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Summary: Meredith Gellar and Megan Palmer are best friends and roommates. They are always there for each other when one of them needs help and in this case... Megan is the one needing help. She's in coma and hasn't woken up in 3 years.
Meredith is having complicated relationship with Nick while dating Lauren. Things are getting interesting when secrets are coming out. Everybody's lives are going to change.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Child Abuse, Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 16
Completed: No
Word count: 29332
Read: 806
Published: 08/04/19
Updated: 01/17/21
Story Notes:
Here's second story that me and my friend wrote together. We started to write this from last year and I didn't thinking to share it, but friend said that if you only edit the text differently then it's fine.

Reviews/Comments are not available so you can send me email to tell me if you enjoyed the story.


1. Prologue 1 Meredith Gellar by Jannika [ - ] (1298 words)

2. Prologue 2 Megan Palmer by Jannika [ - ] (810 words)

3. Chapter One: Old Wounds by Jannika [ - ] (1346 words)
Finally manage to write the first chapter. It's short, but it is something! Hopefully you enjoy reading it!

4. Chapter Two: Awake by Jannika [ - ] (2211 words)

5. Chapter Three: Bad Mood by Jannika [ - ] (1420 words)

6. Chapter Four: Back to Studio by Jannika [ - ] (2936 words)

7. Chapter Five: Double M Argument by Jannika [ - ] (1052 words)

8. Chapter Six: Last One At the Studio by Jannika [ - ] (1221 words)

9. Chapter Seven: Brother Oscar by Jannika [ - ] (2558 words)

10. Chapter Eight: Half Truth by Jannika [ - ] (1583 words)

11. Chapter Nine: Flashback by Jannika [ - ] (1999 words)

12. Chapter Ten: Whole Truth by Jannika [ - ] (1386 words)

13. Chapter Eleven: Just Friends? by Jannika [ - ] (3070 words)

14. Chapter Twelve: Late Lunch Break by Jannika [ - ] (2894 words)

15. Chapter Thirteen: Tough Decisions by Jannika [ - ] (1578 words)

16. Chapter Fourteen: Nick’s Suspicion by Jannika [ - ] (1970 words)