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Along all the way to my school we talked about what we could do to solve that little misunderstanding. But we didn’t realize that a car followed us since the first corner from my house. The driver was very careful to keep a safe distance (or we were so worried that became blind to any other thing in the world), he was always far enough to be seen but close enough to keep an eye on us.

            Nick pulled up in front of the school and the mysterious car parked across from us. “Don’t worry, babygirl! I’ll set this alright.”, Nick said and leaned kissing tenderly my cheek. I glanced at his eyes and left the car before somebody could recognize him and make the situation worse. I entered the school and felt all eyes on me as if I were a criminal. In the classroom, everybody looked at me and some girls came to ask if I really was Nick’s new girlfriend. I didn’t know what to say, it was driving me insane. We talked so much but forgot to think about what to say if they asked me.

            That was the worst morning of my all life. I felt terrible, but it was over soon and I finally could go back home. Not as easy as I thought… outside the school there were some reporters waiting for me. When they saw my face they all came to me making a lot of questions and putting their recorders in front of me to get declarations, and all those flash lights. I freaked out and all I could do was run. I ran to the closest bathroom and searched my cell phone in my bag. I dialed Nick’s number but no answer. He could be in a meeting or in the studio or even not answering his cell because probably the reporters were calling him too.

            I thought of calling home, but what would they do? So I stood in front of the mirror for a while thinking. Then I decided to face those people outside or I would have to spend the rest of my life hidden in that bathroom. I took a deep breath and walked out the room. Fortunately there was nobody in the corridors anymore. I thought for a moment and went along the south corridor; it would lead me to the back exit of the school. Man I was feeling horrible running away from the media.

            I left the building and headed home, nobody saw me this time. I guess they were still waiting for me in the front exit. When I got to my place I tried to call him again. This time he answered the phone with his silly voice which made me smile for the first time that day since he left me at school. “Nick, they were all there! What do I do?” I said in a frantic voice. He stuttered for a moment and finally said “Wh-what? Who are they? Are you okay?” His last sentence sounded so worried. Oh my God I was only bringing him problems.

            “No, I’m okay, but the media was in my school today. When I was leaving they were outside waiting for me. I didn’t know what to do so I ran inside again and left through the back exit. But, Nick, I’m sure they will be back there everyday until they have this story done and printed all over the newspapers and magazines” I was whining now and about to cry. He was so sweet, so gentle saying I had nothing to worry about.

            “I know, they kept calling me all day long too, I even had to turn my cell off.”  He stopped for a second. “I need to talk to you, babygirl, can I come over?” and all I know is that less than an hour later there he was sitting on my couch looking for words, probably to tell me how horrible I was…