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Waking up, the birds outside were singing a melodious song and only small faint sounds could be heard in the distance. The hotel room was silet, everyone seemed to still be asleep. For some reason, everything just seemed right at that moment, but then the headache hit. Rolling back over, he covered his head with the cotton pillow, trying to drown out the light and what little noise there was.

Where had he been and what had he done to end up with a headache such as this? All things were in a hazy mess. One thing was for sure though, he'd fucked someone. He knew that, he hadn't felt the familiar sensations running through his body, especially below his waist. He rolled back and prayed to God that it didn't happen and that it was just his imagination. He remembered so many girls, all wanting him to go home with them. Had he actually done it? He groaned inwardly at the prospects of cheating on his wife. Ever since he'd seen one of his closests friends get cheated on by her husband he had swore that he would never do that, and here it seemed like he had.

He threw the sheets off of him and got up to look at himself in the mirror. Squinting for a few seconds, trying to get used to the bright sunlight in the room, he was able to make out nail marks on his arms. Turning around he noticed a few on his back. "Dammit all to hell!" He mumbled. "Son of a Bitch." He fumbled for some pants and a sleeved shirt to try and hide the marks. How could he tell Alyssa. Maybe he didn't have to, but then again how could he not. She did have a right to know.

Braving the inevitable, he went searching through the expansive hotel suite in search of his wife. He didn't find her anywhere, even his son was missing. He searched high and low, but to no avail. He went into the kitchen to grab something to drink, and luckily saw a note from her sitting on the counter.

Good morning. Tyler and I went out to eat breakfast this morning. I didn't want to wake you so please don't worry. We really need to talk about last night. We'll see you when you get back.

Love Always,


P.S. Tyler says Hi and that he loves you

He layed the note down on the counter. How the hell did she know about last night! It was impossible, she was asleep wasn't she? He tried to think, he could see small pictures of her from the night before, but yet, there were so many other women that occupied his mind last night! He slammed the glass on the counter, luckily not breaking it, and went out onto the balcony. The warm Florida sun hit his face with its forcefulness as if knowing what he'd done. He could hear kids at the pool below and hear their mothers calling after them to not run or else they would fall in. He flopped himself in one of the comfortable chairs and propped his feat up on the rails enclosing the space.

He tried to make sense of the night before, but it was inevitably impossible. Well all he could really do is pray that he used some sort of protection, for if not he could possibly know within the next nine months who he'd screwed. That would be a field day. Well maybe not anymore, since he had no cameras in his face, no people fallowing him all hours of the day. He was digging a deeper hole, getting closer and closer to China.

He hopped up at the sound of a door closing inside the room. He had to tell her, it was the least he could do. He walked in to see Alyssa putting a McDonalds bag on the counter. She looked up at him and motioned to the bag. "Hey, we brought you some breakfast." She wasn't very chipper, but she seemed a little different.

"Thanks. Look Alyssa, we really need to talk."

"I know, let me go put Ty in his room." She scooped up the kid who waved at his daddy and carried him off to the other side of the suite. Shortly after, she returned.

He sighed, it was now or never. "Alyssa, I don't know how you found out about last night, but either way, I screwed up. I didn't know what I was doing, I was drunk and well, had no sense of what I was doing, or who I was doing. To put it frankly I fucked someone." He looked away from her, not wanting to see the disappointed look on her face.

"Nick, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I fucked some girl last night when I went out. I can't remember who, its all to jumbled up."

"Nick you didn't 'fuck' some girl last night, it was me." His head popped up, making it throb from the swift motion.

"You?" He questioned, and she nodded. "Oh thank God. I thought that I had actually screwed some girl last night." She looked at him weirdly. "You know I'm not like that Alyssa, you know how I feel about that."

"I know Nick, last night was weird." That was the only word to describe what went down and his reaction the following morning.

"No offense, but I don't really remember what happened last night, but we really did, you know?" He looked at her and she looked down at the counter, a small, barely there smile crept across her face.

"Yeah Nick, we did."

"Oh." That was all he could say. He didn't think they would have that opportunity again. Their marriage was basically over and here they were once again 'in the saddle', so to speak. Now his thoughts were in a jumble. Why had he slept with her, he thought that she meant basically nothing to him. Why in his drunken state did he screw her and not those other girls and the multitude of girls who in the past wanted the same thing? And just by looking at Alyssa, he knew that she was thinking similar thoughts, wondering that maybe since they'd 'hopped in the sack' he might have buried feelings for her. "I'm sorry." He said, hoping in some way it wouldn't offend her.

"Why are you sorry?" He shrugged his shoulders. "You regret last night don't you Nick?" He looked down before nodding. "Oh fuckin' great!" She mumbled. She knew this would have happened, and it did.

"Alyssa, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened last night, I have no recollection as to what happened. I don't know what I did or said or even how the hell I got home."

"Well then, let me remind you. While I was drying my hair last night, you came home reaking of alcohol, then you started kissing me and making moves on me. I tried to stop you, I knew you were drunk and that you would regret this, but then you mumbled shit that convinced me, even though I knew it was wrong. You made me want you Nick. You were there because you probably came close to fucking some other girls' brains out last night, but your morals got in your way, so you thought, 'Hey, I got a little wifey at home who would fuck me in a second regardless of how I feel about her.' Well Nick that might have been true, but not anymore. Oh, and do you know what else happened?" She paused, taking in a breath. "While you were 'fucking' me last night, you fuckin hurt me! You physically hurt me!"

He threw his head up, looking over her face and arms, scared that he might have layed an angry hand on her, but finding no trace, he let out a small sigh. "What do you mean I hurt you. I didn't hit you did I?" He had to make sure, for sanities sake.

"No Nick, you didn't hit me. But last night, after we both, you know," She was still too shy to say it, even after years of marriages. "You contined on and you were going so fast and so rough Nick that it hurt. You have no idea how sore I am right now."

"Shit...Alyssa, I'm so sorry. I honestly didn't know what I was doing last night. You know how I get when I drink." He said coming around the counter getting closer to her.

"Nick don't come near me." She whispered backing up against the refrigerator. He didn't listen. He tried to wrap her in his arms, but for awhile she refused to let him, but finally her body relaxed against his. "I thought that maybe since we had sex, that you might still have feelings about me and about our marriage." She whispered into his chest, a few small tears escaping and spotting his shirt with small droplets of water.

"Lyssa, I don't know. I honestly don't know." He said holding onto her, thoughts racing through his head. Could he honestly still love her? Maybe with him being gone so long, he had just buried those feelings under a thick blanket of snow, and now that he was back home again, maybe, just maybe the thick covering was melting.