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CJ listened to the applause as the show came to an end. She watched everyone from the side of the stage. She smiled as the guys ran off stage. Nick came running towards her. “Hi,” he said.

“Hey there.” She smiled at Nick. “So can we talk now? I have to get something off my chest.”

Nick nodded. “Yea. Just give me a a bit so I can shower and change. Ok?” Nick said breathlessly.

“Sounds good. I’ll wait for you in my dressing room. See you soon.” CJ gave Nick a huge smile, then turned and headed to her room. “So what exactly am I going to tell him?” She got to her room and flung herself on the couch. “First, I’ll call Al and tell him about my epiphany. That’ll kill some time.”

CJ pulled out her phone and dialed Al. “Hey, it’s me. I’ve got so much to tell you.”

Nick stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. He pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt. He looked himself over in the mirror then dashed off to CJ’s room.

Nick stopped outside her door and took a deep breath and let it out slowly then knocked on the door. CJ opened it and smiled at him. “Give me a minute, ok?”

Nick nodded.

He watched her walk back to the couch and pick up her phone. “I’m back. Yea, it was him. Ok. I remember. I will. Ok. Love you too, Al. Bye.”

CJ turned to face Nick, sat down and motioned for Nick to sit next to her.

He walked over and sat down and stared at her. “So what’s up CJ?”

She scooted closer to him and took his hand in hers then smiled up at him sweetly. “I need to apologize to you. I have been very quick to judge you and your actions based on something… Well someone I knew a long time ago. It was unfair of me to react to you based on that.”

Nick stared at her. If CJ was going to open up, he’d better do it too. “I need to tell you something too. I’ve had issues with any sort of commitment since I was young. I don’t like being with someone because I worry they’ll leave. So when I started getting close to you it scared the shot out of me. I haven’t felt anything like that… this in a long time. So I ran off and did the DUMBEST thing I have ever done in my life. CJ, I never meant to hurt you, but it made me figure out a lot about myself.”

CJ smiled at him. “So in other words we were both stupid, huh?”

Nick laughed. “I guess so.”

CJ smiled again. “Then can we try this again? Take things a little slower? I’d like to see what could happen between us, Nick. That is if you’re willing to try too. I want to see you for you, not who I see in my head.”

Nick stared at her. He couldn’t believe his ears. There was only one way to answer her. “I’d love that too, my little princess.”

“Great. Then how about…” CJ stopped and her jaw dropped. She stared at Nick. “Wh… What did you just say?”

Nick gave her a quirky, sexy smile. “I said I’d love that too.” He took time to enunciate the last three words. “My. Little. Princess.”

CJ’s eyes popped. “How’d you… How can… Carrot?”

Nick nodded. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I figured out a lot about myself. CJ, when you went running out of my room that day, I knew it all then. I had dreamt about my princess and her leaving, and then others leaving. So when you turned and left, I tried yelling for my princess to come back and it all became clear. I’ve wanted to tell you ever since but you’ve be…”

CJ pulled Nick’s face to hers and kissed him slow, sweet, yearning. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him into her. Nick closed his eyes and gave into her. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her as close to him as possibly could.

CJ sat up on her knees and pushed Nick back, pressing him into the couch. She crawled onto him and kissed him more, harder, deeper, needy.

Nick took all the will power he had and pushed her up. “Whoa, CJ.”

She opened her eyes and stared at him. “I… Sorry. I said we needed to take it slow, didn’t I?”

Nick laughed. “Yea. And this is beginning to look a little like that first night.”

CJ got off Nick and sat down next to him. “Yea.” She giggled. “Oh, damn it!” CJ started swearing under her breath.

“What? What’s wrong CJ?”

CJ looked at Nick. “I guess I owe Al some money now.”

Nick looked at her, confused.

“Do you remember that lunch we had with Al and he made me a bet?”

Nick nodded.

“Well, he bet me that you were Carrot. I thought he was just pulling his shit to be funny. But I think he saw something that I didn’t… or couldn’t. It explains why he was SOOO mad at you.”

Nick laughed. “Wow. That’s… That’s crazy. But listen, if we’re going to…” He looked CJ up and down. “… take it slow, I need to leave… NOW. And I’m going to leave. And I’ll see you soon.”

Nick got up and left, closing the door behind him. CJ just stared after him then someone knocked on her door. “Who the fuck could that be?”

CJ walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Nick with a single rose.

“Miss Jaseraie Carter, would you do me the extreme honor of going on an actual, proper date with me?”

CJ smiled a toothy grin. “Of course I will, Mr. Carter.”

Nick handed her the rose, then grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Great. Then I’ll see you tonight at 8:00 sharp. Be prepared for a fun-filled… slow evening.” Nick smiled at her.

“I can’t wait Carrot. No! Nick. See you tonight.”

CJ smiled as Nick walked away. She closed the door and leaned up against it. “Starting over. This should be good.”