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AJ held on to the shivering Nick until he finally fell asleep. He was beginning to really worry about his friend. Even though he couldn't let Nick know that. It was too far out of his character. Truth is, he seldom much worried about anything. Especially his blonde friend. He was jealous of Nick. He was jealous of all the attention the fans gave him, jealous of the constant coddling he was given by the other three. He felt as if sometimes, they forgot that AJ was only two years older than Nick, by all accounts a baby himself. But then again. AJ had made them forget that. More than once.

Kevin was just as fussy with J as he was with Nick when the group first started. Telling him what to do, where to go, when to go to bed. It all became too much for him. Having to answer to his mother and grandparents, were enough, he didn't feel the need to have to listen to this guy who felt like he was in control of everything. He had mistaken Kevin's concern and protective nature, as a power play and it had resulted in fight after fight, until finally Kevin gave up. "Have it your way" He had said after an argument about staying out too late. Since than, AJ was treated just like all the others.

Most time's it was just fine with him too. But on nights when he felt like he needed an extra hug from Howie, or a calm pat on the shoulder from Kevin, he would instead watch his younger brother receive them.

He took out a lot of aggression on Nick. Made him the target of many arguments. Always calling him an immature little brat when he would whine about being homesick, when he was only expressing feelings that AJ, himself, had bottled up inside. He felt bad for doing it, but Nick was easy to agitate. He loved the guy though, he really did. The kid looked up to him. Why? He wasn't sure but he did.

AJ tried to shift his position so as not to wake up his friend and having done so successfully, he kept swallowing the fear that was building inside of him. He was petrified. All he wanted to do was cry, so sitting right there, in the warmth of some canvas bags and a good friend asleep on his shoulder, AJ finally cried about the situation he found himself in.

Terry felt bad for the boys who thought they had lost their young friends. Seeing Jordan to preoccupied with the computer to notice, she walked over to Kevin once again and sat beside him. He was still hugging his cousin who now had his eyes closed. Howie was on the other side of Kevin leaning on his other shoulder. He too, had his eyes closed. Not Kevin though, he was wide awake and staring ahead. It didn't take a genius to see that he was in deep thought.

"Hi" Terry whispered to him as she sat down, "How are they doing?" She asked pointing to Brian. He moved his dead stare from the front of the bank, to Terry.

"How do you think they are doing?" He asked her. She was impressed by the calmness in his voice. It aroused her.

"I know, I'm sorry about the boys. I didn't want anything bad to happen to them" He moved his gaze back to the front again.

"Well, neither did I. But that's the difference between you and me I guess" He grabbed Howie and Brian tighter in his grasp before continuing, "I would have never let him do that. Never! I would have made sure I had control of the situation. You Terry, do not have control of this situation. As much as you would like to think you do" The words Kevin had said were short and to the point, but they were brimming with honesty and bravery. She wanted to slap him, but instead she nodded. "You are right. I'm sorry"

Kevin once again looked at her, she was taken by his green eyes. They had a glow about them. The kind of glow you would find in someone who is no longer afraid to die. This worried her, but also exhilarated her. "Take control of the situation Terry before he kills again" He said and then, he ignored her.

She sat there just a little while longer, still in amazement how brave this guy was. Talking to someone who had the potential to kill him, like he couldn't care less. She found herself being attracted to him, just like she was attracted to the little blonde. Him she could have fun with but this guy?

One thing was sure, when the time came, she would have a good time with him, using the blonde to make Mr. green eyes mad. She smiled as she walked away.

"What are you doing?" Howie whispered to Kevin when Terry was back looking over her boyfriends shoulder.

"I am trying to stir up trouble" Kevin said once again never taking his eyes from the front of the bank.

AJ wiped his tears away. It felt good to cry. He just wished that someone was there to console him. He thought about waking Nick up, he didn't want to be alone. Not now. But he also knew that the kid needed to sleep. Besides, seeing him that vulnerable, might have sent the kid over the edge.

So, instead he hugged Nick tight to him, feeling the warmth of his body heat. He felt the blonde's head and noticed how hot it was. Yup he needed to sleep, for now. He would need his energy for whatever lied in store for them next.

He shifted once again, this time taking Nick's head from his shoulder and gently lead his body to the floor, he covered Nick and stood up and stretched. Walking over to the door, he tried the handle only to realize that it was locked. He jiggled it harder hoping that maybe it was just stuck, but unfortunately, it was not budging. He placed his head on the door and once again felt tears falling onto his cheeks.

"J, what's wrong?" A small and hoarse voice asked from among the pile of canvas.

"Nothing kiddo, just go back to sleep" He said wiping his frustrated tears away"

"It's okay to be scared AJ. I am too" He said now standing up to join his friend at the door. AJ turned his way, "We're locked in" He said as a new pool of tears started to form in his eyes. Nick grabbed AJ into a hug and the two of them stood trapped and cold crying in each other's arms.