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Chapter 11 ~ Divine Healing

Anastay waited for the beast to sink his blinding white teeth into her flesh. She closed her eyes, knowing that the dulling pain in the back of her head couldn’t compare to the jaws of the large wolf. She began to ready herself for the bite. Where would he try for? The jugular probably, she answered herself in her mind.

She took a deep breath, blowing the air out against her lungs, and trying to bear the weight of the pain. She could hear the panting of the animal. She knew he was close. She waited, but the beast never attempted to do such a thing.
Carefully, Anastay opened her eyes. She heard the beast finally whimpering out. She glanced at him with surprise, why would he be whimpering? She watched as the moonlight cascaded down upon him, giving him an eerie glow.

Then she finally noticed.

The wolf was standing in a puddle of his own blood. Tiny drops of precious life pooled beneath his soaking paws. She carefully took in the length of the powerful animal. His right flank had sustained a deep gash. The blood matted his beautiful silvery coat. His brassy yellow eyes were turning duller by the moment. His blood loss had to be tremendous. Anastay watched as he sank to him hind legs, and wallowed in the blood.

“Oh, Lord,” Anastay whispered to no one. She could see how badly he was loosing blood. Each drop that dripped to the floor was the like a grain of sand in the timer of life.

What could she possibly do to save him? She wasn’t a veterinarian. She worked with humans, not deadly animals. However, the worst idea was that she didn’t even know if he would let her touch him. She glanced at him with sadness.

Her gray eyes finally zoned in to his dark eyes, which were now a shimmering brown. She could have sworn that they were yellow a moment ago. She blinked in confusion as he whimpered in agony. Anastay fell back again as an intense pain hit her right in her pelvic bone. The fire swarmed inside her bone, intensifying as the wolf yelped. Anastay became frantic – she could feel his pain.

The pain accumulating in Anastay’s pelvis took her very breath away. She felt paralyzed, she couldn’t move without the pain shooting down her spine and rendering her immobile once again. She gasped in agony while the burning consumed her soul.

Anastay felt weak as the pain continued to consume her entire being. She fell to the floor, right in front of the wolf. Her nose met his drying snout. He snorted, whimpering more. His eyes became misty as he continued to stare her down. Anastay felt her eyes instantly draw towards his.

‘Help me,’ a voice screamed in Anastay’s head. ‘Save me.’

She couldn’t comprehend what was happening. The voice intensified in her head, screaming in agony. She slammed her eyes shut at the howling voice. The pains filled her body as she arched her back, trying to ride herself of them. She thrashed a bit as the screaming pierced her eardrums. ‘Help, help, help, help,’ was all she could hear.

“STOP IT!” Anastay screamed out in terror.

The wolf remained extremely still. He was now casting his eyes to the window, where the moon still shown. The boards seemed farther spaced than last time. Anastay felt the pain start to die off from her body. She felt the spasms finally slow as she froze, trying to regain her breath.

‘Please,’ the voice whispered once more as Anastay glanced at the wolf. Anastay knew the wolf was dying. She felt the pain of death, and didn’t want the animal to suffer. She then slowly eased her hand toward his forehead.