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Story Notes:

This is just something I felt like writing. Nothing special.... yet!


They had never talked before, even though they had seen each other for the last a hundred years, it felt. But just like everything in life, there’s always a first time, and that was then.

There she was, sitting on a bench in the nearby park, just watching as the clouds fade into the sky with the Sunday morning breeze. She loved to spend time looking at the sky and its beauty.

He barely woke up early on Sundays but this morning there was something calling him. He tossed and turned in bed for hours as the early light of the day rose, and he couldn’t stand being there any longer. He had to out. Without thinking, he started to walk and when he realized, he was at that same park. As he saw her, she lowered her head from looking up and their eyes met. There was no way he could run away, so he walked up to her and stood right in front of the girl he had seen so many times.

“Hello”, it was the only word he could pronounce. He felt the rush of blood burning through his veins and exploding on his face as she smiled and said hello, too.

She couldn’t hide her excitement when she saw him coming towards her and she felt the luckiest girl as she heard those five letters echoing through her ears. There was no need to say anything else. Their souls were intertwined at that very moment, for good.