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CJ was still playing with Mason when the bus finally stopped and shut off.

"We must be here," Kristen said. "I'm so excited to hear you tonight, see how you perform on a large stage. Mason is too."

Mason threw his arms around CJ's neck. "Auntie J-Bird sing for Mason tonight?"

CJ laughed and picked him up. "Yup, just for you little man."

Mason squealed in delight and clapped his hands. "Yay! Love you Auntie J-Bird."

CJ kissed her nephew's cheek and nuzzled him. "I love you too, Buddy."

CJ put Mason back on the ground and rustled his hair. Kristen smiled as she watched the two of them. "He misses having you around, you know that right?"

CJ nodded. "I've missed him too. It's been a really hectic couple of months. I never expected to be here, not on tour or anything."

Kristen smiled. "We did. We all knew knew you'd make it someday. But Mason was so used to having you around. He's your biggest fan."

CJ smiled. "I know. And it really means a lot to have y'all here." CJ squatted down and kissed Mason's cheek again. "Especially my little Mason."

Mason squealed again and ran off to the back of the bus. CJ stood up and started after him.

"No, that's ok. I've got him. You should probably go get your stuff together anyway."

CJ nodded and hugged Kristen close. "Ok. I guess I'll see you guys in a little while."

Kristen nodded then headed off to get Mason.

CJ walked to her room and put a few things in her "to go" bag and walked to the front of the bus. She saw AJ and Kevin talking quietly. They both looked at her and smiled.

"Hey J-Bird!"

"Don't pull that with me Kevy. I know you two were talking about me. Can everyone please stop worrying about me, please?"

AJ and Kevin looked at each other then back at CJ.

"No," AJ said. "But we can promise to not talk about you when you are in the room with us. That way you won't hear us worrying."

CJ laughed. "You are so strange, AJ. But I guess that works."

Kevin smiled. "Don't you know that worrying is in the 'Big Brother Handbook'?"

"You know Kevy, one of these days I need to see a copy of this handbook for myself.."

Kevin patted himself down. "Well J-Bird, I don't have one on me. So it won't be today."

The three of them laughed.

"What's so funny?" Brian walked into the room.

CJ shook her head. "Nothin' B. So is everyone ready to go now?"

Brian nodded. "All we have to do is get in there. So shall we?"

CJ nodded and followed AJ and Kevin off the bus.

After the system check and rehearsals, Nick went back to his dressing room and sprawled out on the couch. His mind kept wandering back to CJ, even though he kept trying to think of other things. "DAMN IT!" He grabbed his laptop and started searching around on YouTube. Before he knew what he was doing, he'd found more videos of CJ and started watching them. He found one titled "CJ Carter sings Mandy Moore's 'Let Me Be The One'." As he listened to the words he smiled. "She was singing to Carrot." He watched that video a few more times then shut his laptop. "I really need to stop thinking about her." He looked at the time. "I still have a couple hours." He grabbed his wallet and headed towards the exit.

"Hey, where are you going?" Nick turned around and saw AJ.

"I was just gonna go for a walk. I'll be back before the soundcheck."

AJ frowned at him. "Going to pick up a girl?"

Nick looked shocked. "Nah, I just need to get my head together. I'm so distracted right now. I can't keep my head straight."

AJ nodded. "Alright. But if you aren't back in 2 hours we're sending out a search party."

"Gotcha. See ya AJ."

AJ nodded as Nick headed out the door.

"I'm starving. Where can I go grab some food?"