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Chapter 7
Tara and Callie made there rounds around the crowded club. They weaved there way through the dancers and to all the tables
“I don’t see any hot guys here that look single” Callie said.
“I know the only guys that look available are ones that look like they came out of a horror film” Tara agreed.
Callie sighed. “Well IM going to go back and sit at the table”. “You coming”.
“Ill be there in a minute I just want to get a drink from the bar” Tara replied.
“Kevin already got are drinks” Callie pointed out.
“Well I don’t want that kind anymore” Tara snapped.
Callie backed up a little. “I’m sorry”.
Tara sighed. “No IM sorry IM just in a bad mood”
Callie nodded. “Well I’m going back to the table I will see you in a bit.
Tara watched as Callie disappeared into the crowd and walked to the bar. She still felt bad about snapping at Callie like that.
“What can I get you” The bartender asked.
“Ill take a mountain dew” She said.
She wasn’t into drinking and she knew that they would have carted her and she would have been under age. The bartender handed her the drink moments later and she paid the guy. Tara took a sip of her drink and sat down on one of the seats at the bar. She wanted to be alone for a few minutes before she joined Callie at the table.
“Is this seat taken:” a voice asked?
Tara looked over to see one of the hottest guys she had ever seen smiling sweetly.
“No” She replied looking away.
From the corner of her eyes she saw him sit down and look at her.
“Whats a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all by yourself for”. He asked her.
Tara faced her self looking into his eyes. The mysterious man was about five eight and had brown hair and brown eyes. She envisioned under the tight black muscle shirt was a six pack just waiting for her to touch. She realized that he had asked her a question.
“IM thirsty” She replied.
She immediately felt like kicking herself. “That had to be the lamest thing you could have said” she scolded herself.
“Well I can see that” He laughed pointing to the drink she was holding. “What’s your name”?
“Tara” She answered sticking out her hand.
“Oh that’s a pretty name for a babe” He said.
Tara blushed. “You have a name”?
The guy grinned. “Yeah Actually I do”.
Tara looked at him expectantly. “Well”.
“Well what” he asked as innocently as he could.
“Your name Are you going to tell me what it is” Tara laughed.
“Oh yes the name is Matt” He replied taking her extended hand and giving it a shake.
There were a few minutes of silence and finally Matt turned to Tara. “Want to dance”.
Tara shrugged. “Sure”.
Matt lead her to the dance floor and a fast tine was playing. Tara learned very quickly what an awesome dancer Matt was. He kept her moving that was for sure. Tara looked over her shoulder and spotted Kevin dancing with the girl. He looked incredibly bored.
“Good” She thought bitterly.
She knew that she was being childish and that was jut jealousy talking but hr couldn’t help it. She watched as the girl kissed Kevin on the mouth. Tara blinked back tears and noticed Kevin looking right at her. Tara quickly looked away. Thankfully the song ended.
“Hey you want to come meet some of my friends” Tara asked.
Matt shrugged “Sure and how about after that you let me take you somewhere quiet where we can talk privately”.
“Ok sounds good to me” Tara replied.
Tara than grabbed his hand and led him to the table. Nick, De, Callie and Brian were all at the table.
“Guys I want you to meet Matt” She said once she had reached the group.
They all were pleasant and said Hi except for De. She looked him up and down and had a look of distaste.
“IM going to go out with him so don’t wait up”. She told them.
“Can I talk to you for a minute” De asked but didn’t really give Tara much of a chance to answer. She grabbed her arm and steered her away to a quieter spot.
“What” Tara asked?
“I don’t think that you should go out with him” De told her seriously.
Tara put her hands on her hips. “And why the hell not”.
“Because I have a very bad feeling about that guy” De told her.
De was known for having bad feelings and visions of something bad happening and it being right.
“Well you have nothing to worry about he is a nice guy” Tara defended.
“I’m being serious here I don’t like him”.
“You don’t even know him” Tara defended.
“Neither do you” De retorted.
“Look maybe IM tired of not having a boyfriend and watching the guy I have a crush on hardly know that I exist or your constant flirting with Nick when you need to tell him how you feel and I met Matt and he is cute, nice and actually seems to like me so if you please excuse me I have plans”. With that Tara stalked off.
De sighed in frustration. Tara was so stubborn and never listened to anything she ever said.
“Well if she gets into trouble IM not bailing her ass out” She said to herself. She knew damn well that wasn’t true. She was the kind of friend that helped her friends out.
De walked over to the table and sat down in her seat next to Nick. She tried to forget about Tara and concentrate on having fun but the feeling she had just kept getting worse. “Something bad is about to happen” she though to herself sadly. “The question is what”?