

“Yes daddy. You’re very silly.” Nick chuckled.

“Well how about you humor your silly daddy and come down a little lower? Daddy doesn’t want to lose his princess.”

“I don’ts want to…” Dakota insisted, sticking her lower lip out in a pout. “I’m scared.”

“You’re the one who got up there, are you telling me you’re too scared to climb back down again?” Nick asked, and he couldn’t help but laugh a little. Dakota shook her head and she leaned into Josh a little. Kevin chuckled.

“Totally your daughter, Nick.” Nick rolled his eyes some.

“How about you have Josh help you?” Dakota shook her head.

“I wants you.” Nick shook his head and he stood up and went on over to the tree and he hoisted himself up onto a branch.

“Why did you climb up that high if you knew you were going to be scared to climb back down?” he questioned, as he made his way up to them.

“Cause Joshy did it,” Dakota answered simply.

“Oh I see. And if Josh were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?”

“Uh-huh’s. An’ Airplanes too.” When Nick got up so he was sitting on the branch just below the kids he eyed Josh.

“No skydiving or bungee jumping for you young man,” he told him, looking him in the eyes pretending to be all serious and stuff as he gathered his daughter into his arms.

“Buts daddy it would be fun.” Nick shook his head and he looked at Josh who was sitting there watching Dakota in amusement.

“Would you like some help down too?” Josh nodded and Nick reached up and got him down also and he set him into his lap. “Now hold onto me, the both of you.” Dakota and Josh did as they were told, and as they both had their arms wrapped around him, Nick let go and used his hands to climb down. When he made it down to the ground, he set Josh down.

“What color Popsicle do all you crazy kids want?” he questioned.

“Fudgsicle!” Elenore immediately answered as she sat on the lowest branch ontop of the tire swing, while Sarah sat through the hole.

“Sarah? Do you want the same thing?” Sarah nodded.

“Okie dokie. Josh?”

“Yes please.”

“Okay, Kota and I will be right back then,” he replied and he turned and carried his little girl toward the house. When he returned again he had enough fudgsicles for everybody and he went and handed them out before putting Dakota down.

“No climbing up to the highest branch again, got it?”

“Yes daddy,” she told him and he turned and went back to the porch and he looked at Doctor Johnson and shook his head.

“J Man, I think you’re going to end up being our life long personal doctor…with all the bungee jumping and skydiving I see in the future…” Doctor Johnson chuckled.

“I think so too.” Just then a car pulled up into the driveway. Nick turned to see that it’s Marcus, Q, and Drew. When the car was turned off they both got out and Drew and Marcus began to unload security stuff while Q got out of the car with a bunch of puppies. Lily and Tyke in each of his hoodie pockets – their little heads sticking out while they yapped excitedly, and a pug, a golden retriever, and a West Highland White Terrier in his arms.

“Kota, Ellie, Josh, I’ve come to deliver some special friends of yours who have been missing you terribly” He called out to the children. Dakota, Elenore, and Josh all looked over at him curiously and Elenore’s eyes grew big in excitement.

“LIL ROK!” Q leaned over and sat the three puppies down and Elenore went running toward hers, while the very playful pug ran right toward her in return.

“Chance, come here boy!” Josh called after his puppy, and he knelt down and held his arms open as the golden retriever went to him, immediately tackling him and giving him lots of kisses. Dakota went over to Q and he handed over Lily and she immediately sat on the floor and hugged her Chihuahua. He set Abbie down then, and Abbie went straight for her Ashley, who she saw sitting on the porch. Ashley caught her quickly, just before she could run across her painting.

“Hi baby!” She exclaimed happily, and she hugged her to her and accepted her cold kisses, giggling some as she did. After a few moments when she had stopped she gently cupped Abbie’s face in her hands and made her look up at her and she checked out her nose where she had been shot. When she did she was very happy to see that it was beginning to heal so much that she could hardly notice. She hugged her puppy close to her affectionately and looked over at Nick and listened in as he began talking to Q.

“I didn’t know you were bringing them…”

“I had to. They were driving Jennifer crazy. She loves puppies, but not this many at once.”

“Uh-oh, what were they doing?”

“Just being puppies,” Q shrugged. “Since none of the kids are allowed outside, no one was there to let them out so they made some messes on the floor. Drew and I cleaned it all up and told Jennifer we would bring them with us because we were coming here to see you anyway.”

“Well we’ll have to keep an extra close watch on them here if they remain out here in the front – since all we have is that picket fence.”

“At least there are no big gates here that attract certain westies – if anyone were hiding behind those, we would see them.”

“Yes, that’s true but I still like the big security gates. We’re going to have to make this house extra secure, it’s a lot smaller then mine, or the Littrell’s and easier to break into.” Q nodded in agreement.

“That’s why we’re here. We’ve brought more cameras and we will be getting right to work on that I promise.”

“Thanks,” Nick replied. Q was about to open his mouth to reply when they suddenly heard Kevin shouting.

“ELLIE, NO!!!” Nick and Q whirled around just on time to see the five year old darting out into the street after Lil’ Rok who had gotten away from her.

“LIL ROK, COME BACK THIS INSTANT!” Elenore demanded.

“ELLIE GET OUT OF THE STREET, RIGHT NOW!” Kevin shouted anxiously, just as Elenore had caught up to the puppy and gathered him in her arms.

“ELLIE RIGHT NOW!” Jerald shouted also, as he had come out of the house when he heard Kevin shouting at his niece and he just happened to see a car coming down the road. Elenore not understanding what the big deal was, turned around to see her Kevin and her future uncle standing there frantic.

“I was just getting Lil’—“

“ELLIE GET MOVING NOW! THERE IS A CAR!” Elenore turned then and saw the car nearing toward her very fast and she froze in her spot, her body suddenly paralyzed as fear took over.

“ELLIE, MOVE RIGHT NOW DAMNIT!” Kevin shrieked, his eyes watering up with tears and Nick went running toward her as fast as his legs would let him. When he finally reached her, he gathered her up in his arms and dove to the other side of the road landing in the grass belonging to the other house just seconds before the car drove past. Nick who lay on his back in the grass, his elbows propping himself up, wrapped Elenore tightly into his arms as he lay back relieved and Elenore began to cry, the shock wearing off, and fear taking over.

“It’s okay…I’ve got you…everything is okay,” he reassured softly in her ear.

“ELLIE!!” they heard Kevin shout from across the road. Nick looked up to see him, Q, and Jerald come hurrying across the road.

“It’s okay, she’s fine – I got her,” Nick reassured as he sat up. When they reached him, Kevin gathered Elenore in his arms as he dropped to his knees next to Nick and he looked her over.

“Ellie are you okay? Are you all right baby?” he asked frantically. Elenore threw her arms about him and continued to sob and he hugged her close to him tight placing soft kisses on her forehead. He held her close to him for a long while until he was sure himself that she was okay and then he pulled back and gently grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Don’t you EVER do that again Elenore! EVER! Do you hear me?” he shouted. “WHAT were you thinking running out into the road like that? You could have gotten yourself KILLED! And then what would I have done?” Elenore began to cry even harder at his shouting. “If Nick hadn’t been quicker then me like he was you would have been hit by that car! And then I wouldn’t be able to have you ANYMORE!”

“Yeah Ellie, you don’t ever run out into the middle of the street like that,” Jerald added, as he sat next to his brother.

“I hads to get Lil’ Rok – he would’ve gotten hit if I hadn’t,” Elenore insisted through tears.

“If Lil’ Rok runs out into the street you tell an adult! You don’t take matters into your own hands like that! Ever! Do you hear me?” Kevin demanded. Elenore nodded as a single tear fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheek and Kevin wrapped her tightly in his arms and once again placed soft kisses on her forehead as she sat there holding her puppy close to her protectively. “You’re the most important thing in my life Ellie. If I lost you my whole world would fall apart! I can’t replace you. You get hit by that car and that is it, the end of my Ellie!” Elenore sat with Kevin for a long while as he sat there holding her, slowly rocking her in his arms. When he had managed to calm her down, she crawled over to Jerald who gladly accepted her into his arms and he too hugged her close.

“How about we go reassure your friends that you’re okay? Hmm? They’re very worried about you.”

“Kay,” Elenore sniffled and Jerald got up with her and began carrying her across the street to her friends who were being restrained by Drew, Marcus, and Ashley. Kevin looked at Nick who still lay back in the grass with his elbows propping him up and he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Nick and hugged him very tightly.

“Kevin…I need to breathe…”

“Thank-you so much Nicky…I will never be able to thank-you enough. If it weren’t for you…if you weren’t as quick as you were…well I don’t even want to think about it,” Kevin insisted, as he got all misty eyed. Nick wrapped his arms around Kevin in return and hugged him back. “I just can’t believe I just stood there…”

“You were scared. It happens…it’s a natural reaction. I can’t tell you how many times Kota has paralyzed me with fear like that.”

“Yeah, well, I will owe you for an eternity now. There will be no way I could repay you for that,” Kevin insisted. Nick couldn’t help but chuckle a little as he pat Kevin on the back gently.

“Hey…I love Ellie just as much as you do. Did you really think I was going to stand by and let her get hit by a car? You don’t owe me a thing. Just promise me you will do the same the next time Dakota paralyzes me with fear and we’ll call it even.” Kevin nodded.

“Okay,” He replied softly, still feeling like he should do something above and beyond for Nick. He stood up then and gently pulled Nick up from the ground and Q pulled Nick into a hug next. Nick hugged him back.

“It takes a true father to be that fast, I’ll give you that,” Q told him.

“I just can’t believe that driver didn’t even stop,” Nick replied while shaking his head. “What kind of asshole would drive by like that, almost hit a five year old, and not stop to check if she is okay?”

“I’ll give you one guess…” Ashley replied, as she came across the street and slid her arms around Nick’s waist and hugged him close to her.

“Sean wouldn’t dare run over his daughter would he? I mean…I know he beats on her and treats her like shit and all…but could he really kill her?”

“It wasn’t Sean,” Ashley replied while shaking her head. “I got a good look at the back of the driver – but I do recognize that car…it’s someone Sean knows…”

“Did you see the license plate?” Kevin asked hopefully. Ashley nodded and held out the paper in her hand and they saw that she had written it down.

“You say you got a good look at the back of the driver, and recognize the car baby…does that mean you know who it is?” Ashley shook her head.

“I don’t know who it is…but I have seen that car before…Sean took me for a ride in it once…he borrowed it from a friend. He never told me what friend though.”
