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Nick watched Kevin beaming from the front row as CJ sang the last song of her set. Mason was dancing and clapping the entire time. Mason really loved CJ and her singing. The audience erupted into applause and cheering when CJ finished. She smiled and took her bow. Then she hopped off front of the stage and ran to Kevin and Kristin, hugging them both. Then she picked up Mason and gave him Eskimo kisses. After she put him down, Kevin helped her back up on stage and she waved to everyone. Another round of cheers started. Nick shook his head and smiled. ‘This is going to be an interesting night, in more ways than one,’ he thought.

“Oh boy,” Nick turned and saw Howie, Brian, and AJ standing behind him. Howie was shaking his head.

“What, Howie?” Nick stared.

“Oh nothing except now we get to talk about how CJ happens to know Kevin, Kristin, and Mason.”

Brian nodded. “people don’t really accept the whole ‘she knows all of us’ excuse especially when Kevin isn’t with the group anymore.”

AJ rolled his eyes. “Yea. Add in she picked Mason up and was rubbing noses with him, That’s not an ‘I’m just so excited to see the other Backstreet Boy’ thing to do either. Damn it! She should know better by now.”

Everyone frowned when Kevin got up on stage with CJ. “So as many of you know, we have a VERY special guest in the house tonight: The 5th member of the Backstreet Boys, Mr. Kevin Richardson!”

The crowd screamed with excitement.

“He also has his lovely wife, Kristin, and his beautiful son, Mason, here tonight.”

The audience cheered again. CJ looked down at Mason, who was reaching up for her. Kevin saw too and pulled him up on stage. He ran and grabbed CJ’s leg. The audience ‘aww’ed.

“I know most of you are wondering how I know Kevin and his family. Well, I’m going to tell you.”

Brian, Howie, and AJ gasped. “Shit! She’d better not,” AJ whispered. They all watched as CJ picked Mason up and held him. He wrapped his arms around her neck and laid his head on her shoulder.

“I know Kevin and little Mason here because I live next door to them and I’ve been Mason’s babysitter since he was born.”

Mason snuggled his head on CJ. “We’re very close, just like family. That’s why I’m so excited to have them here today. They’ve been hanging around all day so I’ve gotten some time with them. I haven’t seen them at all in close to four months. Mason was my first real fan too.” She kissed the top of his head and the audience ‘aww’ed again. “Kevin actually recommended me to the guys after my YouTube videos started blowing up and people wanted me to go touring. I told him not to, but he did it anyway. Now I’m here singing for you guys. So I just wanted to tell Kevin ‘thank you’ for not listening to me.”

The audience laughed.

“Ok, so the boys are going to be coming out shortly. But would y’all do me a small favor? Please?”

The audience clapped.

“Ok, please respect Kevin, Kristin and Mason’s space during the show, just like you would anyone else you don’t know at the show.”

Kevin leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“Kevin said he’ll be happy to hang around and take pictures and sign autographs after the show.”

The audience cheered and Kevin leaned over and whispered in CJ’s ear again.

“That is if I’m free to watch Mason.”

The audience laughed.

“How about it buddy? Just you and me tonight?”

Mason squealed and hugged CJ tighter. “Yay! Auntie J-Bird!”

CJ blushed. “He calls me auntie. I told you, we’re just like family.”

The audience ‘aww’ed again.

“Ok, enough of me talking. I’m going to get off the stage so the guys you really came to see can do their thang. I’m CJ Carter. Thanks for listening. Goodnight everybody.”

The audience cheered as Kevin took Mason and CJ ran off.

CJ stopped when she got to the guys backstage. “You three aren’t mad, are you? Kevin and I had discussed this prior to the show. It was all for Mason’s benefit. He would’ve gotten upset if I hadn’t hugged him afterwards like I always do when I sing for him. So Kevin and I came up with that. Please don’t be mad. Say you’re not mad at me!”

They all looked at each other then at her. AJ wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Well, we were at first when we thought you weren’t thinking and did it. Then again we thought you were gonna spill the family secret. But now, no. We’re not mad. Actually, we’re relieved.”

CJ’s eyes popped out. “Relieved? Really?”

Brian chuckled. “Yea, of course. Now we have a good explanation for how you know Kevin and how we,” Brian made air quotes, “discovered you. So yes, not mad and relieved.”

CJ sighed in relief. “Good. Ok. Well, go knock ‘em dead like always. See you after the show.” She smiled at Nick, grabbed her phone from Leighanne, the walked off.

Nick watched CJ watch away. He turned his head to see Leighanne tapping his shoulder. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Brian stared. “But Baby, we gotta be on stage in a few minutes.”

Leighanne nodded and smiled. “I know. It will only take a minute. Come with me please, Nick.”

Nick followed Leighanne to a little corner away from people.

“So Leighanne, to what do I owe the honor of this special before-show private conversation?”

Leighanne rolled her eyes. “Don’t get smart with me, Nickolas. I have a question for you, then some friendly advice.”

“Question AND advice? Must be serious.”

Leighanne slapped the back of Nick’s head. “Don’t start with me just because you’re feeling cocky right now. This is serious.”

“Sorry. Sorry. What’s up?”

“Nick, do you plan on seeing this through or are you only chasing J because she keeps turning you down?”

Nick wiped the smirk off his face. “I plan on staying with this. I truly want to be with CJ. I don’t know where it will take us, but I know I want to find out.”

Leighanne smiled. “Good, then listen to me on this, ok?”

Nick nodded.

“Slow it down a bit. Don’t be aggressive. Do one of two things: One, woo her like in the olden days. Flirt and be a charmer, but not aggressively. Or two, and I hate this option, but I know it might just work with CJ: Put your interest elsewhere. Go on and talk to her, but don’t flirt or anything like that. Got it?”

Nick nodded. “But Leighanne…”

“Nick, it’s time to go on stage.”

“He’s coming, Baby. We’re all done here.”