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It all seemed to happen so fast, faster than a flash of light. Nick was being pursued in the vent by the evil guy, coming up on him fast and angry as ever. Then just before He was able to reach Nick, almost getting a hold of his hand, the man fell right through the vent, crashing to the ground. He watched as the man groaned lying on the floor, seeming out of it, then he saw a lady come running in to see if he was okay. Nick moved his head just in time to not be seen, the light from the big hole in the ground was a blessing to him but also worked to temporarily disorient him, he decided to just sit right where he was. Afraid that the smallest movement would bring the woman's gun up in his direction.

The lady helped the man up and together they walked out of the room, he limped and complained as the door was shut. Nick feeling a tremendous relief, laid down right where he was, placing his hot, feverish cheeks on the nice cool duct floor. He felt safe for now, why he wasn't sure, but he was hoping the guy would think that maybe he got farther away from him than he actually was.

Taking a moment to relax was a bad move for him because he suddenly felt like he could fall asleep for ten years with no problem, he felt really horrible now, his body ached, his throat hurt, and he knew he had a fever. He started to cough, feeling it was safe to do so. Coughing so hard that his stomach hurt. Maybe he would be able to stay right where he was until this little nightmare was over. He actually fell asleep, for how long he was unsure, but he definitely was out. Dreaming that he was at home, hearing the birds chirping right outside his window, he would yell at them to stop, JUST SHUT UP!! He would scream as if the birds would say Okie dokie and move on to bug somebody else.

He was jerked awake by another coughing fit, he opened his eyes and was totally disoriented. This didn't look like his home, and this wasn't as comfortable as his bed. Then reality came crashing back at full force as he realized when and where he was. He figured maybe he should move on because they would be looking for him soon, he thought about maybe trying to climb down from the spot that man fell through, but they would back in there soon enough, so he did the only thing he could, he kept moving backwards through he vent until he felt his legs fall, he tried to grip onto anything he could but there was nothing to help him, he went crashing to the floor. Hitting his head against the hard ground he drifted off to sleep once again.

This time the sleep was dreamless, and he had a bit of trouble opening his eyes. They felt like weights had been attached to each eyelash making it impossible to move them. The sound of approaching footsteps made his eyes shoot open and despite the pain he was in he rolled over and crawled under a desk, just in time. He heard two people enter the room, they where whispering. The light then was turned on, the girl standing right in front of him. "Hello? Nick sweetheart, you must be hurt, let us help you okay?" She sounded so sweet and concerned he almost fell for it. Almost..

Nick decided to ignore her, he heard them walking around the room, opening and closing doors, I picked such a stupid hiding place, they will definitely find me here, he thought to himself, trying to control his nerves. "Nick! Come on kiddo, we know you fell, you had to have"

"What if he didn't" The male voice said, thankfully it didn't belong to the man he had bitten earlier. "He might have just popped out the vent to through us off"

"Maybe, but what about the crash?" She asked him, she walked back towards the desk Nick was hiding under and grabbed the chair making him tuck his legs in even further. He wouldn't even allow myself to breath. She dragged the rolling chair over to the opening that the sixteen year old fell through and stood up in a chair to peer into the vent. "Hello in there? Nick come on out, I am with the police department. You are safe now" Nick's heart raced, was it true? Was she a good guy? "Good one Terr" The man said laughing. She jumped down "It was worth a try"

"I think he is still up there, maybe he threw something down to create that crash, he isn't in here"

"Okay, I'll go in the vents to look for him" The man said, she nodded and sat down on the chair. "I''ll wait here for a little while just incase he comes back" Nick closed his eyes, and held his legs close to his body, careful not to make a sound. When the door closed, she peered under the desk and smiled. "Hello there little guy, you really didn't think I wouldn't look under there did ya?" She winked at him. She got up from her chair and pulled him out by his legs. "Well, you are a handsome little fellow huh? You have caused my men a bit of trouble, care to explain?" Nick just laid there on his back, all he wanted to do was close his eyes and go to sleep. He wanted so badly to help but he had failed them all.

She made him sit up, he took that opportunity to do that flip he always did in their shows, before she saw it coming, he was up and pushed Terry down making her chair sail across the room, he opened the first door he came to and ran like hell...