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Chapter 13 ~ Midnight's Sacrifice

She thought she was actually going insane. The country air was doing something to her mind, or maybe it was living in the bog. She didn’t know the exact cause, but it was frightening. Running out in the middle of the night to save some animal that had tried to kill her before? Her mind began to jog back to previous occurrences. If he hadn’t been injured, would he have killed her? Would he have taken the chance? She felt her heart start to chill at the very thought. She could have been dead.

Anastay peeled her car into the back parking lot. She couldn’t back out now. The animal was barely breathing in her back seat. He was dying. She knew her decision was going to get her into trouble, but she had taken the Hippocratic Oath. She would protect and save anyone or anything. She couldn’t go back on the oath. If she did, Anastay would feel like she had to renounce her medical degree.

Therefore, she made up her mind. She hadn’t been caught yet, thank God. The town wasn’t big, so there were fewer roars of crowded streets and jammed cars. She gave a sigh of relief as she took the wolf into the back examination room. The room held all of her special tools for minor surgeries. She knew what she needed lay inside that very room. She thanked the Lord for being one of the top medical students graduating from Duke University. Anastay felt her tension ease as she laid the wolf onto the cold table.

“We didn’t get caught,” Anastay replied with a warm smile. She really didn’t care that she was talking to a beast. She talked to Taco all the time. She was just thrilled with her dangerous measures.

Anastay had hid her car behind her practice. She was surprised to find the unsettled quietness. The streets were deserted for whatever reason. Everyone usually was home on am early Monday morning. The only light that illuminated the streets was from the small pub down the street. Usually men spent their time there recalling the past events of the new football game and drink to their hearts’ content. Anastay had no problems with drunks. They wouldn’t venture into the streets until the night passed twilight.

Anastay pushed the thoughts aside and managed to lay the wolf on the surgical linins covering the cold metal. His body quivered with frostiness. She frowned, knowing the wolf could go into shock. Anastay laid a heating blanket on top, knowing that she would have to throw the blanket away afterward. She watched Taco prop himself up on a chair in the room, watching his master intently. He seemed to be guarding her closely.

“What the Hell am I going to do?” Anastay asked as she inched the blanket above the animal’s back flank. She examined the problem once more.

The blood continued to ooze from the pulpy flesh. A pussy substance had started to cling to the edges and mix with the tainted blood. She could see the bone poking through the serrated tissue and muscle. Anastay put a surgical mask on, hoping to drown away the wicked odor.

She knew she needed to start quickly. Every second mattered when it came to a serious injury. Anastay picked up her electric razor for when a patient needed stitches in their scalp. She gently eased the razor onto the wolf’s tender flesh. Quietly, she began to shave away bits of silvery colored fur. Anastay finally noticed how beautiful the beast’s fur was. It almost matched the moonlight’s glow. She also took notice to the tan coloring of his flesh, which struck her as odd. Wolves usually had pale colored skin, because the fur hid the skin from light.

Anastay managed to clean all the fur away from the flesh in a few moments passing. She winced in regret, noticing the bite marks in the flank. Another animal had attacked the wolf.

She hissed out the pain accumulating in her own leg as she reached down for the oxygen tank. She had been listening to the soft breathing of the wolf, noticing a slight catch as the lungs exhaled. She inserted the tube into the wolf’s mouth and clamped down the snout with some surgical tape and gauze. She inserted an IV into the animal’s neck to give him anesthesia.

“Taco, this is so dangerous. If I get caught, I could loose my job,” Anastay murmured as she picked up her scalpel. She needed to peel away the decaying matter in the flesh wound. She would then flush out the infection with saline, and stitch the muscles and flesh back together. It could take hours.

Taco gave a yelp as he watched Anastay make the first incision. The flesh peeled easily at the sharpness of Anastay’s blade. She continued to work the magic that she could, praying all the while. She rested her free hand on the wolf’s forehead. She felt a connection in this animal, and she would make him survive.