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December 27th,2013

Not much has really changed in the past two months. I just turned 26 years old two weeks. Even with all of Diane's insisting that I go out and be a party whore, I opted to stay home and have a cake with my mom and dad. It was still my boring pathetic life. Me and my dog in my basement. I was pretty much over Roger, even though I get a pang in my chest when I thought of his engagement. I often thought about Nick. I wish I could of been his girl. His one, but like Roger, he was engaged.
Even during Christmas dinner I wondered what Nick was doing or how he was celebrating. I often wondered if he thought about me the same way I thought about him.

But now I was jogging along the beach with Diane. I was stuck in my own thoughts. I wasn't even paying attention to what Diane was rambling on about. Suddenly, I started to feel dizzy, nauseous , and a tightness in my abdominal area. I seen Diane screaming my name but couldn't hear a thing. Then things just went BLACK.