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Chapter Eleven

6:30 p.m.

"Then there's this one. I really want to get a demo on this one."

I glanced up at the clock. "We don't have time to do that one," I argued. Max looked at me in surprised. Howie nudged me in my ribs. I prayed he didn't feel the hair.

"Of course we do. It won't take long."

I glanced at the clock again.


"AJ, let's have you and Nick swap parts."

I leaned towards Howie. "I've really got to--"

"Ten more minutes. Max."

I sighed. I could feel the magnetic pull already. I studied the music, quickly going over the new lines.

We began again.


"Now there's this one--"

I inched towards the door. Howie shook his head.

"Just five more--"

If I didn't leave that second I wasn't going to get home in time. I felt it coming in the pit of my stomach. I wrapped my hand around the knob.

"I'm sorry," I said huskily. "Yell at me tomorrow."

Before I could hear any death threats, I ran down the hall, my heart racing. I threw myself in my car and cranked the engine.


"Traffic is reportedly backed up due to an overturned tanker. Cars are being rerouted on--"

Shadows were everywhere. My eyes darted rapidly. It seemed as if I only had seconds. The line I was stuck in inched forward and I saw an opening for a gas station. I swung my wheel wildly.

The change happened the moment that I parked behind the building. The leather seat of my convertible groaned as the human form shifted to the wolf.

Suddenly distance away wasn't measured in miles. It was measured by the moon. It was measured by the scent. I hopped over the side of the car, my feet slamming heavily into the concrete. I took off over the embankment.

Even as the wolf I knew the interstate was no place for me.

Thoughts were simple. Home. Food. Partner. Protect.

Humans were my distractor. They were close, but not close enough for my defenses to completely collapse. I lifted my head, sniffing the air greedily. I let out an outraged howl.

My travels were taking too long.

Once I smelled the salt water, I knew I was close. I stayed close to trees and hedges. I was large, to large to be completely concealed. I didn't care.

Home. Food. Partner. Protect.

Home and food meant nothing when I finally made my way to the front door. I sat down, a low whimper escaping from my throat.

The door had been battered down. I could smell Lauren's scent.

She had gone. Gone in search of food. Gone in search of me.


I pressed my nose against the walk and inhaled deeply. The scent told me which way to go. My stomach growled angrily. My mouth watered as I passed homes filled with flesh and blood.

Lauren was slower than me. She was carrying young. I sped up, sniffing faster.

Time didn't mean much in minutes. I kept track of time with the moon. The moon dipped noticeably twice before I heard the screams and knew.

Partner. Prey.

I suddenly didn't care who saw me. I took off at a run.

Lauren had the man in blue by the leg. The human was screaming in agony. Blood covered Lauren's muzzled. The man's arms moved rapidly, but Lauren couldn't be bothered with that. My nose caught the scent and I wanted nothing more but to join in.

And I would have joined in had it not been for the reflection of the silver object the man pulled from his waist. In my human life I knew the object was cause for fear. I bared my teeth and let out a loud growl. Lauren looked up. She backed off, taking a huge hunk of leg with her. The man seemed to think the growl came from Lauren. He aimed the object at her.

I bared my jaw, sinking my teeth into the arm that wanted to harm my mate. Another agonizing scream filled the air. A loud bang sounded; something missed my shoulder by an inch. I hung on for dear life.

Suddenly, something hard slammed against the side of my head. I momentarily forgot what I was doing. My jaw fell slack. I lapped at the blood and skin that I still held.

The second bang jolted me back. The pain in my head was no match for the pain in my heart. I turned in the direction of the sound and let out a howl.

The third and fourth bangs were even worse. In agony, I lunged at the man's throat. There was not a chance for retaliation. I cut into the main artery, a gush of blood covering me. The man slumped backwards, dead.

I did not stop to feast on him. I turned as soon as I knew that the life had left his body. I crept slowly forward.

Lauren's eyes were open. She had been wounded three times. Once in the shoulder - a mild hit. Another time in the chest. A more serious attack. A deadly hit judging from the amount of blood that gushed forth.

The third...the third was in the stomach. She looked at me and whimpered. Her breath was already leaving her body. I nuzzled her. With her last bit of strength she turned my head and whimpered again.

I knew what she wanted me to do, but I didn't know if I could bring myself to do it. I shook my head; the movement made it ache.

It wasn't until she tossed back her head for one last howl that I knew. No matter the damage, this was her will. I hovered by her bloated stomach, the bullet hole buried deep. I didn't know what I was going to find, but I didn't waste time.

I grabbed the outer layer of skin and fur and tugged.

Death came instantly. I didn't stop. I saw the protectory of the bullet and went through from there.

The first two young I retrieved were dead. The bullet grazed through both of their bodies. They were wolf. Nothing more than wolf.

The third...the third was small. It was weak. It's paws slapped at the ground but I sensed it had no chance for survival. I pressed my paw against its head. A quick snap and it was done.

The fourth that I came across was smooth human skin. I struggled to pull it out without my teeth sinking in. It was covered in blood and fluid. It did not breath.

Somehow I could not give up on this one as easily. I pressed my snout to its chest, pressing lightly. I licked its face. I nudged it first gently, then harder.

The cry told me it was all for nothing. It was male. It was loud. I glanced up at the sky.

We were in an alley. I gently took the newborn in my jaw, hiding behind a dumpster. From there I kept watch as the time ticked away. If anyone chanced to come down the alley before morning they would meet a fate similar to the man.

The man that had killed my mate. I slammed my head against the cold metal back of the dumpster and whimpered. The child began to cry. I could not comfort it.

The moment I sensed the coming of dawn, I brought the child back out to Lauren and nestled it next to her front paws. I stuck the three dead pups in a small hole in the side of the building. By the time they would be found they'd be bones. When my job was done, I returned to Lauren's side. I sat for a moment, my head lowered. I licked her face one last time. I stared at the child.

If my simplistic plan worked, I would see it in mere hours. With heavy heart, I ran from the alley.

I ran back towards home. I ran faster than I ever thought possible. Even so, I transformed just seconds before I made it to the back door. I was covered in blood. I was naked. I didn't care.

I ran to the bathroom and yanked the sprays on. I opened my mouth and let the water flood inside.

Then I began to cry.