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As each guy ran on stage the audience erupted in a roar of screaming girls. The guy performed their first set of songs after which they ran off stage to quickly change their clothes. They quickly changed and ran back onto the stage and began singing their next set of songs.
In the middle of 'I Want it That Wat' Nick went to the front of the stage to sing his part to a few of the girls on the front row.
"Don't wanna hear you say..." He sand and bent over to help emphasize the effect. He continued until he felt a draft. But this wasn't no ordinary draft, it felt like a draft near his butt. He turned around and faced the guys who were trying to sing and keep themselves from laughing. The girls on the front few rows yelled with pure pleasure of seeing one of their favorite backstreet boys' boxers through his pants. Nick's face turned a bright crimson as he looked up at the big screen behind the stage. There was a picture of him and the back of his pants were completely open showing his red boxers. After 'I want it that way' was complete was over Nick quickly ran backstage and changed into another pair of pants. He knew who did it and was already planning his revenge on her. He ran back on stage and finished the show.

*After The Show*
Jenny was backstage in her dressing room still trying to control her laughter. She watched the guys' performance from the backstage monitors. Everyone in the room watching the show on the monitors practically fell to the ground from laughing so hard. Now she was actually dreading being on the same bus as them. Not just because of the pranks that she played on the guys but because of Nick. Earlier, when they hugged they looked at each other there was something there in his eyes and that scared Jennifer. She'd never seen a guy look at her in that way before and she didn't know what the look ment.

*At The Same Time*
After getting over the initial shock of what happened on stage, Nick finally grasped the fact that he was just embarassed infront of thousands of people. But to his surprise he wasn't feeling any fragments of anger.
He was off in his own world and wasn't paying really any attention to anything around him.
"NICK?!?" Kevin said snapping his fingers infront of Nick's face..
"What are you thinking about?" AJ asked.
"He's probably plotting something against Jennifer." Brian said.
"No, actually I'm not."
"Well what are you going to do to get back at her for what she did to you?" Brian asked.
"I don't even know if I want to try and get her back."
"Why not?" Howie asked.
"Yeah why not? She completely embarassed you infront of a couple thousand people." Brian said shocked at Nick's behavior.
"I dunno. I just don't feel like playing revenge. And what's the point in fighting fire with fire?"
"I don't understand you man, you've lost it."
"No I haven't." he said getting up. "If any one needs me, I'll be on the bus."

*At The Same Time*
"Jenny you are so me." She thought to herself. "Well I guess I might as well head to the bus and get settled in before the guys come there."
She hopped onto the bus and walked to her bunk and layed down. There she instantly fell asleep.

*At The Same Time*
Nick walked through the crowd of screaming girls to the door that led to the buses. He quickly got on and walked down the aisle. He saw someones arm sticking out of one of the bunks. Curiousity got the best of him and he opened the curtains. He saw Jenny lying there peacefully asleep. He smiled to himself for some unknown reason.
He looked at her for a few minutes and then wiped the few loose strands of hair out of her face. He didn't remove his hand from her face but continued to gently caress he warm skin.
Jenny slowly began to wake up. She felt a warm, tender touch rubbing the side of her face. She woke up and looked up into a set of deep blue eyes.
They looked at each other for a few minutes, neither of them saying a word.
"Nick..." She whispered.
"Shhh..." He said putting a finger over her mouth. "Go back to sleep."
With that he walked off to the Entertainment Room.

*Five Days Later*
"Everybody off!" The bus driver yelled as they pulled up to a hotel where they would be staying for a few nights.
Everybody slowly got off and headed to their individual rooms.
They all were on the same floor. AJ was the closests to the elevator. Kevin was across from him. Howie was beside AJ, Nick was beside Howie. Brian was beside Kevin Kevin and Jenny was next to Brian.
Jenny went into her room and unpacked a few things so she would feel more comfortable and more at home. But all she could do was think about Nick. She tried resting but it didn't really work. They hadn't spoken in two days. She wanted to know what he was thinking but didn't want to ask.