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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy =)
Chapter Seventy Five

Meanwhile, in Brooke's office, when she had finally calmed down some she decided she would crawl out from under her desk and sit back in her chair before someone comes in and starts asking her questions and demanding answers. She's been through that enough for one day and doesn't need to go through it again. As soon as she was back in her chair she looked at her desk and noticed the little Porcelain Winnie The Pooh that AJ had given to her at Disney World and she suddenly remembered how happy it made her when he did. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and reached over and took the beautiful porcelain bear into her hands and she looked it over. She knows Riley is right. She knows it isn't fair to AJ that she is avoiding him - especially after making that stupid bet with him.

A deal is a deal… but she just didn't expect to lose. That completely threw her off. She honestly didn't expect Josh to let his guard down for Brian so soon….but then again, this is Brian that they were betting over…but still. Don't get her wrong though…it's not that she isn't happy for the two of them. She is VERY happy that Josh has found someone who is perfect enough to be his father. But she just wishes it would've happened a little later. She doesn't know if she can find the faith in her to trust another man…even if it is AJ McLean. Especially if it's AJ McLean. She knows his reputation very well. She knows what he is like. She's watched him with other girls, she's watched him be the player that he is right before her very eyes…and she doesn't want to become the new flavor of the week - or more so, the flavor of the evening.

AJ has never stuck to one girl for very long and she doesn't want that. Not after all that she's been through. If what happened to her back in senior year hadn't happened to her, then maybe things would've been different. Maybe she would be one of those crazy fans that threw themselves at AJ every chance they got. Of course she would. Why wouldn't she? He's hot and she is attracted to him she can't deny that…and she does love him. He is after all, a very good friend. Why does he have to become more? Why do they always have to fall for her? If you can really call what AJ has for Brooke, falling for her. Is that really what it is? How can she be so sure? How can she ever be so sure? After a long while of sitting in her office and thinking about AJ, she got up and wiped her tears away before leaving her office. She went out onto the playground and found everybody still sitting out there under the tree. She went over and sat next to Riley. Riley looked at her for a minute and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug. Brooke leaned into her and rested her head against her shoulder.

"So, Kori, you said Ashley had a rebellious streak?" AJ asked curiously, though he watched Brooke sit down and settle herself next to Riley.

"Yeah she did. She was a no rules girl when she was younger…though at the same time she was a momma's girl as well. She did things her way…and always when she wanted to never when anyone else wanted her to, though no matter what she always got it done eventually. She was very stubborn and didn't care much about what other people thought about her. Then when Sean came a long he sort of destroyed all of that…turned her into a whole different person." Ashley's smile faded at the mention of her mother and she scooted closer to Nick and wrapped her arms around him before resting her head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her in return and kissed her forehead softly. Kori is right….she was a momma's girl and she was incredibly close to her…which is why it's so hard for her to accept that she's gone. Everybody sat there talking for a half n hour, then Riley and Brooke got up and went inside to talk about business and the kids went over to them then. Elenore went and crawled Into Kevin's lap and he wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head and Josh went over and stood next to Brian. Brian wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a hug and Josh who can never get enough of Brian's affection, snuggled close to him.

"I see Chris was over there playing with you. Are you two getting a long now?"

"We were fighting?" Josh asked, looking at Brian with a shocked expression on his face and acting like he was on drugs for even saying such a thing. Brian chuckled.

"Hey Nick…" AJ spoke up after a long while of watching Dakota cuddle with her daddy.

"Hmm?" Nick asked curiously as he sat there rubbing Dakota's back.

"Do you mind if I borrow your daughter for awhile?" Nick raised his eyebrow.

"What for?"

"I want to take her to the mall…and maybe to Wal-mart on the way back…" AJ answered secretively. Nick rolled his eyes.

"Why is it that everybody borrows my daughter when they want to go shopping for their girlfriends? Or a kid in the orphanage that they're trying to win over?"

"Because you've said so yourself Frack. She's an expert when it comes to shopping. You ask her for your opinion and she gives it to you - and very honestly too." Brian answered, smirking a little.

"True…" Nick replied.

"So, can I borrow her?"

"I guess, if she wants to go."

"I do daddy!" Dakota immediately replied. Howie laughed.

"Dumb question Nick."

"Yeah I know," Nick replied while rolling his eyes. Dakota smiled, kissed his cheek, then she got up and flung herself at AJ and he laughed as he caught her.

"But if she comes back with a living creature of any kind you will turn right around and take it back!" Nick demanded.

"Who do you think I am…Brian??" AJ asked, pretending to be offended.

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with being Brian!" Brian shot back. AJ stuck his tongue out at him and Brian did the same right back. AJ stood up then holding Dakota.

"You're taking Marcus with you, right?" Nick asked protectively.

"But of course," AJ replied as he watched Marcus get up from the ground. "We'll be back soon," he added, and he carried Dakota off toward the building with Marcus at his side.

"So Kota…how do you feel about bunny rabbits?" AJ asked loud enough for Nick to hear.

"I HEARD that McLean!" AJ just laughed as he continued to walk away, soon disappearing in the orphanage. Nick shook his head and looked at everybody else.

"Forget grandparents, Kota has four Uncles who spoil her just as easily," he commented. Kevin laughed.

"Oh don't even try and place the blame all on us, Carter. You spoil her just as much - if not more Mr. I can't say no to her."

"I say no to her…" Nick defended and everybody looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah. Right Nick." Brian laughed.

"I do! …I just end up taking it back afterwards, that's all."

"Nicky," Ashley spoke up after awhile.

"Yeah honey?"

"I want to go take a shower."

"Okay," Nick replied a little too quick for his own good and he noticed everybody looking at him funny.

"What? I haven't been in my room at all since like….yesterday afternoon. It'll be nice to go and lay on my own bed…and who knows, watch a little bit of TV." Nick quickly made up. "Watch Sarah for us? Anyone?" he added when he noticed everybody bought his story - or so he thought, but little did he know, Kori was looking at them and was trying her very hardest not to laugh. She knows what he's really planning to do and she finds it amusing. She would never tell on them though. She knows if she ever did her sister would never forgive her and besides, she knows he loves her. She's seen the way he is around her, the way he treats her, and how protective of her he is. She knows he'd never hurt her in his life and she knows he's not stupid enough to go too far with her either. At least she hopes he's not.

"I will," Brian replied. Nick kissed Sarah's forehead and handed the child who had been silently sitting in his lap that entire time, over to his best friend. He got up then and took Ashley's hand and he helped her up too and the two of them went toward the Orphanage, soon disappearing inside it. Everybody was silent for a couple of minutes before Kori spoke up.

"So…you guys, I was wondering….."

"What's up?" Howie questioned, and everybody looked at her curiously.

"Scott wants to take Spencer to a football game…" She began very quietly after making sure Spencer isn't anywhere near to over hear her. Turns out he and Josh had run off to play with Chris and he is way on the other side of the playground, so he can't hear a thing. They invited Elenore to come a long too, but she clung tightly to Kevin. "And although I promised Ash id give him a chance and let him be apart of Spencer's life, doesn't mean he needs to be apart of mine. I would like to spend as little time with him as I possibly can…so I was hoping one of you five would go with him."

"I'll do it," Kevin volunteered and he looked down at Elenore and smiled at her. He doesn't know if she's really into football, but he knows she's into Spencer…that will be good enough to get her to go.

"I goes withs you Kevy?" She asked, and he felt her put a death grip on him.

"Of course you're coming with me, silly!" He answered, and he leaned down and rested his forehead against hers and gave her a goofy look causing her to giggle.

"I am nots silly, you're." She insisted.

"Oh yes you are young lady. You're the silliest little girl there is." He told her playfully, and then brought his hands down to her sides where he tickled her, making her giggle and squirm about in his lap.

"Kevy stops it! That tickles!" She shrieked. He chuckled, and continued doing it in attempt to make her laugh harder and he succeeded. She lay back in his lap, squirming about - kicking her legs and throwing her arms around as she giggled insanely.

"KEVY THAT TICKLES, THAT TICKLES!" She shrieked between laughter, causing Josh to stop what he is doing way on the other side of the playground to see what Elenore is doing. Naturally, Chris and Spencer did the same. Soon after a couple of minutes of struggling, Elenore suddenly broke free of Kevin's grasp, sliding off of his lap and jumping to her feet and she took off running.

"No Tickles, No more tickles!" she insisted and Kevin smirked, before getting up and running after her.

"You better tell the tickle monster that, cause he doesn't seem to want to stop!" He called after her. Elenore let out a squeal and she began to run faster, going as fast as her little legs could carry her. When she reached the play structure she ran around to the other side where Kevin can't see her and she dove into a tunnel. Kevin came to an abrupt stop when he realized he doesn't know where she had gone to, though he knows she disappeared somewhere on the play structure.

"Hmmm….I wonder where Miss Ellie could be hiding," He called out in a challenging voice, and he heard her trying her very hardest to stifle a giggle. He climbed the play structure and began to look high, low, and in all the different tunnels. "Could she be….HERE?" He would ask, every time he peeked into a tunnel and he pretended to be disappointed every time he didn't find her. Elenore peeked out from her tunnel and she saw Kevin a few feet away but he has his back turned. She looked over at the slide way on the other side of the play structure. She has to get past Kevin in order to get there. Very quietly she crawled out of her tunnel, though not quiet enough. Kevin heard her shoe rub up against the tunnel on her way out. She saw him beginning to turn and she quickly dove into the tunnel next to the one she was in hoping with all her might that he hadn't seen her. Luckily he didn't, but it gave him a sense of what direction she is in. He smirked.

"Elliiiiie, come out sweetie. I won't tickle you anymore. I promise." He told her. Elenore stayed put. She knows better then to believe that. She is an experienced hider, as she's hidden from her father many times before. She can also hear the sneaky tone in his voice telling her that he is not at all being truthful. She saw his shadow approaching nearer with every step as he looked through tunnels. She knows he's going to come to hers very soon. She turned around to the other side of her tunnel and she crawled out of it to the monkey bars. She laid flat on her stomach and since he's so busy looking in tunnels, he doesn't even notice her sitting there. As soon as he looked into the tunnel that she was previously in he moved on and she smirked. She crawled back into it and peeked out to see him bending over to look in another one. She crawled out of her tunnel then and she took a run for it to the slide, giggling as she does. Kevin whirled around and looked at her in surprise.

"Oh you little sneak!" He called after her, and he began to run after her, making her giggle harder. When she reached the slide, she dove in head first and slid down it with Kevin right behind her. When she reached the bottom she crawled off of the slide and took off running once again, Kevin right on her heels, no longer letting her get ahead of him. When he caught up to her he scooped her up into his arms making her shriek in surprise and he spun her around in circles playfully as he enjoys her laughter ever so much.

"Hahaha I got you, I got you!" He chanted as he spun round and round. Soon enough he began to get dizzy and he tripped over his own foot.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled out in surprise and Elenore let out a squeal as he fell backward, landing on his back in the sand with her on top of him. She buried her face in his chest as she continued laughing, tears rolling down her cheeks by now from laughing so hard and he laughed also. When both of them had calmed down Elenore looked up at him and he smirked and pulled her up more into his arms. He wrapped her in his arms and hugged her tightly and he rested his forehead against hers and gazed into her eyes.

"I love you," he told her softly, though a grin evident on his face.

"I love you too Kevy," She replied while sliding her arms up and around his neck and she rested her head against his shoulder as he lay there rubbing her back.

"Kevy?" She asked after a long moment of silence as the two of them lay there together, both of them completely unaware that they're still on the playground and there are people watching them.

"Yeah baby?"

"Sing to me…please?" She asked him, and she looked up at him to find him already looking down at her, gazing into her watery eyes. She doesn't have to tell him twice.

"Listen girl,
I don't know where to start
But every word comes straight from my heart
I've been so wrong
I never meant to hurt you
Oh girl I'm sorry
Of what I put you through
Girl I'd do anything for one more chance
Cause I want you back again…"

Elenore lay on top of Kevin just looking up at him with tired eyes as she listened to him sing and by the time he neared the end of the song she had fallen asleep. He wore her out big time. When he finished up the song he kissed her forehead and held her close to him and he lay there just watching her, wondering whatever possessed him to even think of leaving her. He loves her and he hopes the rest of his family will too because come Christmas day he is for sure signing the adoption papers.

"And to think…he was going to leave her," Brian commented, shaking his head as he a long with everybody else watched his cousin play with the little girl he loves with all his heart.

"Even if he did follow through with leaving her that night, you know he would've come back if not that same night, then the next day. He's right he is bound to her. I don't think he really has it in him to walk away from her." Howie replied, watching the older man with a knowing smile as he is the only one who knows Kevin's Christmas surprise.

"I hope he adopts her real soon…" Brian replied. "She really needs that."

"Oh I'm sure he will…just give him time," Howie replied, not removing his eyes from Kevin.


Meanwhile, in Brooke's office, Riley was just getting ready to leave to go see what her boyfriend is up to when suddenly AJ walked in holding a dozen red roses wrapped up in pretty paper in his hand and Dakota is beside him holding on tightly to his pantleg as he had instructed her to do, telling her he would have to cut off his own hand if he ever lost her. Of course, never wanting AJ to do such a terrible thing she vowed to hold onto his pantleg very tightly and not let go once and she followed through with it the whole time. As much as she loves her Uncle Brian very much, she does love her uncle AJ too. Riley smiled a little bit and Brooke looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll…just be going now," Riley announced, and she hurried out of the office to go find Brian after scooping Dakota up in her arms and taking her with her. AJ went over to Brooke so that he is standing beside her as she sat in her chair looking up at him.

"Are those for me?" She asked as AJ crouched down so that he can talk to her better.

"Mm hmm…that is, if you want them." He replied softly. Brooke looked at him for a couple of moments skeptically.

"I bet you buy all the girls flowers when you want something from them…" She spoke softly and she darted her eyes away from him.

"You're the first woman I've ever bought flowers for Brooke…" he replied softly.

"Why? What makes me different?"

"You're beautiful, you're real, and you're one of my best friends…why can't I spoil my best friend every once in awhile? And take her out for dinner? One dinner is all I'm asking for Brooke…and maybe a trip to the beach or something - strictly as friends. Please…just give me a chance…we don't even have to call it a date if you don't want to. We'll go as friends…"

"Just as friends?" Brooke asked softly. "You promise?"

"Cross my heart," He answered and he made an x over his heart out of habit as that's what he usually does with Dakota.

"Kay…if it's just as friends…" She replied, reluctantly giving into him. "Where are we going out to eat at?"

"Where ever your heart desires," He answered sweetly as he is now grinning. He is going out with Brooke! He can't believe she actually gave in…it almost doesn't seem real to him. Sure, she said if they go as just friends…but he'll take what he can get. He has a feeling he is going to have to go very slow with her until he figures out what happened to her in the past but he doesn't mind. He's willing to wait a lifetime to win her heart, if that's what it takes.