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The next morning around nine o'clock Nick's phone began to ring.

His eyes fluttered open.

"Ah shit!" He cursed as the strong feeling of a hang over hit him like a ton of bright red bricks. It was kind of ironic because he felt like he had been hit by bricks.

His head was pounding; his ears where ringing; and his hole body ached. His stomach was doing flip flops too.

The blaring from his phone continued to play. It was making his head hurt worse.

In a desperate attempt to make it stop he picked up the phone and looked at it briefly.

"AJ?" He questioned seeing his face on the screen.

Nick shrugged and answered it, "Hey, can you call back later. I'm really hung over."

There was no response.

"Hello? Jay?" He questioned.

Still nothing.

Nick assuming AJ had butt dialed him hung up.

He placed the phone back on the side table and closed his eyes again.

Just as he got semi-comfortable his phone began to ring again.

Nick grabbed it and saw it was his friend again. He rolled his eyes and answered but his ear was filled with the sound of static.

"Nick? Hello? Can you hear me?" AJ's voice almost couldn't be heard over the static.

"AJ?" Nick questioned.

"Nick? Hello?" He obviously could not hear him.

"Jay, it's a bad connection. Just call me later." Nick told him and hung up.

Once again he set the phone down and closed his eyes to try and sleep off his hang over.

A few moments later his cell phone rang for a third time.

"Fucking hell AJ!" Nick yelled grabbing the phone and sitting up.

With one swift movement he threw it a crossed the room onto a couch.

Nick started to lay back down but suddenly realized he had sat up too fast and now needed to go worship the porcelain god.

Nick shot off as fast as he could toward the bathroom as he felt the burning vomit rising. He managed to make it just in the nick of time. Get it? NICK of time! Yeah, not very funny.

Anyways, after he had managed to chuck up everything he was surprised to find he felt a little better.

He washed out his mouth, flushed the toilet and headed back toward his bed.

As he walked out of the hotel bathroom his eyes instantly fell on a man who was standing in the middle of the room.

Not expecting him he stumbled backward yelling out in a bit of fear.

Once he realized who the man was he took a few deep breaths and said, "Damn Jay, you scared the shit out of me. How the hell did you get in here anyway?"

AJ, holding a bottle of beer, took a single step toward him and said, "You have to change your ways or you're going to die alone."

"Excuse me?" Nick questioned taking a few steps toward him.

"It's too late for me Nick. It's not too late for you."

Nick opened his mouth to say something but his cell phone ringing cut him off. He took a good look at AJ and then walked away toward the couch where his phone now was.

It was Brian.

"Hello?" Nick answered assuming he was calling to check in on him.

"Hey Nick, I just called to see how you are." Brian said. Something about his voice sounded off.

"I'm fine Rok. I'm just talking to AJ." Nick shook his head.

"AJ? Nick, what are you talking about?" Brian asked sounding even more strange then before.

"What do you mean what am I talking about. I'm talk to..." Nick paused as he turned to look at AJ. "...AJ." He said awkwardly finding that AJ was no longer their.

He searched the room with his eyes.

"Nick, you haven't heard?" Brian questioned.

"Heard what?" Nick asked walking into the bathroom but finding that he was not there.

"He's dead Nick. He wrecked on the way home last night. It's all over the TV." Brian's voice softly and sadly said.

Nick quickly grabbed his TV remote and turned it on to a local news station. His eyes widened as he saw AJ's car wrapped around a telephone pole and police cars with their blinking lights. AJ's face was in the bottom corner with his year of birth and the current year beneath it.

"Nick? Did you hear me?" Brian's voice asked.

The cell phone slipped from Nick's hand and dropped to the floor.