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Sugar and Spice and Everything Funny

Summary: Fred is going through interesting changes. How would he and others adjust to this sudden change? I always wanted to write a Fred and George Weasley story. (It still needs some editing. I have a form of dyslexia, which is difficult for me to spot the spelling and grammar problems.)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters or any thing that is from Harry Potter Books. I just wrote the story.

Chapter 01 * I Will Hex You Into Next Week

“C’mon Fred. Madame Pomfrey said you might not stay this way.” George said to his twin brother as they walked to Hogsmead. It was not very cold out, but Fred was dressed for winter. He had his hood up and his scarf wrapped around his face, the only part of him that anyone could see was his eyes. He walked with his arms crossed in front of him. “You can’t stay hidden like this forever. Everyone will find out eventually.” Fred did not say a word but just look straight ahead. “You’re scaring me can you do something.” Fred unfolded his arms and held up his slender hand with his middle finger up. “I see you’re mad at me.” Fred folded his arms back up. “This is not my fault.” Fred rolled his eyes.

“What’s not your fault?” George turned around to see his younger brother, Ron, with his best friends, Harry and Hermione.

“Nothing. Fred being a bit of a woman.” Fred for the first time since they left the castle finally looked at him, only just to glare at him. To George the glare looked like his mother’s glare more then ever.

“Did you two hear that bang last night?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, it was us. We had a bit of a mishap with one of our inventions. Nothing to worry about.” Fred let out a tiny chuckle.

“What’s with you?” Ron asked Fred.

“Nothing he’s just suffering from the effects of the potion.”

“Let me guess? His face is covered in boils?”

“He wishes those were the effects,” George said.

“What is wrong with him?” Hermione asked.

“You know mood swings, low body image, a bit emotional, and need to share feeling, one of those week out of a month problems.” Fred turned to him pointing at him.

“You are an ass!” He yelled in a high voice before storming off.

“Fred, come back here!” George ran after him along with the trio.

“No!” George grabbed him by the arm. “Don’t you man handle me, you jerk!” Ripping his arm of George’s grip.

“What going on?” Ron yelled. “I’ve never seen you two like this.”

“You’re going to have to reveal yourself soon.” George said to Fred. “You might as well start them.” Fred sighed deeply and turned to the others.

“Any of you starts laughing. I will hex you into next week.” Fred pulled his hood back and started to unwrap his head.

“Oh my god.” Hermione gasped while Ron held back his laughter at the sight of his brother.

“Fred?” Harry asked. Fred was a girl.