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Laying on my back, shaking with what I think was the aftershocks of my 4th or 5th orgasm, I stared at the ceiling. I swept my hair off my sweaty forehead, willing my heart to slow down.

Looking for Joe, I found him staring at me, his talented hand resting on my stomach. I couldn't read the look on his face. "Joey, why am I here?" I asked. I wasn't sure if I should ask this, but I didn't know the proper post-sex protocol for the Sex Dome.

He kept staring, then took a deep breath. Laying down next to me, he kept my hand on my stomach, but had started caressing in slow circles.

"You've seen me perform Twisted before, right?" he asked. I nodded, with a small laugh. "Yep. Hammond is the best one" I replied. He smiled at me, "I agree. After a few times of doing that set, I took in the reactions more and more. The desire to go further and further started...I would thrust harder, touch myself more. Make eye contact. Finally, after Hammond, I was ready to get a bodyguard to pull any random fan out of the audience just so I could fuck her. I wanted it so badly. I was almost obsessing on it."

I took in his words, slightly shocked. "Wow...." I breathed. He was still rubbing my stomach. It was starting to burn me up. Apparently I am now insaitable.

Joey smiled a bit, "Yeah, wow. I told Jordan one night when he caught me jacking off afterwards once. He was shocked. I approached him after he caught me and I told him I needed a release for this obsession. My common sense was telling me I couldn't just grab a chick, fuck her, and then go my merry way. It'd end up on You Tube somehow."

Nodding in agreement, I felt those magic fingers go higher, near my breasts.

"Jordan knew of this place. How, I don't know" Joe laughed. Seeing me wince, he says "Yes, sweet shy Jordan and the Sex Dome. Surprised me too. But apparently this was the inspiration for O Face."

I grabbed his hand, which had started to tug on my left nipple. "Hold on just a bit, okay?" I laughed.

Joey laughed back, "Sorry. I can't help it."

"I contacted the management, and set up a private showing. I performed the song like usual, except I jacked off in front of a small group of people. I thought that would be a small step towards....this" he explained. "It calmed me down a bit. But I knew what I truly wanted."

"So...you haven't done this with any other girl" I stated.

"Nope, and that ties into the other reason why I'm here" Joe replied. "Some fans still see me as sweet little Joey Joe. They don't see me as a grown man. The other guys are accepted as grown men with sexual desires, but I still see a group of Joey Girls that can't believe I grew up." Joe said this with a hint of frustration. I understood why. He was a kid when I fell for the dark, mysterious Jordan. Jordan was manly even at 17.

Removing his hand from mine and touching my cheek, he looked into my eyes and says "I have always wanted to convert a fan. I know it's weird, but I have wanted this since I understood our fans. I wanted to take someone else's Girl and make them mine. Especially a Jordan Girl. They have a certain type of devotion that the rest of us don't have."

Scoffing at this, I say "Really? Come on."

Joey says "Jordan Girls are just a touch more intense than the others," he says with a knowing smile.

"I don't know about that devotion, McIntyre. You fucking turned me" I admitted.

Seeing a possessive glint in his blue eyes, I felt lost in them. Bastard.

Leaving a short, sweet kiss on my mouth, he stood up on the bed. Holding out a hand to me, he helped me stand up on my shaky legs. "Still a bit off, huh?" he asks, wrapping a strong, warm arm around my waist.

"Just a bit," I smiled. Seeing something metal glint out of the corner of my eye, I looked up and spotted a hook hanging from the ceiling.

Joe reached down and grabbed the rope again, snapping it taut in front of him.

I exhaled, and held my wrists out, but then lowered my hands, putting them on my hips. Joey paused, looking at me.

"It's your turn to be tied up, Joey McIntyre."

Game. On.