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Chapter 21
Later on back at the hotel the gang all sat in the girl’s room while De explained to Brian, Howie, Kevin and Tara the events of that night. By the time she had finished with the part about Nick’s sorry ass excuse rescue Brian had busted out laughing and Kevin shook his head in amazement.
“Nick that has go to be the funniest story I have ever heard about you” Brian exclaimed.
“Yeah Nick that was a really stupid thing that you did” Kevin said.
Nick just pouted. “Hey at least I tried”.
“Well I am glad that everything worked out” AJ said.
“Yeah me too but it almost didn’t because of Nick’s oh smart idea”. De replied.
“What was I supposed to do let him just blow your head off” Nick defended.
De turned to Nick. “I told you what your part in the plan I was told you to call for help when I was in trouble not get in the line of fire and make things worse”.
“I panicked when I thought something bad might happen to you” He answered angrily.
The whole room awed and De shot everyone a dirty look.
“I appreciate the concern I really do but I can taker care of myself”. “I tried to tell you that before but you wouldn’t listen to me”. De pointed out.
“Look can we just put this nightmare behind us” Callie piped up for the first time.
“Yeah she is right I think that we have verbally abused Nick enough so It’s been a weird night let’s all call it a day” Kevin suggested.” Besides we are leaving early tomorrow for San Antonia”.
“Ok sounds good” Nick said quickly before he got interrogated some more.
Tara gave Kevin a passionate kiss and all the guys rooted then on.
Kevin and Tara both blushed and Kevin walked out the door.
As AJ was passing Callie he slipped a piece of paper into her hands.
“What’s this Callie asked?
“Read it after I leave he whispered into her ear.
“I am beat” Tara announced once all the guys had left.
“Me too night girls” De called out as they all went into their rooms for bed.

Callie took a hot shower and threw on her most comfortable pajamas. She got comfortable under the covers and turned out the light. She was glad the whole thing was over and grateful to AJ for saving her life. Than that’s when she remembered the letter AJ had given her before he left. She turned the light back on and reached over to pick the letter off the dresser where she had set it down before her shower. The letter read:
Meet me downstairs by the pool tomorrow at six. I really need to talk to you before we leave
Callie wasn’t sure if she wanted to meet him. Yeah she was grateful to him but she was really confused about where they stood and really wasn’t in the mood for more emotional discussions. She set the letter down and set the alarm clock for 5:30 AM just in case she decided to go and turned the light off once again. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was fast asleep.

De walked into her room and put on her Pajamas and sat on the bed. She was tired and was getting ready to get into bed when there was a knock at the door.
“Who the hell could that be”?
She walked into his living room and opened he door.
“Hey can I talk to you” Nick asked sheepishly.
“Nick I am really tired can’t this wait till tomorrow”? She asked annoyed.
“No it can’t because if I don’t get this out now than I may not have the guts to tell you this again” he told her,
De rolled her eyes and sighed. “Oh alright get in here”.
“Thanks” Nick replied coming into the living room.
De shut the door and walked over to him. “What in hell is this all about”?
“Look I realized something tonight”. “Something that I have been denying for the longest time and I realized now that the guys were right”.
“What are you babbling about”? “You have totally lost me”. She said.
“I realized tonight with what happened and all the emotions that I felt when I thought I was going to lose you is that” Nick stopped and tried to calm his nerves and his racing heart.
“Realized what” she coaxed him.
“That I love you” he finally said. “I love you so much that it hurts and I have for the longest time”.
De for the first time in her entire life she was speechless.
“Please say something” he urged.
As she was about to open her mouth there was another knock at the door.
“Hold on one minute” she told Nick and went to answer it. When she opened it she was nearly trampled.
“Oh my god thank god you’re alright” Johnny cried as he held on to her tight.
“Um Johnny could you like loosen your grip a little” she asked in a tight voice. “You’re kind of cutting off my air supply.
Johnny immediately let her go. “I am so sorry about that I am just so happy that you’re ok”.
“How did you know”? De asked with curiosity and confusion.
“I called your cell phone and that friend of yours Tara I believe was her name answered it and she told me what was going on”. He explained. “I got the first flight out of LA where I am doing a promotion for a new movie”.
They both heard someone clear there throat. De turned to look at Nick.
“Johnny this is Nick Carter and Nick this is Johnny Depp”. She introduced.
Johnny extended his hand out but Nick only grunted. He shrugged and turned his attention back over De.
“I was wondering if you are interested in having dinner with me”? “I really like you a lot and want to get to know you better”.
Before she could answer Nick stepped in. “De and I were kind of having a discussion before so could you please take a hike.
“Oh I am so sorry to interrupt you and your boyfriend”. “I didn’t know that you had one”.
“I don’t Nick just” she started
“I got to her before you did pretty boy” Nick sneered.
“Oh and did you get an answer” He challenged Nick.
“I haven’t answered Nick yet and frankly I need some time to think so if you both won’t mind” she replied.
“Ok I will go but you have to give us an answer on which it’s going to be” Nick told her.
“I know and you will get my answer soon” De promised. “I just need some real time to figure things out.
“Take all the time you need” Johnny assured her. He shot a look at Nick. “I sure as hell am not going anywhere”.
“Me either” Nick said.
Both boys walked out and wet in there separate ways and De closed it.
“ What in hell am I going to do”.