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September 12th,2014

Days have passed since Diane passed away. Her funeral was two days ago. It was hard saying goodbye to her. I haven't heard from Nick nor Roger, which I was glad no word from Roger. I have spent many days and sleepless nights reading over Diane's letter, playing out that horrible night with Roger in my head, and all the good times Nick, Jasmine, and myself shared when he was here. I decided in honor of Di, I was going after what I wanted. What I want is Nick. Tomorrow is his wedding day. I plan to stop the wedding before its too late. I was at the airport. My flight left at 9pm, and it was 8:15pm. I was waiting to board. If Nick was marrying anyone it would be me. I was nervous. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

Finally my section was called. Its now or never.