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Author's Chapter Notes:
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Enjoy =)
Chapter Three-Hundred-Thirty-Seven

“Ashleeey…come out, come out wherever you are…” Trevor’s voice rang out in a chilling tone. That creepy stalker kind of voice that you would normally hear in movies. Ashley shuddered as she moved quietly through the dark shadows of the tunnels. Trevor would certainly make a good stalker guy in a horror movie that’s for sure. “I know you’re down here somewhere, the only way out is up and Max would’ve alerted me by now if he caught you.” Ashley ducked behind a bunch of giant crates then and she peered out from behind one as the dark made her practically invisible. Elenore isn’t the only master of stealth; Ashley knows a thing or two about it herself. She watched as Trevor searched for her clear on the other side of the tunnel. “Didn’t you learn anything when Sean blew your boyfriend up you stupid girl?” he asked deciding to use the boyfriend card that Sean loves so much. “You should be behaving yourself after that you know? What is to say we don’t go after Bella?” he added, throwing in that card as well. He has seen how much that baby means to her. “And while we’re at it…we might as well get the other two brats too.” They wouldn’t, Ashley thought earnestly to herself. They couldn’t.

After the kidnapping and Nick’s death security is probably on those children like hawks. Infact she knows that they’re. God she hopes they’re okay…she has to get home to them. She is all they have left. Tears spilled from Ashley’s eyes at that thought. She won’t leave them. She won’t abandon them the way Kori did when she needed her most and she certainly won’t leave them with one parent like hers so unwillingly did. Nick would want her to take very good care of them and that she will. Ashley felt a lump in her throat at the thought of Nick…oh how she aches for him. She would give anything anything just to feel his safe arms around her again. She looked down at the beautiful promise ring that was placed on her finger with love and she delicately rubbed her finger over it. Holding back the desire to break down and cry Ashley rubbed at her eyes. She needs to be strong right now. She needs to find a safe way out. She needs to get home to the kids and then she will allow herself to feel. She again peered around the box at Trevor and was startled to see him near by. She got on her hands and knees and began to quietly crawl through the darkness, the rough ground cutting and scraping her knees and leaving her hands bright red as she pressed into the gravel. She winced but otherwise didn’t make a sound.

After crawling through the darkness for five minutes she spotted the stairs. She peered back at Trevor and spotted him peering behind the crates back where she originally was. When she saw that he wasn’t paying attention she quietly got to her feet and she walked slowly up the stairs watching him carefully with every step she took but making sure to watch the top as well incase Max should unexpectedly meet her there. When she reached the top she ducked down and peered over the top step and there was Max facing the stairway on the other side waiting for either her to show up, or for Trevor to tell him that he caught her. She could no longer hear Sean making a fuss though, so the lake must be helping him. Slowly and quietly she crawled up the last step so that she was on the second floor and she made her way over to the crates where she hid behind them again. Max continued to stand with his back to her, still oblivious as ever to her company. She got on her knees and made it so only her eyes peered out over the box and she eyed the door that would lead her outside. Max is standing right in front of it. If he keeps his back turned, she might be able to sneak past him, but she doesn’t trust that theory enough to test it. She would have to physically hurt him if she ever wants to get by, but how do you hurt a guy who is almost as big as Marcus? Its not like she can get him with her pepper spray, his back is turned on her for one, and two he already knows she has it. It’s not an element of surprise anymore.

After sitting there for awhile thinking hard about her decision she came up with something but she would be taking a huge risk. Hearing Trevor’s footsteps getting closer down below though, she knew it was a risk she had to take because if Trevor makes it up there before she gets out, she never will. She got up on her feet and eyed Max carefully for a couple of seconds, before quietly walking out from her hiding place. She walked over to the other side of the room with her eyes on Max the whole time until she reached the table and chairs. She picked up the wooden chair and quietly tiptoed toward him feeling grateful that the entire top floor is covered in shadows so hers won’t give her away. When she got closer to him she lifted the chair up in the air and whacked him right in the head with it. Max dropped to the floor knocked out cold and the loud thump tipped Trevor off – just as she knew it would, but it was that or nothing. She heard his footsteps running up the stairs and made a mad dash for the door. She yanked it open and ran outside.

“HELP!!!!!!!!” She shrieked as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her. She could hear Trevor just coming out of the house behind her. “SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!” she called out, hoping to god that someone is near by and will hear her. She stumbled slightly as she ran almost falling to her knees but she managed to pick herself back up again. She heard his footsteps getting closer and she pushed herself to run faster. She made it as far as the street before Trevor reached out and grabbed her hair yanking her back hard. “HELP ME!!!!!” She sobbed. “SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!! HE’S GONNA KILL M—“

“—Shut up you stupid bitch!” he growled in her ear while clamping a hand over her mouth. “By the time we get through with you, you’ll be begging us to kill you.” Ashley struggled against him, thrashing about but it was no use. Trevor locked his arms around her so her arms were locked to her side. She went to kick him but he dodged it and punched her hard in the stomach making her whimper. He dragged her back to the warehouse, took her inside and shut the door and he shoved her hard stomach first into the table and held her there as she cried out in pain. He un-did his belt, pulled it out of the loop and he shortened it. “I’ll teach you not to play these fucking games with us,” he told her and he shoved her face into the table and held it there before smacking her in the bottom hard with the belt and she cried out in sheer pain as she held onto the table tight. “That’s for spraying Sean with pepper spray! You’ll learn rather quickly that no one hurts him and gets away with it,” he told her coldly and he yanked her head up by the hair and turned her to look at Max lying on the floor. “See that? See what you did?” he asked her, and then brought the belt down on her twice more enjoying her cries and whimpers immensely. “That was a very big no, no and you will be paying for that one all night long I will see to it.” He smacked her one more time with the belt and then grabbed her forcefully by the arm, lifted her up, and shoved her across the room and she stumbled against the wall and crumbled to the floor. She curled up into a ball and wished with all her heart that Nick would come through that door and stop him. Leaving her alone for just a couple of moments he went over and checked on Max. Seeing that he is just temporarily knocked out and that he will be waking up soon he lifted him up and brought him over to the couch. He laid him on it and turned to Ashley who cowered against the wall when he looked at her.

“Yes, you better fear me. I don’t play these games.” He went over and grabbed her up by the scruff of her neck, placed her on her feet and he shoved her toward the stairs. “Move.” She did as she was told and walked to the stairs and he went over and picked up his belt before following her, occasionally giving her bottom a good smack. When they were downstairs he grabbed her roughly by the arm and pulled her a long. “You better hope he’s okay or you are gong to get it.” When they reached the lake they found Sean sitting on his knees in front of it scooping water up in his hands and splashing his eyes with it.

“That’s enough water baby, you don’t want to put too much in it” Trevor told him gently. Sean looked up at him bleary-eyed and he glared at Ashley upon seeing her as if she were a bug that needs to be squashed.

“Bring her to me. I want her to bleed.” Trevor smacked Ashley in the back of the head.

“You heard him. Go.” When she didn’t move fast enough for his liking, Trevor smacked her with the belt. Ashley bit back a sob and finally moved toward the bridge. Trevor followed her closely making sure she didn’t try anything funny. When they were across the lake and they were standing in front of Sean he spit in her face before smacking her so hard her face whipped to the side.

“Where is your pepper spray? I want it!” When she stubbornly refused, Trevor smacked her bottom.

Hand it over!” she winced and handed Sean her weapon. He looked at it for a moment, and then at her and he shook his head at her as if he were ashamed. “Well, I won’t underestimate you again,” he told her before grabbing her arm and pulling her out of Trevor’s grasp.

“Where is Max?” he wanted to know, looking at his lover.

“The bitch knocked him out with a chair.” Sean chuckled amusedly.

“Well, at least you did one thing right,” he told Ashley while looking at her and she looked away. “I’ve been wanting to do that for months.” Shaking his head still amused he pulled her over to the wall and shoved her against it and he looked at Trevor.

“Belt baby.” Trevor handed it over to him and Sean turned his attention on Ashley and began beating her until her entire back and bottom was covered in blood and scars. When he finished he hooked her back up to his favorite toy and began plunging her under water over and over again, each time keeping her under longer then the first and each time Ashley only had one thing on her mind. How much she longs for Nick to hold her and make everything better. But he can’t…and he never will again and knowing that fact makes her heart ache like it’s never ached before. Why can’t Sean just shoot her in the head and get it over with?


The next day in the afternoon the boys’ private jet landed at the Florida airport. While Q took their luggage and puppies back to the Orphanage, the boys and gang decided to take the kids to Mc Donalds for lunch. After they got their food and were seated at the table, Nick’s cell phone rang and he answered it on the second ring.

“What’s going on Elliot?” he wanted to know, knowing that it’s him without even having to look. He promised he would call him with an update as soon as the jet landed.

“Liv and I found the place Sean and Trevor have been staying in all of this time before the kidnapping.”

“Were they there?” Nick asked hopefully, even though he’s sure Detective Stabler would tell him that the second Nick answered the phone.

“No, the house was empty but someone was in it not too long before we got here so they definitely stopped by.”

“Did you find anything that might help us find Ashley?”

“Not quite but we might be onto something. Olivia is going through all of the papers and such in their office – Sean keeps all of his plans in a document on his computer – he writes a journal.”

“Sean? A journal? Never would’ve thought of him as the type…”

“Well, we learn something new every day…and Liv and I have definitely learned a lot. We think we might have the whole puzzle put together now.”

“What did you learn?”

“I will tell you later I don’t want to discuss it over the phone. It’s a long story. Listen I’m gonna go but I will update you as soon as we find something. I just wanted to let you know we were in his house.”

“Thanks Ell, it means a lot.”

“No problem Nick,” Detective Stabler replied sincerely and he hung up the phone. Nick did as well and looked at everybody else who was looking at him waiting for him to tell them what’s up.

“Elliot and Olivia are at the house Sean and Trevor have been hiding out in all of this time. They weren’t there, but Olivia is reading his journal as we speak. Apparently he kept all of his plans in that.”

“And they didn’t find any information on how to find Ashley?” AJ asked softly as he sat next to Nick feeding Bella her bottle.

“Nope…” Nick shook his head. “Not yet but Elliot definitely thinks that they’re onto something. He said he would call me as soon as he has an update and he also says he and Olivia might have all of the missing pieces to the Sean puzzle now. He didn’t want to discuss it over the phone though, he says it’s a long story.”

“I definitely want to hear about that…” Kevin replied and all of the grownups agreed. Dakota, Elenore, Sarah, Josh, Chris, and Ryan all finished their lunch and when they did Josh looked at Brian.

“Brian can we go play?” Brian regarded them a moment before answering.

“If you take a security guard.”

“I’ll take them,” Laney volunteered, as he was the only one out of all the security guards that were done eating. He stood up with the children and followed them to the play area. Elenore went with them even though nobody except Josh is really talking to her.


“Give her a break for now Seanie, you’ve been torturing her all night” Trevor insisted when he noticed Ashley was not going to take anymore. If he keeps it up her body is just going to give up sooner then Sean wants it to.

“But I don’t want to,” Sean insisted and Trevor noticed that wild look in his eye that he gets when he is doing something that excites him. Trevor walked over and wrapped his arms around Sean’s waist and he rested his forehead against his.

“Well I want you to,” he insisted. “Is it wrong for me to want you to pay attention to me for awhile?” he asked, and he felt Sean melt in his arms. Trevor kissed his forehead softly.

“Come upstairs with me and I’ll take care of your eyes okay?”

“They do still burn…” Sean admitted bitterly and he shot Ashley hateful looks.

“I know they do, they’re going to for awhile” Trevor told him soothingly and he rubbed his hand over his arm gently. “Come upstairs baby.” Sean shot Ashley one more look. “She’s not going anywhere I promise. Even if she could she knows what happens when she tries. And besides, I think you’ve weakened her so much that she doesn’t really have the strength.” Giving in reluctantly Sean allowed Trevor to take him upstairs. When they got up there they discovered Max sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal – the cereal that Trevor had brought back when he went to the Lake House and got dinner. He had come back with at least two weeks worth of food.

“Go downstairs and watch Ashley, but don’t touch her” Sean ordered. “Trevor and I need to be alone.”

“No need to tell me twice,” Max insisted after hearing the last part of the order and he got up with his cereal and went downstairs. Trevor rolled his eyes at Max’s comment and then gently pushed Sean over to the couch and sat him down. He crawled onto his lap straddling him and immediately went into Sean’s personal doctor mode. He cradled Sean’s face in his hands and bent down and placed light kisses on his closed eyelids. As soon as he did he felt Sean begin to relax.


“Do you think Kota will ever talks to me again Joshy?” Elenore asked softly as she sat in the ball pit with her cousin.

“I don’t know Ellie…” Josh sighed. “Things are pretty bad” he told her and Elenore looked down as a single tear slid down her cheek.

“I really am sorry that Ashee gots kidnapped…I didnts want it to happen.”

“I know Ellie,” Josh told her gently and he squeezed her hand. “But no matter what you say right now nothing is going to stop Dakota from hurting.”

“I don’ts like it when my best friend is hurting…I loves her,” Elenore insisted. “I didnts mean to make her hurt…” Seeing the pain and sadness in Elenore’s eyes Josh said nothing as for the first time ever he doesn’t know what to do to make things better. Things are just really bad right now. Instead of trying to come up with something to say, Josh wrapped his arms around his cousin and pulled her into a hug. Elenore wrapped her arms around him in return and rested her head against his shoulder. Josh sat there holding her in silence for a very long time until suddenly Elenore broke it.



“What if you went and talked to her an’ tried to talk her into giving me another chance? She listens to you…”

“I don’t know Ellie…I don’t want to get in the middle of this. I really don’t like being in the middle of the two of you.”

“Please?” Elenore pleaded. Josh looked down at her and saw her lower lip quivering and he sighed.

“I’ll see what I can do…stay here…” he told her before kissing her cheek and he crawled out of the ball pit leaving Elenore alone.