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Author's Chapter Notes:
Nick's Point of view
September 2nd, 2014

When Regan fell into a deep sleep, I snuck back upstairs into my room. I did not want to get caught by Regan's parents leaving the basement. I sat on my bed. I was in shock. I can't believe she loves me. I wasn't expecting that. I do love her too. I love our child. We have a bond that goes beyond our child. I noticed it the night I seen her by the bar. There was a spark. Now here we are, I love her, she loves, we love our child, and I am getting married next weekend. I had to call Lauren. I picked up my cell and dialed her number.

"How nice of you to call me Mr.Carter?!" Lauren answered the phone sarcastically

"Hi, I need to talk to you." I said

"I seen the magazines. Cute. Baby is beautiful. Regan, I must say is pretty attractive, could afford to tone up a bit, but hey that's just mu opinion." cattily said Lauren.

"Whatever, Lauren. I'm just going to say it. It's not working. We are not working. I'm sorry. I want to call off the wedding." I said calmly.

"NO!" she argued.

"Yes" I argued back.

"No no no no no!!!! Not your some bitch!!! You will humiliate me for some whore!!!!We have been through so much together. Your my crutch. I will die without you. I will hang up, hurt myself, and tell the whole world of your lying, cheating ways. You'll be ruined, and you'll have guilt because you would have ruined me too. Marry me. Come back tomorrow, and I'll get this ever happened. We will get married and be very happy." She said as she hung up.

I love Lauren. I don't love her in marry me and have my babies love you type way. It's been like this for awhile even before Regan. However, Lauren, is right we saved each other from almost dying. I needed to respect that. Maybe marriage will change things.