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Summary: Emma was a hard working woman living in Los Angeles. She didn't have time to date or fall in love. That was until she met the man of her dreams: Nick Carter. Another man enters the picture and sweeps her off her feet. Which man will be worth the wait?
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Howie, Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 32
Completed: No
Word count: 37191
Read: 64146
Published: 10/31/10
Updated: 07/14/11

1. Chapter 1 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1123 words)

2. Chapter 2 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1029 words)

3. Chapter 3 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (982 words)

4. Chapter 4 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1094 words)

5. Chapter 5 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1049 words)

6. Chapter 6 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1089 words)

7. Chapter 7 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1229 words)

8. Chapter 8 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1082 words)

9. Chapter 9 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1243 words)

10. Chapter 10 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1191 words)

11. Chapter 11 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1337 words)

12. Chapter 12 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1124 words)

13. Chapter 13 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1113 words)

14. Chapter 14 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1179 words)

15. Chapter 15 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (997 words)
Sexual Content

16. Chapter 16 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1178 words)
Strong Language

17. Chapter 17 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1257 words)

18. Chapter 18 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1094 words)

19. Chapter 19 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1199 words)

20. Chapter 20 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1278 words)

21. Chapter 21 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1109 words)

22. Chapter 22 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1056 words)

23. Chapter 23 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1037 words)

24. Chapter 24 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1320 words)

25. Chapter 25 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1060 words)

26. Chapter 26 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1458 words)
Sexual Content

27. Chapter 27 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1404 words)

28. Chapter 28 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1244 words)
Strong language, sexual content

29. Chapter 29 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1225 words)
Sexual Content

30. Chapter 30 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1123 words)

31. Chapter 31 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (996 words)

32. Chapter 32 by colorguard_diva [ - ] (1292 words)