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Rayna was back to having to adjust to it just being her again with the kids since Nick had gone back on tour with the boys for their latest album luckily Hunter and Olivia had started back up school again so it was just her, Darren and Maddy. Everything seemed like it was blending one moment Nick would be home playing outside with the kids and the next minute he is being whisked away on tour somewhere for long periods of time. Rayna put Darren down for a nap while Maddy played in the living room watching yet another episode of Sofia The First on Disney junior while picking up the living room she noticed a car pull into her driveway and just stopped there, alarmed she stood there and watched out the window feeling her anxiety level to start going through the roof she grabbed her phone getting ready to call the Sheriff the car drove off in a hurry she looked a little closer and realized that there was something in the middle of her driveway. Rayna put Maddy in the playpen and ran outside real quick and she saw a crumpled piece of paper just lying there. She picked it up without even thinking twice she had hoped it was just a random thing that flew into her driveway but she was wrong it read.

This isn’t over Mrs. Carter it won’t be until he is mine

Scared Rayna ran straight into the house and called Sheriff Cole who came out immediately.

“I thought you guys were supposed to be watching the house? You reassured us that this wasn’t going to happen again.” she demanded to know why they weren't doing their job.

“Let’s go in the house and talk about this.” Rayna let Sheriff Cole into the house and went to the kitchen table,” We had to stop the investigation a week ago due to the lack of not being able to find anything. I am sorry Mrs. Carter whoever this is, is paying very close attention to what is going on at your house.” He explained.

“Pardon my French but this is bullshit why can’t you just catch this person?”

“Because there hasn’t been any evidence providing us with a lead Mrs. Carter that is until now”

“Can you get prints off of it even though its so distorted?”

“Probably I will have to take it downtown and have it processed but as long as they didn’t use gloves or anything we should be able to get something yes.” Sheriff Cole took a little baggie out from his belt and slipped the crumpled piece of paper into it.

“I sure hope so, is there any way you can have someone back out here to watch the house?” she asked,” Nick is back on tour and it would help my anxiety so much”

“To be honest Mrs. Carter it depends on how many people I have on duty but I can certainly try, but one more thing can you tell me what color the car was this time? And maybe even a license plate number?”

“It was blue a navy blue I suppose a newer car it looked like maybe a BMW and I didn’t even think to look at the license plate number, but I think I can get it for you though. Nick installed a security system a while back before he left on tour. I bet you the camera got it” she explained.

“Is there any way to go and get it now?” Rayna nodded and took the Sheriff out to the garage and rewound the tape and there on the camera was the license plate number but couldn’t see who was driving the car,” This has been really helpful Mrs. Carter thank you very much. I will run this license plate number and see what we can find.” Rayna felt relieved maybe something would get done,” Sorry but one more question any idea on who you think this could be?”

“Well it could be a number of things see Nick and I had a hiccup last year and we separated for a while and I am sure there were other girls involved at some point but I have no names”

“I see, I would assume a crazy fan”

“That is what Nick is saying but maybe you will find something when you run that plate”

“Well Mrs. Carter I should be getting back down to the station and get the investigation going again. Thank you for calling me.”

“Thank you for coming down we appreciate it”

“And if something were to happen again please don’t hesitate to call no matter the time.”

“Oh believe me you will probably be on my speed dial,” she chuckled.

“You have a nice day now Mrs. Carter,”

“You too Sheriff,” Rayna watched the sheriff get into his car and drive off down the road. Rayna wondered who was doing this and why she still had her thoughts on Emelyn she could be the only possible explanation for all of this non sense but then again Nick could be right and it just be some fan trying to get a little too close for comfort.

Chapter End Notes:
I will be going out of town June 7th and will be gone for most of June but I am going to try and put out a couple of chapters before I leave Saturday for Washington...I hoped you enjoyed these last few chapters dont forget to review!! :)