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Chapter 03 * I Always Wanted a Sister

“You can stop that any time?” Fred said as she watched her only little sister cackled away. “Now would be nice.” Fred had hid out in her new room for the rest of the weekend. Then Monday morning she got George to get Ginny so she can tell her, if Ron’s big mouth had not told her first. Ginny clutch her stomach and wheeze for air. “I know this is tearing you up inside but you really shouldn’t hold your feeling in like this. It’s just not healthy.”

“I’m sorry.” She giggled.

“You don’t seem sorry.” Ginny stood up straight.

“I’m sorry, but this is all to funny to me. I never thought one of you would actually turn yourselves into a girl.”

“Neither did I.”

“I have to admit you look pretty good for some one who use to be a boy. I’ve seen pictures of people who have had sex changes. Most of them never look this good.” She took Fred’s chin and lifted her head. “You don’t even have an Adam’s apple.” She then moved Fred’s head to the side. “Your nose has gotten smaller and your eyes are a bit narrow. You don’t even look like you any more.” She let go of her former bother’s chin. “So you’re a full girl, parts and all?”

“Pretty much.”

“Wow. Does Percy know, yet?”


“Are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t feel like it.”

“You know what, Fred?”

“What, Ginny?”

“I always wanted a sister.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get to use to it.” Fred spotted Wood leaving the Great Hall. “Hey Wood!” Fred said waving to him. Wood looked at her then walked away mumbling to himself.

“What’s with him?” Ginny asked.

“I think he maybe under a little pressure this year.” Ginny left with her friends for their first class. Fred waited for her brother and friends to leave the Great Hall. Her friends had not see this change yet except for his room mates, who she threaten to hurt them very badly if they told anyone. She told them after she beat the crap out if Lee. The first one to see her was Lee, who hid behind Angelina. Then George was the next to see her.

“Here I got you a muffin.” He tossed it to her.

“Thanks, that is really sweet of you.” She started to walk with them as if nothing had changed. Everyone was looking at them weird. Alicia was the first to break the silences.

“So George, are you going to introduces us?”

“Why would I need to do that?” George asked clueless.

“We’ve never met your friend here?” Angelina said.

“Friend? Who? Her?” Pointing at Fred. “I don’t need to introduces her to you. You already know her.”

“No, we don’t.” Angelina said.

“I can’t believe you don’t remember me.” Fred said pouting. “I’m so hared to forget about.”

“Who are you?” Alicia asked.

“Since you don’t know I’ll give you a couple hints. We’ve been on the same Quiddtich team for um…four years now. And I’m the other red head on the team.” Both their eyes got wide.

“FRED!” They yelled at the same time.

“In the flesh.” She said before turning into the classroom.

“How’d you do that?” Angelina asked.

“I have no idea.” They put the stuff down at their desks.

“No really, how you do it?”

“That’s the thing you see, I haven’t got a clue how.”

“You are able to turn back?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I wish I was.”