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Jason was getting tense especially when he heard the gunshots. The tall man, the one he was sure could really give him a fight. Had ran at him once already. The gun made him step back. But this time when he heard those shots, he bolted right towards the gunmen. And Jason knew no matter what he were to threaten, nothing would work.

Kevin ran at the man with all of his might knocking him to the ground. They were struggling over the gun. AJ, Howie and Brian instantly got up to help but the other's fearing for their own lives kind of stepped back and watched. Kevin was on top of Jason and managed to make the man drop the gun. Howie went to pick it up when the door flung open.

"What's going on here?" Terry asked amused. Howie aimed the gun at her. She smiled.

"Well, this gets better and better doesn't it?"

"Where's Nick?" He asked shakier than he would have liked.

"Jordan!" She called never taking her eyes off the gun that Howie was holding, "I think you should really get in here"

Kevin watched the door while still on top of Jason. He heard the unmistakable whine of Nick and he couldn't help but calm down a bit. Until he saw Jordan pull the kid in and hold the gun to his head. "Now sweetheart" Terry said to Howie in a calm soothing voice, "I think you need to drop your gun unless you want to see what the inside of your friends head looks like" Howie slowly lowered the gun. "Very nice now kick it over to me" He did as he was told, then she picked it up and held it on Kevin.

"Now Mr. Green eyes, you need to get off of Jason, slowly" At first he wasn't so quick to obey but once Jordan's grip on Nick tightened, he had no choice so he rolled off of the guy.

Jason stood up sneering. He felt like a fool. Terry would never let him live that down. He was about to punch Kevin when Terry stopped him. "No! We need him in perfect condition" Then she turned to the rest of the hostages, "Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we are about to depart. I know... I know you are so disappointed. Don't worry, but we are going to keep you locked in here until we are gone. I'm sure by the morning you will be let out"

"The morning?" Justin complained.

"Unless you would like to come with us?" She said to him aiming her gun at his lower body. Then Chris came in, gun in hand and stood behind Howie and AJ. Terry grabbed a hold of Brian and looked at Kevin "Stand up, bright eyes, we are taking a little field trip"

"What do you mean?" AJ asked as he was being ushered out of the room along with Howie. "We'll explain to you later" Chris said pushing on Howie. Terry blew a kiss to the rest of the hostages and then left with one hand around Brian and one around Kevin. Jordan stood still holding the gun at Nick's head until the rest of the Backstreet Boys were out of the room and then he backed up and closed the door, locking it tight.

The policeman had circled the perimeter of where he thought the singing group may have wandered off to, particularly annoyed that he was looking for a bunch of grown men instead of doing his job but ah well. He had gotten a call from the chief saying these guys were a top priority. So here he was on a Saturday looking for five men who probably just ventured out to have some fun. That was his original thought until he came across the closed sign on an otherwise very busy banking day. This bank in particular usually saw a lot of business on the weekends. He thought it was odd but thought nothing of it. Just go in for a closer check that is all.

He walked over and put his hands against the glass. Laying his head on top of his hands, he peered into the bank. It was hard to see since the curtains were drawn. But one thing he was certain of, was the computer he saw lying on the floor. He thought he also saw some money sacks. He decided to call for some back up.

Trudging up the steps AJ had thought this was almost over, when they said they were locking the hostages inside, he could have handled that. It would have been hellish and claustrophobic, but at least, he knew there would be an end in sight. When the boys were pulled out of the room, the end seemed to move further from his grasp. Now he was being pulled up the steps all the while hearing the chick explain to the other dudes, how much money these guys were going to bring their way. Fantastic.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Jordan forcefully sat the guys down on the floor as he and the others gathered the money bags and walked to the van. They had parked out back, so as Chris and Jordan loaded the van. Terry and Jason stayed with the boys.

"So what are you going to do with us?" Brian asked. Feeling guilty. If he hadn't carried that stupid picture with him, they would have never known.

"We are going to ransom you off" Jason answered. Still glaring at Kevin.

"Maybe we'll sell you to the highest bidder. Like the black market or something" Terry winked at Nick when she said that. She could tell the kid believed her. "You know they would pay a lot of money for a nice looking young boy like yourself" She said grabbing his chin and kissing him on the cheek. She stared at his eyes. They were a radiant blue and he smelled sweet. Young. She kissed him on the lips. He pulled back.

"Terry what the hell are you doing?" Jason asked annoyed and jealous.

"Aw, what's wrong sweetie? Jealous of a kid?" To make a point she kissed Nick again on the lips. Kevin was growing uneasy and placed a hand on her shoulder. She pulled away to face him. Mission accomplished. "Please leave him alone" She turned and ruffled Nick's hair. "Sure thing Mr. Green eyes, because you want me to I will" Then she turned back to Nick, "For now anyway" Nick looked down at the floor uncomfortably.

"What is going on?" Howie whispered once Terry walked back over to Jason.

"We have risen to a whole new level of hostage. I think we are screwed" AJ announced.

"I'm sorry guys this is my fault" Brian said sounding so upset with himself.

"Aw, no it's not B. I have a picture in my wallet to" Kevin confessed.

"What's done is done. As long as we stick together we will be fine. They won't hurt us"

Kevin looked at Nick who was still looking down at the floor. He placed a protective hand on his shoulder. "It's not getting hurt that I am worried about" The other's knew what he meant. "Are you okay Nicky?" He asked in as soothing a voice as he could muster.

Nick finally looked up at the man. You could tell that he was far away in deep thought. "I just don't feel very good. That's all" Kevin then moved his hand to Nick's forehead. He rolled his eyes which the boys would have found funny in any other situation. "You are burning up little man" He felt very warm to the touch. Nick shrugged. What more could he do? What more could any of them do?

Jordan and Chris came back in and went over to talk to Terry and Jason. They left the back door to the bank open. Kevin had been eyeing it. "Don't even think about it hero" Terry said just then. Kevin's eyes moved back to the front of the bank. He noticed something odd happening outside. He was able to see people walking by the front window from the angle he was sitting on the floor. The same few people walking back and forth.

He tried to get Brian's attention, to make sure he wasn't seeing things but before he could they were brought to their feet. "Now men, this is the plan, we are going to walk out and get into the van" Jordan was talking like a troop leader. Moving his arms dramatically to stress his words. "And you will walk out as if nothing is wrong. You will go and sit in the van without fighting or trying to escape" He said that as he walked past Kevin. Then he made a grab for Nick again, "And to make sure you play nice, this one is staying right by me the entire time" He grabbed Nick by the shoulders and led him out to the van.

The others followed closely behind. It had gotten colder as the day went on and now a cool breeze was coming in from the north. Nick was placed in the van first, Jordan sitting on one side of him and Terry on the other. AJ entered next. As he was sitting down someone yelled "Freeze!"

Kevin's heart started booming in his chest at the harmonious sound of the policeman's voice. They were saved. Hallelujah!!

"I said freeze and place your hands behind your heads!" The remaining boys, Chris and Jason all did as they were told. The police officer spoke into his radio as he approached the van, "Out of the van!" He yelled. AJ was about to leave when Jordan put a hand on him "Don't you go anywhere kid!" That is when Kevin realized he had to make a choice. He knew what was coming next. "I said out of the van!" The officer said as he got closer.

Ignoring the commands, Jordan started the car. Quickly Chris and Jason fearing they would be left behind made a run for the sliding doors and jumped in as the van started to move, "Freeze or I'll shoot!" The cop threatened. Kevin took a look at Brian and Howie and gave them a nod. The looks on their faces told him they knew what he was going to do. Before he had time to second guess himself he jumped into the van as it sped away.

The police officer shooting at it as it left. Then summoning Howie and Brian to the floor, he called for more backup....