Rated: NC-17
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Drama, Horror
Warnings: Child Abuse, Death, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: Fantasy Dreams
Chapters: 11
Completed: Yes
Word count: 18208
Read: 444
Published: 09/30/18
Updated: 08/08/20
1. Chapter 1: In The Beginning by Jannika [ - ] (1837 words)
2. Chapter 2: The Mystery Package FEATURING BACKSTREET BOYS by Jannika [ - ] (1763 words)
3. Chapter 3: Lucky and Unlucky by Jannika [ - ] (3969 words)
4. Chapter 4: Double Lost by Jannika [ - ] (1132 words)
5. Chapter 5: Behind The Bars by Jannika [ - ] (830 words)
6. Chapter 6: End of the friendship? by Jannika [ - ] (1962 words)
7. Chapter 7: Rough Day (Hannah & Mary) by Jannika [ - ] (1293 words)
8. Chapter 8: Rough Day (Tina & Nina) by Jannika [ - ] (713 words)
9. Chapter 9: Always Been Friends by Jannika [ - ] (1345 words)
10. Chapter 10: Change of Plans by Jannika [ - ] (1460 words)
11. Chapter 11: The End and The Beginning FEATURING NICK CARTER by Jannika [ - ] (1904 words)
Finally last chapter!