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Story Notes:
ON HIATUS: I'm taking a break from Nick and Ashton. I promise that I will come back when the time is right to finish their story.

“Mommy, Liam and Lucas are bugging me.” Aiden yelled as he ran into the kitchen.

“Keep your voice down. I’m trying to get Rory to sleep.” I rubbed the back of the little cherub I was holding in my arms.

“Sorry. They keep messing with my legos.” He whined. At that moment he sounded just like his father.

“Let me put Rory in the nursery. Then I will talk with the boys.”

We both walked out of the kitchen. Aiden ran to the living room. I headed upstairs. I walked into the nursery and put Rory in her crib.

She was growing so fast. It was hard to believe she was six months old. It was even harder to believe all of my children were growing up. Jackson was a senior in high school. Rachel was a sophomore in high school and would be driving in less than a year. Aiden was nine going on twenty-nine. The triplets were going to be four on New Year’s Eve.

When Nick told me he wanted a bunch of children, he wasn’t lying. Most days I loved being a mom to seven kids. Other days I think I wanted to kill my husband. Today was one of those days. Everything that could go wrong was going wrong. I couldn’t wait for Nick to get home.

I slowly walked into the living room. Liam and Lucas were trying to knock down the house Aiden was building. He tried to remain calm, but his temper that we got from me, was starting to show.

“Liam James and Lucas Jerald come here please.”

Two little dark haired boys toddled over to me.

“Yes mommy.” Liam smiled at me. Lucas stood next to his brother.

“Should we knock down legos?”

“No mommy. We sorry.” Lucas apologized. Liam nodded.

“Tell Aidy you’re sorry.”

They ran over their brother and hugged him. They all fell to the ground laughing.

I notice Logan sitting on the couch. She was staring into space. She was my quiet child. I was worried about her. She hardly talked or interacted with her siblings or peers. Being that the triplets were born premature, the doctor said they may have some developmental delays. Liam and Lucas were flourishing. Logan was behind them developmentally. She was the smallest of the three only weighing three and a half pounds at birth.

“Hey mom! We’re going to go upstairs and study.” Jackson said as he and a petite blonde went up the steps.

“Keep the door open.” I yelled.

Jackson was a spitting image of his dad. It wasn’t any surprise that he brought a girl home to study. He had recently started taking an interest in girls. Before that all he cared about was soccer. Sometimes I wished he was still obsessed with just soccer.

I realized I had about five minutes before I had to start supper. I scooped Logan up on my lap and gave her little kisses all over her face. She smiled at me. I closed my eyes and held her tightly.

My five minutes were up. It was awfully quiet upstairs. I decided to go check up on my teenaged son. When I got upstairs the door was closed. I knocked on the door, but didn’t get a response. I put my ear to the door. It was very quiet. I knocked once more and called Jackson’s name. There was no reply. I slowly opened the door.

What I saw astounded me. My son was sitting on his bed with his pants down and the girl kneeling between his legs. I couldn’t believe my son was doing that with the door unlocked. Any of his siblings could have walked in.

I cleared my throat and they didn’t even move.

“Excuse me, but I think you need to leave. Jackson, put your pants on.”

The little tease got up and walked out of the room. She rolled her eyes as she passed me. Jackson looked pissed and embarrassed. He raked his hands through his blond spiky hair.

“I don’t know what to say to you. We’ll talk when your dad gets home.”

I made my way to the kitchen. I don’t think my day could get worse.

I put the meatloaf in the oven. I took the potatoes and started mashing them. At least I could get my frustrations out that way.

I couldn’t believe my son was getting a blow job. Was I that stupid to think he would wait until he was older? I had to remember that his dad was having sex at sixteen. I just hoped he wasn’t having sex. Call me old fashioned, but I didn’t want my son to grow up. I was having a hard enough time with him being a senior in high school. I was feeling tired and old.

“Honey, I’m home.” He kissed my cheek.

“Hey.” I said glumly. I added butter to the mashed potatoes.

“What’s wrong baby girl?”

“Everything and anything. It’s just been a bad day.”

“It can’t be that bad.”

“Oh it is.”

“Tell me.” He sat on a stool at the island.

“Well, I had a heck of a time getting Rory to nap. I just put her down an hour ago. Lucas and Liam have been getting into everything. I’m worried about Logan, and I just caught your oldest son getting a blow job from some blonde tease from school.” I slammed my head on the island.

“I’m sorry baby girl. Your day sucked.” He rubbed my back.

“To top it off, I’m exhausted. All I want to do is sleep. I have to take Rachel to dance and get the invitations ready for the Christmas party. Plus we have to talk to Jackson.” I started to cry.

“I’ll take Rachel to her dance class. I will put the kids to bed. We both will talk to Jackson. It will be okay.”

“I hope so. I don’t think I can do this any more.” I felt a panic attack coming on.

“Breathe baby. Go lie down. I’ll finish dinner and feed the kids. Then I will bring you up a tray.” Nick kissed me.

“Thanks Nicky. I love you. You’re the best husband.”

“Anything for you. I love you, always and forever. Now go get some rest.”

I slowly left the kitchen and went upstairs.