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"Nicky!" Nick heard Brian's voice.

"I get it ok?" Nick said as his eyes fluttered.

"Get what?" Brian was sitting on AJ's old bed where Nick was laying. He couldn't remember laying down.

Nick looked around him. "Where'd they go?" He asked confused.

"Where did who go? Nick, are you ok?" Brian asked looking worried.

Nick opened his mouth but quickly closed it.

"Nicky, you need to sleep and you can't do it here. If Denies see's you in here she'll loose it." Brian warned helping Nick sit up.

"I... yeah... maybe I just need sleep. It's been kinda hard to sleep with AJ fuckin' haunting me." Nick wasn't thinking as he spoke.

"Haunting you? Nick, you're starting to scare me." Brian said.

"Uh..." Nick remembered AJ from before saying only Nick could see him. "Ya know, the suddenness and just, the footage." He nodded.

"Oh buddy. I know what you mean. I think management is gonna work on getting us some grief counseling." Brian rubbed his shoulder comfortingly.

Nick took a deep breath and stood. The video's spirit Kevin had showed him and what he said made sense. Nick wasn't saying he had a problem by far but he probably should have stayed away from alcohol. It couldn't have hurt.

"Come on bub. Go home and sleep. I don't want anyone else seeing you in here." Brian patted his back.

Nick took one last look around the room and nodded. "Yeah, sorry."

"It's ok." Brian assured him and swallowed hard.

Nick told everyone goodbye. He hugged both Rochelle and Denies who made him promise to keep in touch.

Nick agreed and got in his car. Reluctantly he drove home. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep but he needed to try.

He made him it home not long later and laid down in his bed. Now if AJ showed up in his bed he was gonna be pissed.

The clips from before played over and over as he tossed and turned trying to sleep. Finally pure exhaustion took over and he slipped into a restless sleep.