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Shane ran into the kitchen where I was preparing lunch. I was standing by the stove stirring soup. Shane’s face was red and splotchy from crying. I turned the soup off and picked up my son. Off we went to the living room for some mommy son time.

“Shane, baby why are you so mad?” I cradled him in my lap after I sat down on the couch.

“I hate Bwian. He not my dad.” Shane stated stubbornly.

“Oh sweetie, I know it’s hard for you to understand that Brian is your daddy. He loves you so much.”

“Why he not around? He no love me before?” Shane stared at me with questioning eyes. He was asking tough questions for such a young child. My heart was hurting knowing I had to tell Shane that it was my fault he didn’t know his daddy.

“ Shane, I’ve known Brian my whole life. He was my best friend since I was little.” I paused to think of a way to make my three year old understand. “We loved each other so much that we created you, but Brian and I got into a fight and stopped talking. Mommy kept you all to herself because she was mad at your daddy.”

“Momma that not nice. You tell me to share and you did not share wif Bwi.” He pointed his finger at me.

“You’re right. I wasn’t nice to your daddy. Now daddy and I are friends again. I love you and daddy so much that I wanted to share both of you.”

“Okay. Bwian is nice. He always pways wif me.” Shane yawned and wiggled closer to my body. “Sing my sweepy song.”

I started singing to Shane knowing in a few minutes he would be fast asleep in my arms. My little boy was growing up. My hope was that he would accept Brian as his daddy and love him with all of his heart.

I slowly placed Shane on the couch. I didn’t want to wake him up. He needed a nap after his emotional morning.

I walked back into the kitchen to finish making lunch. Brian was pouring the soup into bowls. I smiled thinking about how we were able to finish each other’s jobs. We completed each other in so many ways.

“Thanks for finishing lunch. Shane is fast asleep on the couch. I think he’s worn out from everything that happened this morning.”

“I heard what you told him.” He placed a bowl of soup on the island, where I was standing. “You did a good job explaining it to him. I hope that he won’t hate me forever.”

“Brian it’s not your fault. I’m the one that didn’t tell you. I was a coward.” I confessed.

“It wasn’t like I handle the situation any better. I regret how I treated you the morning after.”

“Brian you don’t have to keep apologizing. We both made mistakes. It’s time to move on.” I took a bite of my soup.

“Okay. Do you have to work tonight?”

“Yeah. Do you want to watch Shane this evening?”

“You don’t have ask me anymore. I’m his dad. Whenever you work I’ll be there to take care of him.” Brian stared at me.

“I know. I’m not used to it yet. When do you plan on going back to Florida?” I was curious. I knew Brian’s job would require him to go back eventually.

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought of going back to Florida. Everything I have is here.”

“What about your career?”

“We’re on a break right now. All I care about is Shane and you.” He smiled at me. “I have no intentions of leaving my family.”

“I’m glad you care about Shane.” I stated quietly

“I’m not just talking about Shane. Josie I want you in my life. I thought we’ve been over this already. I love you. I want to be with you.” Brian was clearly frustrated with me. Everyday he made a point to tell me that he loved me.

“I know Brian. I just wanted to hear you say it again.” I stood up and carried my dishes to the sink. After my comment I knew Brian would be on my tail.

“Josie.” He whispered in my ear as he stood behind me. I could feel his hot breath on my skin. It caused my body to tremble on the inside. “What are you trying to tell me?”

“I realize I can’t live without you in my life.” I turned to face him.

“Josie, do you really mean that?”

“Yes. I did a lot of thinking last night and when you were talking to Shane Thomas. I came to the conclusion that a part of my life is missing without you. I can’t keep fighting it.” I said breathlessly. Brian moved in closer leaving no space between us. He was making me nervous and excited at the same time.

“Josie Fitzgerald, I love you with all my being. You are the only women I want for the rest of my life. I won’t let you go this time.”

“I don’t ever want to leave you.” I grabbed his face and pulled it toward mine. In an instant our lips were touching. It was the best feeling in the world.

“Oh excuse me. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Harry said smirking.

“It’s fine Harry. How are you?” I said politely.

“Doing well. What’s going on with the two of you?” He pointed at the both of us.

“Something special before you interrupted us. Bro, you have the worse timing.” Brian moved beside me. “How’s your new job?”

“I love it. North Carolina is awesome. Who’s the little tyke on the couch?”

“That’s our son.” I smiled at Brian’s older annoying brother. He always teased us when we were kids.

“You and you…have a son.” He kept looking from Brian to me. It was like he was watching a ball bouncing in a tennis match. “Together.”

“Yes, we have a son together. He’s three and adorable.” Brian told his brother.

“I always knew you two had a thing for each other. I wondered if you two were hooking up when she came on tour.”

“Shut up.”

“Bri, I got to get ready for work. It was nice seeing you again Harry.” I left the kitchen.

“My God did Josie become hot. I haven’t seen her in years.”

“Yes and she’s mine.” Brian smiled at his brother.

“I can’t believe you have a son. How old is he?”

“Shane turned three yesterday. I’m surprised mom didn’t say anything.”

“He’s three? Josie was the girl you slept with before you got married.”


“God damn it Brian. The way you talked about that night, I would have never pictured you sleeping with your best friend. How long had you been in love with her?”

“It wasn’t that simple. I didn’t realize it until the first time I made love with her that night. It was different. I pretended like she didn’t make me feel that way. I was an ass.”

“You’ve always been an ass.” Harold joked.

“I love Josie and Shane Thomas. We’re ready to start a relationship, but you walked in.”

“Shit, Brian. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. We have the rest of our lives.”

“I want to get to know my nephew. I’ll babysit one evening so you can go out and be romantic.”

“Thanks man. I’m going to go check on Shane.” Brian walked out of the kitchen with a smile on his face.